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Crown of Thorns
Contributed by: Butler
  • 1. What is the scientific name of Crown of Thorns plant?
A) Thorny succulent
B) Spurge plant
C) Poison Ivy
D) Euphorbia milii
  • 2. What is the typical color of the flowers of Crown of Thorns plant?
A) White
B) Red
C) Yellow
D) Blue
  • 3. How can you propagate a Crown of Thorns plant?
A) Plant seeds
B) Air layering
C) Division
D) Cuttings
  • 4. Which family does the Crown of Thorns plant belong to?
A) Cactus
B) Fabaceae
C) Rosaceae
D) Euphorbiaceae
  • 5. What are the alternative names for the Crown of Thorns plant?
A) Thorned Rose, Blood Crown
B) Red Spikes, Spiny Star
C) Thorny King, Thorny Devil
D) Christ plant, Christ Thorn
  • 6. How can you prevent overwatering of a Crown of Thorns plant?
A) Use well-draining soil
B) Mist the plant daily
C) Place in a humid environment
D) Water from the bottom
  • 7. What is the common pest problem faced by Crown of Thorns plants?
A) Aphids
B) Whiteflies
C) Spider mites
D) Mealybugs
  • 8. What do the thorns of a Crown of Thorns plant help protect it from?
A) Herbivores
B) Heat stress
C) Frost
D) Disease
  • 9. Where is the Crown of Thorns plant native to?
A) Amazon Rainforest
B) Australia
C) Sahara Desert
D) Madagascar
  • 10. Which part of the Crown of Thorns plant is toxic if ingested?
A) Sap
B) Stems
C) Flowers
D) Leaves
  • 11. Which type of light is best for the Crown of Thorns plant?
A) Direct sunlight
B) Bright indirect light
C) Low light
D) Full shade
  • 12. Which famous Indian leader is known to have mentioned the Crown of Thorns plant in his works?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Indira Gandhi
D) Rabindranath Tagore
  • 13. What famous landmark is said to have a replica of the Crown of Thorns made from the plant?
A) Great Wall of China
B) Notre Dame Cathedral
C) Taj Mahal
D) Eiffel Tower
  • 14. How many petals does a typical flower of the Crown of Thorns plant have?
A) 6
B) 8
C) 3
D) 5
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