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Chasing Whales in the Waters of Vancouver Island
Contributed by: Ashton
  • 1. Chasing Whales in the Waters of Vancouver Island is an exhilarating experience that combines the beauty of the Pacific Northwest with the thrill of encountering these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. As you venture out into the pristine waters surrounding the island, you are greeted by the sight of towering mountains, lush forests, and sparkling beaches. The anticipation builds as you scan the horizon, searching for signs of whale activity. Suddenly, a spout of water shoots into the air, followed by the giant, graceful form of a humpback or orca whale breaking the surface. Your heart races as you follow the whales, their movements mesmerizing and awe-inspiring. Whether you are on a guided tour or exploring on your own, the experience of chasing whales in the waters of Vancouver Island is sure to leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.

    What is the best way to observe whales while minimizing disturbance to them?
A) From a respectful distance
B) Feed them
C) Swim with them
D) Use loudspeakers to attract them
  • 2. What do resident orcas in the waters of Vancouver Island primarily feed on?
A) Krill
B) Squid
C) Seals
D) Salmon
  • 3. What type of whales are often known for their long migrations and acrobatic displays?
A) Sperm Whales
B) Bowhead Whales
C) Humpback Whales
D) Right Whales
  • 4. Which of the following is a popular spot for whale watching on Vancouver Island?
A) Tofino
B) Victoria
C) Whistler
D) Banff
  • 5. What is the average life span of a killer whale in the wild?
A) 80-100 years
B) 50-80 years
C) 20-30 years
D) 10-20 years
  • 6. What is the scientific name for killer whales?
A) Balaenoptera musculus
B) Megaptera novaeangliae
C) Orcinus orca
D) Eschrichtius robustus
  • 7. What is a group of whales called?
A) Pod
B) Pack
C) Herd
D) Flock
  • 8. What is the most endangered species of whale?
A) Gray Whale
B) Blue Whale
C) North Atlantic Right Whale
D) Humpback Whale
  • 9. Which whale species migrate the longest distances annually?
A) Minke Whales
B) Beluga Whales
C) Gray Whales
D) Sperm Whales
  • 10. How do whales primarily sense their surroundings in the water?
A) Hearing
B) Smell
C) Sight
D) Echolocation
  • 11. What marine mammal is known for breaching completely out of the water and spinning in the air?
A) Killer Whale
B) Humpback Whale
C) Beluga Whale
D) Gray Whale
  • 12. What is the largest member of the dolphin family?
A) Pilot Whale
B) Dolphin
C) Porpoise
D) Orca
  • 13. What is the best way to identify individual orcas in the wild?
A) By their sound
B) Distinctive markings and fin shapes
C) By their size
D) By their behavior
  • 14. Which ocean surrounds Vancouver Island?
A) Pacific Ocean
B) Atlantic Ocean
C) Indian Ocean
D) Arctic Ocean
  • 15. During which season are whale watching tours most popular in Vancouver Island?
A) Fall
B) Winter
C) Spring
D) Summer
  • 16. What is the capital city of British Columbia, the province where Vancouver Island is located?
A) Vancouver
B) Montreal
C) Toronto
D) Victoria
  • 17. What is the name of the strait that separates Vancouver Island from mainland British Columbia?
A) Strait of Juanita
B) Strait of Juan de Fuca
C) Strait of Georgia
D) Strait of Vancouver
  • 18. Whale watching guidelines recommend that vessels maintain a distance of at least how many meters from whales?
A) 50 meters
B) 25 meters
C) 100 meters
D) 200 meters
  • 19. What color is the underside of an Orca whale?
A) Grey
B) Blue
C) White
D) Black
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