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AIC SS 2 Chemistry Revision Questions - 3rd Term 2023/24
Contributed by: College
  • 1. The minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur is known as the ----------
A) Free energy
B) Energy of reaction
C) Energy of formation
D) Activation energy
  • 2. The collision theory proposes that :
A) The fewer the collision the faster the rate of chemical reaction rate
B) All collisions of reactants are effective
C) Reactants collide more frequently to bring about a reduction in the rate of reaction
D) Reactant must collide with a certain amount of energy to form products
  • 3. If the rate depends on the square of the concentration of "A" , then it is referred to as --------
A) First order reaction
B) Second order reaction
C) Fourth order reaction
D) Zero order reaction
  • 4. If the rate of reaction is proportional to the concentration of a reactant "A", then the reaction is a ----------
A) Zero order reaction
B) Second order reaction
C) First order reaction
D) Fourth order reaction
  • 5. When the concentration of the reactant does not affect the rate of reaction, it is referred to as --------
A) Fourth order reaction
B) First order reaction
C) Zero order reaction
D) Second order reaction
  • 6. The sum of the powers of the concentration of the reactants which appear in the rate equation is known as -----
A) Collision
B) Order reaction
C) Reaction mechanism
D) Molecularity
  • 7. The number of molecules , atoms, radicals or ions taking part in the rate determining step is known as ---------
A) Rate determining step
B) Molecularity
C) Rate of reaction
D) Reaction mechanism
  • 8. The type of reaction where the reactant particles absorb light energy and react rapidly in a series of chain reactions is referred to as ------
A) Rate of reaction
B) Order of reaction
C) Photochemical reaction
D) Collision
  • 9. A substance which alters the rate of chemical reaction but remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction is called -------
A) Catalyst
B) Activation energy
C) Enthalpy
D) Energetics
  • 10. The graphical representation of the energy changes in the course of a chemical reaction is known as -------------
A) Energy barrier
B) Activated complex
C) Reaction profile
D) Rate curve
  • 11. Which of the following metals will react with cold water to produce hydrogen gas ?
A) Aluminium
B) Calcium
C) Magnesium
D) Copper
  • 12. Hydrogen gas is not found in the atmosphere because it readily reacts with .............
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon (II) oxide
C) Nitrogen (IV) oxide
D) Nitrogen
  • 13. Which of the following pairs of elements forms amphoteric oxides?
A) Be and Mg
B) Zn and Al
C) Na and K
D) Si and Pb
  • 14. Oxygen can be prepared in the laboratory by heating..........
B) CaCO3
C) KClO3
D) NaNO3
  • 15. When chlorine is added to slaked lime, the product obtained is........
A) Oxochlorate (I) acid
B) Bleaching powder
C) Chlorinated water
D) Trioxochlorate (v) salt.
  • 16. Nitrogen (I) oxide is different from oxygen because..........
A) It thermally decomposes before it rekindles glowing splint.
B) It is less dense than oxygen
C) It is fairly soluble in water
D) It is only laughing gas.
  • 17. Nitrogen obtained from the liquefaction of air has a higher density than that obtained from nitrogen-containing compounds because the former contains .......
A) Oxygen
B) Rare gases
C) Water vapour
D) Carbon (iv) oxide
  • 18. When chlorine is passed into hot concentrated sodium hydroxide solution, the products formed are ........
A) NaClO3, NaClO, and H2
B) NaClO3 and H2O
C) NaClO3, NaCl, and H2O
D) NaClO, NaCl, and H2O
  • 19. When a lighted splint was introduced into a test tube containing an unknown gas, a pop sound was heard and a pale blue flame was observed. The unknown gas is ........
A) Chlorine
B) Nitrogen
C) Hydrogen
D) Oxygen
  • 20. Hydrogen is readily released when dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with ......
A) Cu
B) Na
C) Ag
D) Au
  • 21. What is thermal dissociation?
A) A reaction where a substance speeds up the reaction due to heat
B) A reaction where a substance breaks down into two or more substances due to heat
C) A reaction where two substances combine to form a new substance due to heat
D) A reaction where a substance is removed from a mixture due to heat
  • 22. Which law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time?
A) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
B) Third law of thermodynamics
C) Second law of thermodynamics
D) First law of thermodynamics
  • 23. What is a catalytic reaction?
A) A reaction where two substances combine to form a new substance
B) A reaction where a substance speeds up the reaction without being consumed
C) A reaction where a substance slows down the reaction
D) A reaction where a substance is removed from a mixture
  • 24. What is the relationship between endothermic and exothermic reactions?
A) Endothermic reactions release heat, while exothermic reactions absorb heat
B) Endothermic reactions are always exothermic
C) Exothermic reactions are always endothermic
D) Endothermic reactions absorb heat, while exothermic reactions release heat
  • 25. Which of the following is a correct example of an equilibrium constant expression?
A) K = [A] / [B]
B) K = [A] + [B]
C) K = [A] - [B]
D) K = [A] x [B]
  • 26. What happens to the equilibrium constant K when the concentration of reactants increases?
A) It decreases
B) It remains constant
C) It increases
D) It fluctuates
  • 27. How is the equilibrium constant K related to the rate constant?
A) K is equal to the rate constant
B) K is inversely proportional to the rate constant
C) K is directly proportional to the rate constant
D) K is unrelated to the rate constant
  • 28. What is the unit of the equilibrium constant K?
A) Temperature (K)
B) Molarity (M)
C) Pressure (atm)
D) No unit
  • 29. What is the equilibrium constant expression?
A) K = [reactants] x [products]
B) K = [reactants] / [products]
C) K = [products] x [reactants]
D) K = [products] / [reactants]
  • 30. What is Le Chatelier's Principle?
A) A change in conditions will shift the equilibrium in the direction that tends to counteract the change.
B) The rate of a reaction is always constant
C) The concentration of reactants is always greater than the concentration of products
D) The equilibrium constant is always constant
  • 31. How is ammonia prepared in industry?
A) By the Haber process
B) By the Ostwald process
C) By the Solvay process
D) By the Bosch process
  • 32. Which oxide of nitrogen is a brown gas?
A) Nitrogen trioxide (N2O3)
B) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
C) Nitrous oxide (N2O)
D) Nitric oxide (NO)
  • 33. What is the nitrogen cycle?
A) The process by which nitrogen is fixed into the soil
B) The process by which nitrogen is cycled between the atmosphere, soil, and living organisms
C) The process by which nitrogen is converted into its oxides
D) The process by which nitrogen is converted into ammonia
  • 34. Which of the following is a general property of Nitrogen family elements?
A) They are all noble gases
B) They are all transition metals
C) They are all nonmetals
D) They are all metals
  • 35. What is the physical state of ammonia at room temperature and pressure?
A) Solution
B) Solid
C) Liquid
D) Gas
  • 36. What is the use of sodium chloride?
A) As a food preservative
B) As a fertilizer
C) As a building material
D) As a medicine
  • 37. What is the main chemical property of halogens?
A) They are metalloids
B) They are noble gases
C) They are nonreactive
D) They are highly reactive
  • 38. Which physical property of halogens increases down the group?
A) Boiling point
B) Density
C) Electronegativity
D) Melting point
  • 39. Which method is used for the laboratory preparation of chlorine?
A) Reduction of sodium chloride
B) Oxidation of hydrogen chloride
C) Distillation of seawater
D) Electrolysis of sodium chloride
  • 40. Which compound of halogens is used as a disinfectant?
A) Calcium chloride
B) Sodium chloride
C) Chlorine water
D) Hydrogen chloride
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