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Greek Theatre
Contributed by: Sweeney
  • 1. Greek theatre is a form of art that originated in ancient Greece, dating back to the 5th century BC. It was an integral part of the cultural and religious life of the Greeks, with performances held in outdoor theaters during religious festivals in honor of the god Dionysus. Greek theatre encompassed both tragedy, which dealt with serious themes like fate, justice, and the gods, and comedy, which focused on satire, humor, and everyday life. The performances featured actors wearing masks and performing in a large outdoor amphitheater, with elaborate costumes and dramatic storytelling that captivated audiences. Greek theatre had a profound influence on Western drama and continues to be studied and performed today as a testament to its enduring impact on art and culture.

    What was the main theme of Greek comedies?
A) Drama
B) Epic
C) Tragedy
D) Satire
  • 2. Which Greek god was the patron of theatre?
A) Dionysus
B) Apollo
C) Zeus
D) Hades
  • 3. Who was the famous Greek playwright known for his witty and satirical comedies?
A) Aristophanes
B) Sophocles
C) Euripides
D) Aeschylus
  • 4. Greek plays were often performed during which festival honoring Dionysus?
A) Thesmophoria
B) Panathenaic Games
C) City Dionysia
D) Olympic Games
  • 5. Who was responsible for overseeing the production of plays in ancient Greece?
A) Choreographer
B) Playwright
C) Archon
D) Actor
  • 6. Who wrote the famous tragedy 'Oedipus Rex'?
A) Sophocles
B) Euripides
C) Aeschylus
D) Aristophanes
  • 7. The trilogy of plays 'Oresteia' is attributed to which Greek playwright?
A) Sophocles
B) Aristophanes
C) Euripides
D) Aeschylus
  • 8. What is the term for a sudden realization or discovery by a character in a play?
A) Anagnorisis
B) Peripeteia
C) Catharsis
D) Hubris
  • 9. What was the name for the pathway through the audience to the stage in a Greek theatre?
A) Orchestra
B) Theatron
C) Skene
D) Parodos
  • 10. What is the name for the character's excessive pride or self-confidence in a Greek tragedy?
A) Tragic flaw
B) Anagnorisis
C) Catharsis
D) Hubris
  • 11. Which city-state was the birthplace of Greek Theatre?
A) Athens
B) Thebes
C) Corinth
D) Sparta
  • 12. Who was the famous king of Thebes featured in several Greek tragedies?
A) Agamemnon
B) Pericles
C) Priam
D) Oedipus
  • 13. What was the name of the circular dancing place in a Greek theater?
A) Parados
B) Skene
C) Orchestra
D) Theatron
  • 14. The term 'deus ex machina' originated from Greek theatre. What does it mean?
A) Earth is for machines
B) God from the machine
C) Devil in the details
D) Machines control the gods
  • 15. What was the building behind the stage that served as a backdrop in Greek theatre?
A) Orchestra
B) Theatron
C) Parados
D) Skene
  • 16. What Greek term means the 'action' or 'plot' of a play?
A) Ergon
B) Dianoia
C) Mythos
D) Lusis
  • 17. Who wrote the tragedy 'Medea'?
A) Euripides
B) Sophocles
C) Aeschylus
D) Aristophanes
  • 18. What is the term for a humorous imitation of a serious piece of literature in Greek drama?
A) Epode
B) Parody
C) Satyr
D) Elegy
  • 19. What is the name of the device used in Greek theatre to reveal characters inside a building or tomb?
A) Ekkyklema
B) Mekane
C) Thymele
D) Orchestra
  • 20. Which term refers to a group of performers who sing and dance in unison in Greek theatre?
A) Chorus
B) Antagonist
C) Tragic Hero
D) Protagonist
  • 21. In Greek theatre, what term refers to a pause between episodes?
A) Stasimon
B) Protagon
C) Exodus
D) Parabasis
  • 22. Which term describes a reversal of circumstances in Greek tragedy?
A) Anagnorisis
B) Choragos
C) Peripeteia
D) Stichomythia
  • 23. The Greek Theatre of Epidaurus is famous for its:
A) Architectural style
B) Stage size
C) Acoustics
D) Seating capacity
  • 24. What was the purpose of 'masks' in ancient Greek Theatre?
A) To scare the audience
B) To enhance the actor's voice
C) To protect against sunlight
D) To allow actors to play multiple roles
  • 25. Who ruled ancient Athens during the time of Greek Theatre's golden age?
A) Alexander the Great
B) Pericles
C) Socrates
D) Aristotle
  • 26. Which of the following is not a genre of Greek Theatre?
A) Satyr Play
B) Tragedy
C) Comedy
D) Science Fiction
  • 27. Where in Athens were the Theatre of Dionysus and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus located?
A) Hephaestus Temple
B) Acropolis
C) Plaka District
D) Agora
  • 28. Which ancient Greek philosopher was critical of Greek tragedy and comedy for their effect on society?
A) Socrates
B) Aristotle
C) Plato
D) Heraclitus
  • 29. Who was responsible for funding the production of plays in ancient Greece?
A) Choregos
B) Soldier
C) Poet
D) Politician
  • 30. What is the purpose of the Greek tragic mask's large mouth and exaggerated features?
A) To amplify the actor's voice and expression for the entire audience.
B) To symbolize wisdom and knowledge.
C) To intimidate the other actors on stage.
D) To cover the actor's face completely.
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