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Paul’s role in God’s plan for Gentiles
Contributed by: Haynes
  • 1. Paul's role in God's plan for the Gentiles is pivotal, as he emerges as a key figure in the early Christian church, tasked with the mission of spreading the message of Jesus Christ beyond the boundaries of Judaism to a predominantly Gentile audience. Through his extensive missionary journeys across the Roman Empire, Paul passionately advocated for the inclusion of Gentiles into the fold of Christianity, emphasizing that faith in Christ, rather than adherence to the Mosaic Law, was the pathway to salvation. His epistles, rich with theological insight, articulate the belief that Gentiles are co-heirs with Israel in the promises of God, thereby dismantling barriers of ethnicity and religious tradition. Paul’s experiences, such as his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus, uniquely qualified him as a messenger of grace, showcasing how God's love transcends cultural and religious divisions. By establishing Gentile congregations and confronting Jewish exclusivism, Paul not only shaped the early church's identity but also fulfilled God's overarching plan of redemption for all people, ultimately illustrating the Gospel's transformative power in uniting diverse communities under the banner of Christ.

    What was Paul’s original name?
A) James
B) Peter
C) Saul
D) John
  • 2. Which city did Paul first visit on his missionary journey?
A) Rome
B) Jerusalem
C) Antioch
D) Cyprus
  • 3. Which council confirmed Paul's mission to the Gentiles?
A) Council of Ephesus
B) Council of Jerusalem
C) Council of Nicaea
D) Council of Chalcedon
  • 4. In which book does Paul discuss the mystery of the Gospel for the Gentiles?
A) Ephesians
B) Galatians
C) Philippians
D) Romans
  • 5. What term describes Paul’s approach to share the Gospel with Gentiles?
A) High Priest
B) Evangelist
C) Apostle to the Gentiles
D) Disciple
  • 6. Which epistle highlights freedom from the law for Gentiles?
A) Galatians
B) Colossians
C) James
D) 1 Peter
  • 7. Where was Paul when he had his conversion experience?
A) In Rome
B) In Antioch
C) In Jerusalem
D) On the road to Damascus
  • 8. Who traveled with Paul during his first missionary journey?
A) Luke
B) Barnabas
C) Timothy
D) Silas
  • 9. In which city did Paul deliver a famous sermon about an unknown God?
A) Athens
B) Thessalonica
C) Corinth
D) Ephesus
  • 10. What was Paul’s profession before becoming an apostle?
A) Tentmaker
B) Fisherman
C) Tax collector
D) Pharisee
  • 11. Who was a prominent Gentile convert through Paul's ministry?
A) Lydia
B) Philemon
C) Cornelius
D) Nicodemus
  • 12. Which chapter discusses the fruit of the Spirit, emphasizing Christian living?
A) Philippians 4
B) Ephesians 6
C) Galatians 5
D) Romans 12
  • 13. What was the outcome of Paul’s first Missionary Journey?
A) Establishment of churches
B) Conversion of no one
C) Immediate rejection by all
D) Return to Judaism
  • 14. In which city was Paul born?
A) Tarsus
B) Jerusalem
C) Rome
D) Antioch
  • 15. Which Roman citizen ship did Paul hold?
A) Roman citizenship
B) Hebrew citizenship
C) Egyptian citizenship
D) Greek citizenship
  • 16. Whom did Paul encounter on the road to Damascus?
A) Stephen
B) James
C) Jesus
D) Peter
  • 17. What topic is central to Paul’s letters to Gentile communities?
A) Politics and power
B) Grace and faith
C) Law and sacrifice
D) Tradition and rituals
  • 18. How many missionary journeys did Paul undertake?
A) Five
B) Four
C) Two
D) Three
  • 19. Which city did Paul establish a significant church in?
A) Nazareth
B) Bethlehem
C) Jericho
D) Corinth
  • 20. In which chapter of Acts is Paul’s conversion described?
A) Acts 9
B) Acts 7
C) Acts 10
D) Acts 12
  • 21. What was one of the key messages of Paul's letters to the Gentiles?
A) Only Jews can be saved
B) Works must accompany faith
C) Faith in Christ is sufficient
D) Follow the law to be saved
  • 22. What did Paul stress about his apostleship?
A) It was based on Jewish heritage
B) It was through the apostles
C) It was self-appointed
D) It was through Jesus Christ
  • 23. What aspect of God’s plan did Paul believe was specifically for the Gentiles?
A) Permanent separation
B) Exclusion from the law
C) Special privileges
D) Inclusion in salvation
  • 24. What type of letters did Paul primarily write?
A) Epistles
B) Prophecies
C) Gospels
D) Psalms
  • 25. Paul wrote about spiritual gifts primarily in which letter?
A) Galatians
B) Philippians
C) Ephesians
D) 1 Corinthians
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