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Vodou in Haitian Society
Contributed by: Ashton
  • 1. Vodou, a complex and dynamic religion, plays a significant role in Haitian society and culture. Originating from African spiritual traditions brought to the island through the transatlantic slave trade, Vodou blends elements of indigenous Caribbean beliefs, Roman Catholicism, and folk practices. Practiced by the majority of the Haitian population, Vodou serves as a source of spiritual guidance, healing, and communal bonding. Rituals, dances, and ceremonies are central to Vodou practice, allowing devotees to connect with spirits, ancestors, and the divine. Despite being frequently misunderstood and misrepresented, Vodou remains a powerful force in shaping the social, political, and artistic landscapes of Haiti.

    Who is considered the supreme deity in Vodou?
A) Erzulie Freda
B) Bondye
C) Ayizan
D) Baron Samedi
  • 2. What is a Vodou priest or priestess called?
A) Houngan or Mambo
B) Curandero
C) Shaman
D) Babalawo
  • 3. What is the sacred Vodou symbol representing the connection between the physical and spiritual realms?
A) Mambo
B) Gris-Gris
C) Veve
D) Vodou Flag
  • 4. Who is the spirit of death and resurrection in Vodou?
A) Azaka
B) Baron Samedi
C) Damballa
D) Simbi
  • 5. During which major event in Haitian history did Vodou play a significant role in uniting the people?
A) American occupation
B) Haitian Revolution
C) French rule
D) Spanish colonization
  • 6. Which animal is often associated with the Vodou spirit of agriculture, Zaka?
A) Snake
B) Bull
C) Wolf
D) Tiger
  • 7. Which Vodou spirit is known as the guardian of the crossroads?
A) Loko
B) Agwe
C) Ogun
D) Legba
  • 8. What is the symbolic metaphor for a Vodou temple or shrine?
A) Altar
B) Peristyle
C) Tent
D) Hut
  • 9. Which natural element is represented by the Vodou spirit of water, Agwe?
A) Ocean
B) Desert
C) Volcano
D) Forest
  • 10. What is the name for the Vodou initiation ceremony?
A) Manje Loa
B) Vever
C) Rada
D) Kanzo
  • 11. What is the name for the Vodou spirit associated with love and beauty?
A) Ghede Nibo
B) La Sirene
C) Simbi
D) Erzulie Freda
  • 12. What is the primary religion practiced in Haiti?
A) Christianity
B) Vodou
C) Buddhism
D) Islam
  • 13. Vodou is a syncretic religion that combines elements of African beliefs with which other major religion?
A) Hinduism
B) Catholicism
C) Sikhism
D) Judaism
  • 14. Who are the spirits or deities in Vodou known as?
A) Giudecca
B) Lwa
C) Ancestors
D) Orishas
  • 15. What is the sacred center post in a Vodou temple that represents the connection between the earthly and spiritual worlds?
A) Obelisk
B) Poto Mitan
C) Bamboo
D) Totem Pole
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