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Contributed by: ninal
  • 1. Who is the german philosopher of human ecology theory?
A) Philip Zimbardo
B) Ernst Haeckel
C) Adolphe Quetelet
D) Andre-Michel Guerry
  • 2. Who is the American psychologist of ecological systems theory?
A) Patricia Brantingham
B) Ernst Haeckel
C) Urie Bronfenbrenner
D) Roland Clarke
  • 3. Who is the psychologist from Stanford University of Broken windows theory?
A) Paul L. Brantinghan
B) George L. Kelling
C) Philip Zimbardo
D) Derek B. Cornish
  • 4. Who used the first modern criminal statistic in 1827 in France to demonstrate that crime rates varied with social factors?
A) Paul Bantinghan
B) Ernst Haeckel
C) Andre-Michel Guerry
D) Philip Zimbardo
  • 5. Made an elaborate analysis of crime in France, Belgium and Holland; after analyzing criminal statistics, which he called "moral statistics"
A) Adolphe Quetelet
B) Derek Cornish
C) Ernst Haeckel
D) Patricia Brantinghan
  • 6. Physical and perceptual boundaries between different parts of city.
A) Mesosystem
B) Nodes
C) Edges
D) Attractors
  • 7. Encompasses the interaction of the different microsystem which the developing child finds himself in.
A) Crime attractors
B) Nodes
C) Exosystem
D) Mesosystem
  • 8. The routes between nodes. It is also the location of many offenses.
A) Nodes
B) Crime Generators
C) Paths
D) Edges
  • 9. Pertains to the linkages that may exist between two or more settings, one of which may not contain the developing child but affects him indirectly nonetheless.
A) Microsystem
B) Crime Generators
C) Chronosystem
D) Exosystem
  • 10. A place that an individual is regularly drawn to.
A) Edges
B) Paths
C) Nodes
D) Attractors
  • 11. Adds the useful dimension of time which demonstrate the influence of both change and constancy in the child's environment.
A) Nodes
B) Chronosystem
C) Edges
D) Microsystem
  • 12. These are the nodes of known criminal activity that attract additional offenders.
A) Crime Attractors
B) Chronosystem
C) Microsystem
D) Crime Generators
  • 13. Is the smallest and most immediate environment in which the child lives.
A) Mesosystem
B) Macrosystem
C) Chronosystem
D) Microsystem
  • 14. Is the largest and most distant collection of people and places to the child that still exercises significant influence on the child.
A) Nodes
B) Macrosystem
C) Crime attractors
D) Exosystem
  • 15. A particular node where lots of people tent to congregate for reasons that are not related to any particular criminal activity.
A) Nodes
B) Crime Attractors
C) Paths
D) Crime Generators
  • 16. The rational choice perspective is based on what two main theoretical approaches?
A) Socio Control and Differential Association
B) Routine Activity and Social Disorganization
C) Utilitarianism and Economic Choice Theory
D) Environmental and ecological
  • 17. In 1969, Roland V. Clarke a psychologist form Standford University
A) False
B) Maybe
C) True
  • 18. Crime pattern theory is a criminological theory that explains the spatial and temporal patterns of crime, and how to reduce crime
A) False
B) Maybe
C) True
  • 19. A Rational Choice Perspective is a theoretical framework that assumes people make choices to maximize benefits and minimize costs
A) Maybe
B) True
C) False
  • 20. The term "human ecology" was first introduced by the sociologist Robert Park and Ernst Burgess in 1921
A) False
B) True
C) Maybe
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