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English 2 First Partial Exam September 2020
Contributed by: Rivero
  • 1. I’m not _______ today.
A) have working
B) worked
C) working
D) didn't work
E) work
  • 2. I ________ living and working in London.
A) can
B) love
C) don't
D) want
E) can't
  • 3. She doesn’t ________ when to say “please” or “excuse me”.
A) knows
B) knowing
C) known
D) know
E) knowed
  • 4. Jan usually ________ in the evening, but this month, he’s working in the mornings.
A) doesn't work
B) works
C) does
D) is working
E) isn't working
  • 5. A: Do you want to play with me? B: Sorry, but __________ at this moment.
A) I'watches a film
B) I was watching a film
C) I'm watching a film
D) I'm watch a film
E) I'm watched a film
  • 6. I'm not interested in football. It's so _________.
A) delicious
B) boring
C) alright
D) amazing
E) perfect
  • 7. Thanks for the chocolates, they were ____________.
A) rude
B) strange
C) awful
D) delicious
E) boring
  • 8. Look at this beautiful weather. It's a ___________ day to go to the beach.
A) rude
B) awful
C) delicious
D) perfect
E) boring
  • 9. The film we saw last night was really _________ I didn't understand it at all.
A) perfect
B) awful
C) boring
D) rude
E) amazing
  • 10. The band were _________! It was the best concert I've ever been to.
A) delicious
B) perfect
C) amazing
D) alright
E) rude
  • 11. Find the mistake. When I had fifteen, I was a shop assistant in a bakery at the weekend. I was at work by 6.00 every Saturday.
A) a
B) was
C) by
D) had
E) at
  • 12. When my parents were in South America, they ______________ many countries for three months.
A) landed
B) travelled around
C) took off
D) hitchhiked
E) boarded
  • 13. When I was eighteen, I decided to know some cities. So, I ___________ because I wanted some adventure.
A) landed
B) hitchhiked
C) took off
D) boarded
E) missed
  • 14. My friends didn’t wake up early, so, they ___________ the bus. They walked then.
A) took off
B) missed
C) hitchhiked
D) boarded
E) landed
  • 15. I’m going to pick up my brother in the airport. The plane __________ fifteen minutes ago.
A) travelled around
B) landed
C) boarded
D) hitchhiked
E) took off
  • 16. Find the mistake. I was eating a piece of cake at home when I calling by the police.
A) the
B) eating
C) at
D) calling
E) when
  • 17. Find the mistake. When my mom drived me to the airport, we saw a man playing his guitar in the park.
A) to
B) playing
C) drived
D) saw
E) on
  • 18. Find the mistake. Martin Cooper, who worked for Motorola in the USA, was making the first mobile phone in 1973.
A) was making
B) for
C) in
D) who
E) mobile
  • 19. Find the mistake. The first real laptop were the Grid Compass. A British man, William Moggridge , made it in 1979 for GRID systems Corporation.
A) The first
B) were
C) for
D) made
E) A British man
  • 20. Find the mistake. A German-Brazilian, Andreas Pavel, made the Stereobelt in 1972. It have headphones and used cassettes. Pavel wanted people to have music everywhere.
A) made
B) wanted
C) used
D) have
E) A German-Brazilian
  • 21. There was once an Indian king ___________ Shahriyar. One day King Shahriyar ******his wife with another man. So, King Shahriyar ***** his wife and his lover. After that, King Shahriyar ****** a different woman every day. One day, King Shahriyar had a daughter, her name ****** Shahrazad.
A) found
B) killed
C) called
D) married
E) was
  • 22. There was once an Indian king ***** Shahriyar. One day King Shahriyar ________ his wife with another man. So, King Shahriyar ***** his wife and his lover. After that, King Shahriyar ****** a different woman every day. One day, King Shahriyar had a daughter, her name ****** Shahrazad.
A) was
B) killed
C) married
D) called
E) found
  • 23. There was once an Indian king ***** Shahriyar. One day King Shahriyar ***** his wife with another man. So, King Shahriyar _________________ his wife and his lover. After that, King Shahriyar***** a different woman every day. One day, King Shahriyar had a daughter, her name ***** Shahrazad.
A) killed
B) was
C) found
D) called
E) married
  • 24. There was once an Indian king ***** Shahriyar. One day King Shahriyar *****_ his wife with another man. So, King Shahriyar ***** his wife and his lover. After that, King Shahriyar _______________ a different woman every day. One day, King Shahriyar had a daughter, her name ******Shahrazad.
A) was
B) married
C) killed
D) found
E) called
  • 25. There was once an Indian king ****Shahriyar. One day King Shahriyar ***** his wife with another man. So, King Shahriyar_***** his wife and his lover. After that, King Shahriyar *****a different woman every day. One day, King Shahriyar had a daughter, her name _________ Shahrazad.
A) was
B) married
C) killed
D) found
E) called
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