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Contributed by: Monteclaro
  • 1. Refers to the way societies are divide into different layers or strata based on factors like wealth, status, or power.
A) Industrial revolution
B) Stratification
C) Traditional society
D) Global stratification
  • 2. Is that differences in technological and cultural advancement between nations.
A) Modernization theory
B) Stratification
C) Industrial revolution
D) Traditional society
  • 3. It refers to transfer Goods, technology, knowledge and diseases between the Americas and Europe.
A) Columbian exchange
B) Traditional society
C) Take-off-stage
D) Industrial revolution
  • 4. This period marked a significant shift in technological advancement.
A) Industrial revolution
B) Traditional society
C) Columbian exchange
D) Take-off-stage
  • 5. It is characterized by small, local communities
    focused on subsistence agriculture and
    traditional social structures.
A) Columbian exchange
B) Take-off-stage
C) Industrial revolution
D) Traditional society
  • 6. things start to change as people become more creative and innovative and people begin to use their individual talents to create new things and find better ways
A) Industrial revolution
B) Columbian exchange
C) Traditional society
D) Take-off-stage
  • 7. countries start to see the benefits of the
    technological advancements they made during the take-off-stage
A) Columbian exchange
B) Drive the technological maturity
C) Traditional society
D) Industrial revolution
  • 8. countries can
    produce more food and goods, leading to
    better living conditions and healthcare. This
    often results in a population increase as
    people live longer and healthier lives.
A) Take-off-stage
B) Columbian exchange
C) Traditional society
D) Population Growth
  • 9. As economies grow and become more
    diverse, more job opportunities are created.
A) Social change
B) Population Growth
C) Diverse job opportunities
D) Reduction in absolute poverty
  • 10. This allows people to choose from a
    variety of careers that suit their skills and interests.
A) Social change
B) Reduction absolute poverty
C) Population Growth
D) Diverse job opportunities
  • 11. this stage often start to focus on
    improving society as a whole. This can include
    initiatives like providing basic education for
    everyone, which helps to create a more skilled.
A) Reduction in absolute poverty
B) Diverse job opportunities
C) Social change
D) High mass
  • 12. These are called social support systems, and they're meant to help everyone in the country have a decent standard of living, even if they can't afford everything they want.
A) High mass consumption
B) Social change
C) Reduction in absolute poverty
D) Social change
  • 13. experienced a period of
    economic prosperity and rapid industrial growth. This
    led to an increase in production and consumption of
    consumer goods.
A) United States
B) China
C) Europe
D) America
  • 14. explains how poor countries
    depend on rich countries.
A) Colonialism
B) Modern world
C) Latin American
D) Dependency theory
  • 15. this included human resources through the
    transatlantic slave trade.
    And it is exploiting resources.
A) Colonialism
B) Dependency theory
C) Core countries
D) Economic exploitation
  • 16. was a key figure in the North American
    Neo-Marxist approach.
    He argued that less developed countries can't simply follow the
    same path to development that today's rich countries did.
A) Andre Gunder Frank
B) Hans Singer
C) Raúl Prebisch
D) Hans Singer
  • 17. These are wealthy, developed nations with advanced industries and technologies.
A) Economic exploitation
B) Periphery countries
C) Core Countries:
D) Semi-periphery countries
  • 18. They provide raw materials (like minerals, oil, and agricultural products).
A) Economic exploitation
B) Semi-periphery countries
C) Core countries
D) Periphery Countries
  • 19. These nations are in between the core and the periphery.
A) Core countries
B) Periphery Countries
C) Economic exploitation
D) Semi-Periphery Countries
  • 20. They turn these raw materials into valuable finished products (like electronics, cars,
    and machinery) and sell them at high prices.
    o This creates a flow of wealth from the periphery to the core.
A) Periphery countries
B) Core countries
C) Economic Exploitation
D) Trade imbalances
  • 21. This leads to trade imbalances, where periphery countries spend more on imports
    than they earn from exports.
A) Periphery countries
B) Economic exploitation
C) Trade Imbalances:
D) Core countries
  • 22. This creates a cycle of dependence, making it hard for these countries to invest
    in their own development and break free from poverty.
A) Trade imbalances
B) Trade imbalances
C) Economic exploitation
D) Debt and Dependence:
  • 23. is the system that organizes the production, distribution, and
    consumption of goods and services in a society.
A) Economy
B) Modern world
C) Globalization
  • 24. This sector extracts raw materials from natural environments. They engage directly
    with natural resources, which form the foundation of the economy.
A) Services
B) Secondary sector
C) Primary sector
D) Economy
  • 25. This includes industries like
    manufacturing, construction, and refining.
A) Economy
B) Primary sector
C) Secondary Sector:
D) Services
  • 26. It was created to prevent the economic
    chaos that happened after World War I, which led to the Great Depression and
    eventually World War II.
A) Economy
B) Cold standard
C) Bretton Woods System
D) Fixed exchange rates
  • 27. is an organization that provides financial support and advice to countries for
    economic development and stability.
A) International monetary fund (IMF)
B) International Financial Institution (IFI)
C) World Trade Organization (WTO)
D) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
  • 28. Countries agreed to tie the value of their money to gold.
A) Free Trade
B) US Dollar as Global Currency
C) Gold Standard:
D) Fixed Exchange Rates:
  • 29. Countries agreed to keep their exchange rates stable. This
    means that if one country's currency was worth 5 times another country's.
