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  • 1. The quality which makes an act good or bad.
A) Morality
B) Morality
  • 2. The study of the human motivation, and ultimately of human rational behavior.
A) Ethics
B) Ethics
  • 3. When the person fully understands what he is doing and has the ability to appreciate the consequences of his actions.
A) Knowingly
B) Knowingly
  • 4. When the person performed his actions voluntarily.
A) Freely
B) Freely
  • 5. Virtue that regulates those actions which society may justly require of the individual for the common good.
A) Legal Justice
B) Legal Justice
  • 6. Regulates those actions that involve the rights that an individual may claim.
A) Distributive Justice
B) Distributive Justice
  • 7. Virtue that regulates those actions that involve the rights that exist between one and another.
A) Commutative Justice
B) Commutative Justice
  • 8. The virtue that attracts the intellect to choose the most effective means for accomplishing what is morally good and avoiding what is evil.
A) Prudence
B) Prudence
  • 9. One's ability to moderate or avoid something. The virtue that regulates the carnal appetite for sensual pleasures.
A) Temperance
B) Temperance
  • 10. The courage to endure without yielding.
A) Fortitude
B) Fortitude
  • 11. The virtue that inclines the will to give to each one of his rights.
A) Justice
B) Justice
  • 12. A set of moral code to which every profession must subscribe.
A) Professional ethics
B) Professional ethics
  • 13. A practical science that treats the principle of human morality and duty as applied to law enforcement.
A) Police ethics
B) Police ethics
  • 14. A habit that inclines the person to act in a way that harmonizes with his nature.
A) Virtue
B) Virtue
  • 15. Anything that a person considers important in life, such as material things ideas and experiences.
A) Values
B) Values
  • 16. The ability to go on despite the obstacles.
A) Perseverance
B) Perseverance
  • 17. Rights inherent to man by virtue of being a human being.
A) Human rights
B) Human rights
  • 18. The following are exceptions in Right to Life, except.
A) Penalty for commission of a Crime
B) Penalty for commission of a Crime
  • 19. The following are exceptions in Right to liberty, except.
A) Death under exceptional circumstances
B) Death under exceptional circumstances
  • 20. A moral obligation incumbent upon a person of doing, omitting or avoiding.
A) Duty
B) Duty
  • 21. The Department of the Interior and Local Government Act pf 1990.
A) RA 6975
B) RA 6975
  • 22. Anti-Graft and Corruption Practices
A) RA 3019
B) RA 3019
  • 23. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees
A) RA 6713
B) RA 6713
  • 24. Anti-Plunder Act.
A) RA 7080
B) RA 7080
  • 25. The Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007
A) RA 9485
B) RA 9485
  • 26. The failure to perform an act or duty that is part of one's obligation without sufficient excuse.
A) Nonfeasance
B) Nonfeasance
  • 27. The commission of an act that one is prohibited to do.
A) Malfeasance
B) Malfeasance
  • 28. The improper or incorrect performance of an act that should be done or performed.
A) Misfeasance
B) Misfeasance
  • 29. Lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory performance of police duties, could be due physical or intellectual limitations or lack of skill.
A) incompetency
B) incompetency
  • 30. Advocating to overthrow loyalty to the present administration.
A) Disloyalty to the government
B) Disloyalty to the government
  • 31. Abandonment or renunciation of one’s the government of the Philippines.
A) Disloyalty to the Government
B) Disloyalty to the Government
  • 32. The act or the liberty to decide according to the principles of justice.
A) Police Discretion
B) Police Discretion
  • 33. The police officer's ideas of what is right and proper under the circumstances.
A) Police Discretion
B) Police Discretion
  • 34. One of the purposes of the PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standard is to enlighten members of the police service of what behavior is not really acceptable - to define what is permitted and what is prohibited.
A) False
B) False
  • 35. Police officers shall strive to be physically and mentally fit and in good health at all times.
A) Physical fitness and Health
B) Physical fitness and Health
  • 36. Police officers shall guard the
    confidentiality of official information against unauthorized access and disclosure.
A) Secrecy Discipline
B) Secrecy Discipline
  • 37. Police officers are not exempted from obeying the laws they are enforcing.
A) Limitation of Police Authority
B) Limitation of Police Authority
  • 38. Police officers must always observe proper conduct and behavior both in their personal and official life.
A) Proper Conduct and Behavior
B) Proper Conduct and Behavior
  • 39. The primary responsibility of the police is crime prevention.
A) Primordial Police Responsibility
B) Primordial Police Responsibility
  • 40. Police officers must only employ legal methods in the conduct of their work.
A) Use of Proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends
B) Use of Proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends
  • 41. Police officers must always adhere to the prescribed rules when effecting arrests of suspects.
A) Conduct in Arresting Law Violators
B) Conduct in Arresting Law Violators
  • 42. Police officers must never ask for nor accept gifts or special favors.
A) Firmness in Refusing Gifts
B) Firmness in Refusing Gifts
  • 43. Police officers must have a high regard for the police profession and must be proud that they are police officers.
