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The Legend of King Arthur
Contributed by: Watson
  • 1. The Legend of King Arthur is a timeless tale of chivalry, bravery, and the search for the Holy Grail. It tells the story of a young boy who pulls a sword from a stone, proving himself to be the rightful king of Camelot. With the help of his knights of the Round Table, including the loyal Sir Lancelot and the wise Merlin, King Arthur embarks on quests to protect his kingdom and uphold the principles of honor and justice. The legend also includes the tragic love triangle between King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and Sir Lancelot, leading to the downfall of Camelot. Despite its mythical roots, the Legend of King Arthur continues to captivate audiences with its themes of heroism, betrayal, and the eternal quest for truth and goodness.

    Who pulled out the sword from the stone, declaring himself the rightful King of England?
A) Gawain
B) Merlin
C) Lancelot
D) Arthur
  • 2. What magical sword did Arthur receive from the Lady of the Lake?
A) Joyeuse
B) Durandal
C) Excalibur
D) Caliburn
  • 3. Who was King Arthur's wife?
A) Elaine
B) Morgana
C) Guinevere
D) Isolde
  • 4. Which knight of the Round Table was known for his loyalty to Arthur?
A) Percival
B) Gawain
C) Tristan
D) Lancelot
  • 5. What was the name of the castle where King Arthur's court was held?
A) Camelot
B) Caerleon
C) Avalon
D) Tintagel
  • 6. Who was Arthur's half-sister and a sorceress?
A) Morgan Le Fay
B) Nimiane
C) Viviane
D) Nimue
  • 7. What is the name of King Arthur's father?
A) Merlin
B) Uther Pendragon
C) Gorlois
D) Ector
  • 8. What was the name of the wizard who raised Arthur as a child?
A) Madoc
B) Galapas
C) Merlin
D) Myrddin
  • 9. Who was Arthur's foster brother and loyal companion?
A) Gareth
B) Griflet
C) Kay
D) Bedivere
  • 10. What was the name of the knight who quested for the Holy Grail?
A) Gareth
B) Geraint
C) Agravain
D) Galahad
  • 11. Which knight of the Round Table was known for his archery skills?
A) Gareth
B) Tristan
C) Dagonet
D) Percival
  • 12. Who was the father of Sir Lancelot?
A) King Lot
B) King Pellinore
C) King Ban
D) King Uriens
  • 13. What was the name of Arthur's foster father?
A) Ector
B) Gorlois
C) Ban
D) Leodegrance
  • 14. What was the name of the castle where the Holy Grail was said to be kept?
A) Joyous Gard
B) Lyonesse
C) Corbenic
D) Tintagel
  • 15. Who was the son of King Arthur and Lady Morgana?
A) Loholt
B) Gwydre
C) Mordred
D) Beli
  • 16. Where is the legendary sword Excalibur said to have come from?
A) The Magic Cave
B) The Dragon's Lair
C) The Lady of the Lake
D) The Enchanted Forest
  • 17. Where is Arthur taken after the Battle of Camlann to recover from his wounds?
A) Avalon
B) Caerleon
C) Camelot
D) Tintagel
  • 18. What is the name of the sorceress who falls in love with Merlin and eventually seals him in a cave or a tree?
A) Nimue
B) Viviane
C) Elaine
D) Morgana
  • 19. What is the name of the sword that Arthur receives from the Lady of the Lake to replace Excalibur?
A) Clarent
B) Joyeuse
C) Caliburn
D) Durendal
  • 20. What is the name of the vessel sought by King Arthur and his knights, said to have miraculous powers?
A) The Elixir of Life
B) The Philosopher's Stone
C) The Holy Grail
D) The Chalice of Wisdom
  • 21. Which knight of the Round Table is known as the Energetic and for his role in the search for the Holy Grail?
A) Sir Bors
B) Sir Percival
C) Sir Bedivere
D) Sir Kay
  • 22. Which knight of the Round Table is known for his bravery and his battle with a creature known as the Green Knight?
A) Sir Kay
B) Sir Gawain
C) Sir Bors
D) Sir Lancelot
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