- 1. The following are animation styles of Microsoft PowerPoint, except_____
A) Motion B) Emphasis C) Entrance D) Exit
- 2. It is a readymade style that can be used for a presentation?
A) Layout B) Merge C) Presentation D) Template
- 3. It refers to the motion effects that occur in the Slide Show view when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation?
A) Custom slides B) Slides C) Transition D) Custom Animation
- 4. This shortcut key is used to start a presentation from the beginning
A) ALT +F4 B) ALT F4 CTRL + ALT +F5 C) ALT +F5 D) F5
- 5. a powerful presentation software that helps you produce an effective presentation in the form of on-screen slides
- 6. provides hyperlinks and several animation styles such as Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion Paths
- 7. Is a single page of a presentation
A) Design template B) Slide show bottom C) Template D) Slide
- 8. are pre-designed graphic styles that you can apply to your slides
A) Slide show template B) Microsoft C) Design templates D) Slide
- 9. a collection of pages arranged in sequence
A) Template B) Slide show bottom C) Slide D) Design templates
- 10. you may press ____ if you want to start your presentation from the beginning of the slides or you may click the slide show button to display the current slide in the presentation
A) F7 B) F6 C) F5 D) F4
- 11. a set of effects which can be applied to texts or graphics within a
A) Slide show B) Animation C) Presentation views D) Transition
- 12. Animation is a set of effects which can be applied to _______ within a slide
- 13. are motion effects that when in Slide Show view add movement to your slides as you advance from one slide to another.
A) Presentation views B) Transition C) Slide D) Slide bottom
- 14. the buttons that you use to change views into normal, outline, slide sorter, notes page, and reading views
A) Presentation views B) Slides C) Animation D) Presentation
- 15. simplified layout of the page so you can quickly key, edit, and format the text.
A) Normal views B) Notes page views C) Outline views D) Slide shorter views
- 16. displays your slides on the top portion of the page, with the speaker notes for each slide in the notes pane on the bottom of the pane
A) Normal views B) Outline views C) Slide sorter views D) Notes page views
- 17. displays all of the text in a PowerPoint slide show in outline form regardless of the design, objects and animations
A) Notes page views B) Normal views C) Slides sorter view D) Outline views
- 18. allows you to see thumbnails of all the slides in your presentation to easily rearrange them
A) Slide sorter views B) Normal views C) Notes page views D) Outline views
- 19. Keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep the audience attentive
A) Visual B) Minimize C) Consistency D) Contrast
- 20. Use a font style that is easy to read
A) Contrast B) Clarity C) Minimize D) Consistency
- 21. Use bullets or short sentences
A) Minimize B) Clarity C) Contrast D) Simplicity
- 22. Use graphics to help in your presentationbut not too many to distract the audience.
A) Contrast B) Consistency C) Visual D) Clarity
- 23. Make your design uniform.
A) Contrast B) Consistency C) Simplicity D) Clarity
- 24. Use light font on dark background or vv.
A) Clarity B) Simplicity C) Consistency D) Contrast