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Swiss democracy
Contributed by: Payne
  • 1. Swiss democracy is a unique system known for its direct democratic principles. Switzerland operates under a federal system where power is divided between the national government and cantonal governments. Citizens have a high level of participation in decision-making through instruments such as referendums and popular initiatives. This decentralization of power allows for localized governance and ensures that the voice of the people is heard in various policy matters. The Swiss political system is characterized by inclusivity, transparency, and a deep respect for individual rights and liberties.

    Which of the following is true about the Swiss system of government?
A) It is a fascist regime.
B) It is an absolute monarchy.
C) It is a direct democracy.
D) It is a communist dictatorship.
  • 2. What is the name of the Swiss Parliament?
A) Federal Assembly
B) Federal Council
C) National Congress
D) Swiss Senate
  • 3. How many official languages does Switzerland have?
A) 4
B) 1
C) 2
D) 6
  • 4. What is the name of the Swiss executive branch?
A) Federal Council
B) Ministry of State
C) Presidential Office
D) Chancellery
  • 5. In Swiss referendums, what proportion of the electorate must vote for the referendum to be considered valid?
A) 75%
B) 90%
C) 50%
D) 25%
  • 6. When was the Swiss Federal Constitution adopted?
A) 1900
B) 1776
C) 1962
D) 1848
  • 7. What is the name of the Swiss bicameral system's upper house?
A) Senate
B) Federal Assembly
C) Council of States
D) National Council
  • 8. How often are federal elections held in Switzerland?
A) Every 8 years
B) Every 4 years
C) Every 6 years
D) Every 2 years
  • 9. Which aspect of Swiss democracy allows citizens to challenge laws passed by the parliament?
A) Recall
B) Initiative
C) Popular Assembly
D) Referendum
  • 10. What is the federal capital of Switzerland?
A) Lucerne
B) Geneva
C) Zurich
D) Bern
  • 11. Which multinational organization has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland?
B) United Nations
C) European Union
D) World Bank
  • 12. Switzerland is not part of which international organization?
B) European Union
C) World Health Organization
  • 13. What is the most widely spoken language in Switzerland?
A) French
B) Romansh
C) Italian
D) German
  • 14. What is the official currency of Switzerland?
A) Euro
B) Swiss Franc
C) Dollar
D) Pound
  • 15. Which Swiss city is known for hosting the annual World Economic Forum?
A) Zurich
B) Davos
C) Geneva
D) Bern
  • 16. Which Swiss political party is generally considered to be on the more left-wing side of the spectrum?
A) FDP.The Liberals
B) Green Party
C) Social Democratic Party
D) Swiss People's Party
  • 17. Which Swiss canton is the only one to have Italian as its sole official language?
A) Ticino
B) Bern
C) Zug
D) Uri
  • 18. What is the name of the Swiss national holiday celebrated annually on August 1st?
A) Swiss National Day
B) Unity Day
C) Independence Day
D) Federation Day
  • 19. Switzerland is composed of how many cantons?
A) 31
B) 15
C) 20
D) 26
  • 20. Which Swiss political party advocates for environmental protection and sustainability?
A) FDP.The Liberals
B) Christian Democratic People's Party
C) Green Party
D) Swiss People's Party
  • 21. What is the name of the Swiss lower house in the Federal Assembly?
A) Council of States
B) National Council
C) Parliamentary Assembly
D) Federal Assembly
  • 22. Which Swiss city is known for its status as an international financial hub?
A) Zurich
B) Geneva
C) Basel
D) Bern
  • 23. What is the name of the Swiss system that allows citizens to propose changes to the constitution?
A) Direct Proposition
B) Referendum
C) Initiative
D) Citizen's Petition
  • 24. How many chambers does the Swiss Federal Assembly, the Swiss legislature, consist of?
A) Four
B) Two
C) Three
D) Five
  • 25. In what year did women in Switzerland gain the right to vote at the federal level?
A) 1985
B) 2000
C) 1954
D) 1971
  • 26. What is the traditional Swiss dish made of melted cheese and bread, commonly served in a communal pot?
A) Fondue
B) Raclette
C) Gruyère
D) Bircher Muesli
  • 27. What is the term for an agreement between two or more cantons in Switzerland?
A) Pact
B) Convention
C) Concordat
D) Treaty
  • 28. Which Swiss city hosts the headquarters of many international organizations, including the United Nations Office?
A) Zurich
B) Bern
C) Basel
D) Geneva
  • 29. What system is used to elect members of the Swiss Parliament?
A) First-past-the-post
B) Block vote
C) Proportional representation
D) Single transferable vote
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