A) Attitude towards Police Profession
B) Attitude towards Police Profession
  • 44. The use of unreasonable force on the part of the police negatively affects the desire of the people to cooperate with the police.
A) Unreasonable Force Reduces Community Cooperation
B) Unreasonable Force Reduces Community Cooperation
  • 45. the police may only use force when dialogue is no longer effective and the degree of force to be used must be reasonable.
A) Use of Reasonable Force when Persuasion is not sufficient
B) Use of Reasonable Force when Persuasion is not sufficient
  • 46. The police have no power or authority to decide whether a suspect is guilty or innocent of a crime because only the court has this power.
A) Police should not Usurp Judicial Power
B) Police should not Usurp Judicial Power
  • 47. The police must always adhere to the prescribed procedures in the performance of their duty.
A) Rules of Engagement Impartially Observed
B) Rules of Engagement Impartially Observed
  • 48. Towards this end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen over and above my personal convenience.
A) Selfless Love and Service to People
B) Selfless Love and Service to People
  • 49. I shall set the example of decency and morality and shall have high regard for family life and chastity.
A) Sanctity of Marriage and Respect for Women
B) Sanctity of Marriage and Respect for Women
  • 50. I respect and uphold the Constitution, the laws of the land and the applicable rules and regulations.
A) Respect for Authority
B) Respect for Authority
  • 51. I must be trustworthy, and I shall speak the truth at all times as required by the profession.
A) Truthfulness
B) Truthfulness
  • 52. PNP shall formulate and implement policies and human resources development system for all PNP personnel, from recruitment to retirement.
A) Career Management
B) Career Management
  • 53. The primary basis for consideration in the selection of personnel for employment and deployment shall be the individual's capabilities and competent leadership.
A) Police Management Leadership
B) Police Management Leadership
  • 54. The PNP shall strictly adhere to the rule of merit and fitness system.
A) Equality in the Service
B) Equality in the Service
  • 55. All members of the PNP must have moral courage to sacrifice self-interest.
A) Delica Deza
B) Delica Deza
  • 56. The PNP shall endeavor to promote a lifestyle that is acceptable and respectable in the eyes of the public because the public expects a police officer to live a simple, yet dignified life.
A) Police Lifestyle
B) Police Lifestyle
  • 57. All PNP members must inhibit themselves from soliciting political patronage in matters pertaining to assignments promotions, trainings and awards.
A) Political Patronage
B) Political Patronage
  • 58. All PNP members shall respect and protect human dignity and man's rights to life (liberty and property
A) Human Rights
B) Human Rights
  • 59. I shall inhibit myself from ostentatious display of my property.
A) Responsible Dominion and Stewardship over Material Things
B) Responsible Dominion and Stewardship over Material Things
  • 60. Police officers must exert all efforts to achieve their goal or mission even in the face of difficulties and obstacles.
A) Perseverance
B) Perseverance
  • 61. Police officers shall follow logical procedures in accomplishing tasks assigned to them to minimize wasted time and resources.
A) Orderliness
B) Orderliness
  • 62. They should perform their duties without attracting attention or expecting the applause of others.
A) Humility
B) Humility
  • 63. Police officers shall strive constantly to respect the rights of others.
A) Justice
B) Justice
  • 64. Police officers shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonest practices.
A) Integrity
B) Integrity
  • 65. Police officers shall exercise proper and legitimate use of authority and discretion in the performance of their duty.
A) Judicious use of Authority
B) Judicious use of Authority
  • 66. Police officers shall obey lawful orders be courteous to superior officers and other appropriate authorities.
A) obedience to superior
B) obedience to superior
  • 67. Police officers must be loyal to the constitution and to the police service as manifested by their loyalty to their superiors' peers and subordinates as well.
A) Loyalty
B) Loyalty
  • 68. Police officers shall conduct themselves properly at all times in keeping with the rules and regulations of the organization.
A) Discipline
B) Discipline
  • 69. Police officers shall help in the development and conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity.
A) Conservation Resources of Natural
B) Conservation Resources of Natural
  • 70. Police officers shall perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency, enthusiasm, determination and manifest concern for public welfare.
A) Devotion to Duty
B) Devotion to Duty
  • 71. Police officers shall be responsible for the security, proper care and use of public authority issued to them for the performance of their duties.
A) Proper Care and Use of Public Property
B) Proper Care and Use of Public Property
  • 72. Police officers shall seek self-improvement through career development without directly or indirectly soliciting favors or recommendation from politicians, high-ranking government officials and the like.
A) Non-solicitation of Patronage
B) Non-solicitation of Patronage
  • 73. Police officers must always uphold public interest over and above personal interest they shall use public resources and properties economically and judiciously to avoid wastage of public funds.
A) Commitment to Public Interest
B) Commitment to Public Interest
  • 74. The police officer shall provide services to everyone without discrimination regardless of political affiliation in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
A) Non- partisanship
B) Non- partisanship
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