A) Fixed Exchange Rates
B) US Dollar as Global Currency
C) Cold standard
D) Free Trade
  • 30. This was like a referee for money. It made
    sure countries played by the rules and helped them if they had problems with
    their money.
A) World Trade Organization (WTO)
B) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
C) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
D) International Financial Institution (IFI)
  • 31. primary focus is on long-term economic
    development and poverty reduction. It provides financial and technical.
A) European Union (EU)
B) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
C) World Bank
D) International monetary fund ( IMF)
  • 32. These countries aimed to coordinate their oil production policies to ensure
    fair and stable prices, as the price of oil at that time was relatively low and
    not keeping pace with inflation.
A) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
B) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
C) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
D) European Union (EU)
  • 33. to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and
    capital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home
    affairs, and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries.
A) European Union (EU)
B) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
C) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
D) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • 34. is a significant trade
    agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
A) European Union (EU)
B) International monetary fund (IMF)
C) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
D) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
  • 35. is all about how different countries interact with each other to make decisions
    about important things like war and money.
A) Global interstate system
B) Globalization
C) Non-state actors
D) International organizations and treaties:
  • 36. increasing interconnectedness of countries and the global
    economy, the traditional idea of state sovereignty.
A) Non-state actors
B) International organizations and treaties
C) Technological advancements
D) Globalization
  • 37. terrorist organizations operate across national borders, and their
    actions can impact the internal affairs of states.
A) Non-state actors
B) International organizations and treaties
C) Technological advancements
D) Globalization
  • 38. adherence to international treaties can limit a state's sovereignty
    by imposing obligations and regulations on its policies and actions.
A) Technological advancements
B) International organizations and treaties
C) Globalization:
D) Non-state actors.
  • 39. made it increasingly difficult
    for states to fully control information flow and cybersecurity within their borders.
A) Globalization
B) International organizations and treaties
C) Technological advancements
D) Non- state actors
  • 40. Adadvocate for the protection and promotion of basic rights for all individuals, challenging governments that violate international human rights standards.
A) Human rights movements
B) Environmental movements
C) Social movements
D) Global social movements
  • 41. are organized efforts by people from different countries to work together on issues that affect society.
A) Social movements
B) Global Social Movements
C) Environmental movements
D) Human rights movements
  • 42. focuses on public policy related to environmental conservation.
A) Environmental Movements
B) Global social movements
C) Human rights movements
D) Women’s Right & Personal Autonomy
  • 43. Global social movements also encompass women's rights, personal autonomy.
A) Human rights movements
B) Women’s Right & Personal Autonomy
C) Environmental Movements
D) Global Social Movements
  • 44. The quest for self-determination by the Bangsamoro people stems from a history of marginalization, discrimination, and armed conflict in the region.
A) Peace process
B) Nation
C) Historical Conflict
D) State
  • 45. has engaged in peace negotiations with various Muslim rebel groups, including the Moro Islamic Liberation.
A) State
B) Nation
C) Peace process
D) Historical Conflict
  • 46. can consist of one or more nations or can be made up of various cultural groups.
A) States
B) Historical Conflict
C) Nation
D) Peace process
  • 47. group of people who share common characteristics such as culture, language, traditions, and history. It is more about a sense of belonging and identity that binds people together.
A) State
B) Nation
C) Historical Conflict
D) Peace process
  • 48. This happens when one country interferes with another.
A) Regional Organizations
B) Peace and security
C) Internal Political Challenges
D) External Intervention
  • 49. This occurs when there are struggles within a country.
A) Peace and security
B) Regional Organizations
C) Internal Political Challenges
D) External Intervention
  • 50. International groups like the United Nations sometimes intervene in the affairs of countries facing serious problems.
A) Peace and security
B) External Intervention
C) Internal Political Challenges
D) Regional Organizations
  • 51. Maintaining international peace and security through conflict prevention.
A) Peace and & Security
B) Cybersecurity
C) Global Health
D) Immigration and Refugees
  • 52. Developing and implementing rules and norms for responsible behavior in cyberspace, mitigating cyber threats.
A) Immigration and Refugees
B) Human rights
C) Global health
D) Cybersecurity
  • 53. Managing pandemics, coordinating infectious disease control efforts, and ensuring access to vital healthcareDeveloping and implementing rules and norms for responsible behavior in cyberspace, mitigating cyber threats, and addressing cross-border.
A) Cybersecurity
B) Global Health
C) Peace and security
D) International Trade
  • 54. involves international agreements, monitoring, and coordinated efforts to address violations.
A) Human Rights
B) Global health
C) Cybersecurity
D) International Trade
  • 55. Global governance plays a role in setting rules for trade agreements and managing disputes to ensure fair and equitable trade practices among nations.
A) Cybersecurity
B) Climate change
C) Human Rights
D) International Trade
  • 56. The regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and the coordination of international efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change are key global governance issues.
A) Climate change
B) Human rights
C) Global Health
D) International Trade
  • 57. owned by government and allocated to all citizens, not only those with the money to afford it.
A) Colonialism
B) Capitalism
C) Socialist system
D) Socialism
  • 58. means of production are under collective ownership.
A) Colonialism
B) Socialist System
C) Socialism
D) Capitalism
  • 59. all natural resources and means of production are privately owned.
A) Colonialism
B) Socialist system
C) Socialism
D) Capitalism
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