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AIC PHE 1st Term Exam for JS 1 2022/2023
Contributed by: College
  • 1. Which of the following is not an activity during recreation?
A) Watching T.V
B) Sporting
C) Playing ludo
D) Buying and selling
  • 2. Activities carried out pleasurably and voluntarily during free time are called______.
A) Recreation
B) Leisure
C) Life style
D) Occupation
  • 3. All these are recreational activities except _____.
A) Canoeing
B) Free fun time
C) Hiking
D) Fighting
  • 4. Recreational activities could be done both _______.
A) Summer and winter
B) Outdoor and nextdoor
C) Indoor and summer
D) Indoor and outdoor
  • 5. ______is an example of non contact sport.
A) Rugby
B) Gymnastics
C) Karate
D) Soccer
  • 6. Examples of non contact sport include the following except ______.
A) Swimming
B) Volleyball
C) Soccer
D) Tennis
  • 7. _________ are performed outside or in an open place such as parks ,game reserves, sport fields,etc.
A) Indoor games
B) Outdoor games
C) Recreations
D) Outlet games
  • 8. Soccer originated from ______.
A) Spain
B) Germany
C) Greece
D) Holland
  • 9. Which of the following is not an equipment used in soccer?
A) jersey
B) whistle
C) net
D) towel
  • 10. __________ is the abnormal way of holding or carrying the body during performance or various activities due to deviation from the normal axis of the bone.
A) Abnormal standing
B) Posture
C) Muscular weakness
D) Postural defect
  • 11. Which of the following is a function of vitamin A?
A) It regulates the body temperature.
B) It protects the body against diseases.
C) It repairs and replaces worn out tissues.
D) It helps the body to function well.
  • 12. __________ is the science of food.
A) Health
B) Balance diet
C) Nutrition
D) Protein
  • 13. Pathogens found in foods and water cause _________ diseases.
A) Malaria
B) Chicken pox
C) Fever
D) Typhoid
  • 14. The agents causing diseases are called......
A) Pathogens
B) Virus
C) Pathology
  • 15. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of contact sport?
A) It improves body structure.
B) It improves self image.
C) It is a means of livelihood.
D) It causes sickness
  • 16. Which of the following is a way of maintaining good posture?
A) Sitting in wrong position
B) Eating plenty food
C) Adequate rest and sleep
D) Working excessively
  • 17. ______ are organisms which transmit the disease causing organisms from an infected person to an uninfected person.
A) Fungi
B) Bacteria
C) Worms
D) Vectors
  • 18. Which of the following is not a skill used in soccer?
A) Tackling
B) Heading
C) Throwing
D) Pushing
  • 19. An example of a contact sport is ......
A) swimming
B) cricket
C) tennis
D) boxing
  • 20. Football match is started by _______.
A) kick off
B) service
C) center passing
D) shootout
  • 21. The best method of lifting an object from the floor is by ________.
A) bending from the neck down
B) sitting down on the floor
C) bending the trunk
D) going down from side
  • 22. Factors responsible for poor posture include the following except _______.
A) illness
B) bad posture habits
C) adequate diet
D) accident
  • 23. Which of these is not a postural defects?
A) Scoliosis
B) Flat foot
C) Lordosis
D) Low hip
  • 24. The three postural defects are _______ ,________ and _________.
A) lordosis, kyphosis, and mesomorph
B) kyphosis, mesomorph, and lordosis
C) endomorph, mesomorph, and kletomorphy
D) endomorph, scoliosis and lordosis
  • 25. Which of the following is an example of inorganic food?
A) Minetal salt
B) Carbohydrate
C) Fat and oil
D) Protein
  • 26. __________ is a substance which when taken into the body yields materials which can produce energy and substances for growth and repair of our body tissues.
A) Adequate Exercise
B) Nutrition
C) Balance diet
D) Food
  • 27. Pathogen found in food and water can cause _______ disease.
A) malaria
B) yellow fever
C) chicken pox
D) thypoid
  • 28. _______ is the process by which the body takes in and utilises food.
A) Health
B) Digestion
C) Nutrition
D) Balanced diet
  • 29. Gymnastic performer is referred to as a _______.
A) gymnast
B) gymner
C) gymnasto
D) gymnester
  • 30. Protein can be obtained from the following except ________.
A) meat
B) bread
C) milk
D) vegetables
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