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Remarkable Congo River Facts
Contributed by: Sweeney
  • 1. The Congo River is not only the deepest river in the world, with depths reaching over 720 feet in some areas, but also the second-largest river by discharge volume. It flows through the heart of Africa, covering over 2,900 miles as it meanders through dense rainforests and diverse ecosystems. The river is vital for transportation and sustenance for millions of people living along its banks, supporting agriculture, fishing, and trade. Its rich biodiversity includes hundreds of fish species, including the mighty African tigerfish, as well as iconic wildlife such as gorillas and elephants that rely on its waters. The Congo River holds a significant place in African history and culture, being a source of inspiration for art, literature, and folklore. Its powerful currents and stunning landscapes make it a truly remarkable natural wonder.

    What is the length of the Congo River?
A) 5,500 kilometers
B) 4,700 kilometers
C) 6,800 kilometers
D) 3,200 kilometers
  • 2. In which continent is the Congo River located?
A) Australia
B) South America
C) Africa
D) Asia
  • 3. What is the largest city along the Congo River?
A) Mbandaka
B) Brazzaville
C) Kinshasa
D) Kisangani
  • 4. What is the name of the unique rapids on the Congo River?
A) Iguaçu Falls
B) Niagara Falls
C) Livingstone Falls
D) Victoria Falls
  • 5. What is the approximate discharge of the Congo River into the Atlantic Ocean?
A) 50,000 cubic meters per second
B) 41,000 cubic meters per second
C) 30,000 cubic meters per second
D) 60,000 cubic meters per second
  • 6. What is the name of the famous novelist who wrote 'Heart of Darkness' about the Congo River?
A) Mark Twain
B) Jane Austen
C) Joseph Conrad
D) Charles Dickens
  • 7. Which famous waterfall is located near the source of the Congo River?
A) Niagara Falls
B) Iguaçu Falls
C) Victoria Falls
D) Angel Falls
  • 8. Which European country colonized the region around the Congo River?
A) Belgium
B) Spain
C) Portugal
D) France
  • 9. What is the main economic activity along the Congo River?
A) Tourism
B) Mining
C) Fishing
D) Agriculture
  • 10. Which African country has the largest portion of the Congo River basin within its borders?
A) Republic of Congo
B) Sudan
C) Democratic Republic of the Congo
D) Angola
  • 11. The Congo River has the second largest flow of all the rivers in the world, after which river?
A) Amazon River
B) Mississippi River
C) Nile River
D) Yangtze River
  • 12. What was the original name of the Congo River before being named by European explorers?
A) Zaire River
B) Kasai River
C) Kubango River
D) Lualaba River
  • 13. The Congo River discharges into which body of water?
A) Atlantic Ocean
B) Mediterranean Sea
C) Indian Ocean
D) Arctic Ocean
  • 14. Which famous explorer navigated a section of the Congo River in the 19th century?
A) Christopher Columbus
B) Vasco da Gama
C) Henry Morton Stanley
D) Ferdinand Magellan
  • 15. Which African lake does the Congo River connect to in its upper course?
A) Lake Malawi
B) Lake Turkana
C) Lake Tanganyika
D) Lake Victoria
  • 16. The Congo River passes through primarily which type of biome?
A) Savanna
B) Tundra
C) Tropical Rainforest
D) Desert
  • 17. What role does the Congo River play in sustaining local communities?
A) It provides food, water, and transport.
B) It causes flooding and destruction.
C) It leads to famine and drought.
D) It has no significant impact on communities.
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