A) Arianism B) Modalism C) Trinity D) Monotheism
A) Paul B) Moses C) Jesus Christ D) David
A) Last Supper B) Baptism of Jesus C) Transfiguration D) Crucifixion
A) Council of Nicaea B) Council of Chalcedon C) Council of Jerusalem D) Council of Ephesus
A) Nicene Creed B) Athanasian Creed C) Chalcedonian Definition D) Apostles' Creed
A) Water, Ice, Steam B) Egg, Yolk, White C) Sun, Light, Heat D) Tree, Bark, Leaves
A) Almighty B) Lord C) Father D) Creator
A) Genesis 1:26 B) Exodus 20:3 C) Psalm 46:10 D) Isaiah 43:11
A) Union of divine and human natures in Christ B) State of heaven and earth C) Relationship of the Trinity D) Existence of God in creation |