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The Fabric Of The Cosmos by Brian Greene
Contributed by: Miah
  • 1. Which concept explains the bending of space-time?
A) Quantum entanglement
B) Newtonian physics
C) General relativity
D) String theory
  • 2. Who developed the theory of general relativity?
A) Albert Einstein
B) Niels Bohr
C) Stephen Hawking
D) Isaac Newton
  • 3. What is time dilation?
A) Time is a constant
B) Time moves faster at higher altitudes
C) Time passes at different rates in different gravitational fields
D) Time has no effect on light
  • 4. Which theory proposes that fundamental particles are one-dimensional strings?
A) String theory
B) Chaos theory
C) Gravity wave theory
D) Quantum field theory
  • 5. What does 'cosmic inflation' refer to?
A) The cooling of the universe over time
B) The formation of black holes
C) A rapid expansion of the universe after the Big Bang
D) A contraction of the universe
  • 6. What is the 'arrow of time'?
A) A measure of time intervals
B) The ability to travel back in time
C) The concept that time flows in one direction from past to future
D) The cyclical nature of time
  • 7. Who is considered a pioneer in the field of quantum physics alongside Einstein?
A) Hugh Everett
B) Niels Bohr
C) Richard Feynman
D) Galileo Galilei
  • 8. Which particle is associated with the force of gravity?
A) Electron
B) Quark
C) Photon
D) Graviton
  • 9. What scientific principle does the double-slit experiment illustrate?
A) Wave-particle duality
B) Relativity
C) Thermodynamics
D) Quantum uncertainty
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