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International law
Contributed by: Bedford
  • 1. International law is a body of rules and principles that govern the relationships and interactions between different countries and international organizations. It plays a crucial role in promoting peace, resolving conflicts, and upholding human rights on a global scale. International law encompasses various treaties, conventions, and agreements that shape the conduct of states in areas such as diplomacy, trade, human rights, and the environment. It relies on the consent of states to be effective and is enforced through mechanisms such as international courts and tribunals. Overall, international law seeks to create a framework for cooperation and peaceful coexistence among nations in an increasingly interconnected world.

    What is the primary source of international law?
A) Judicial decisions
B) Customary law
C) Academic writings
D) Treaties
  • 2. Which court is responsible for resolving disputes between states?
A) International Court of Justice
B) International Criminal Court
C) World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body
D) European Court of Human Rights
  • 3. What is the concept that states are sovereign and equal under international law?
A) Just war theory
B) Sovereign equality
C) Extraterritoriality
D) Universal jurisdiction
  • 4. Which treaty provides the legal framework for the protection of refugees?
A) 1951 Refugee Convention
B) Montevideo Convention
C) Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
D) Geneva Conventions
  • 5. What is the agreement between two or more states creating legal obligations?
A) Treaty
B) Pact
C) Charter
D) Accord
  • 6. What is the specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with labor issues?
A) World Trade Organization
B) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
C) World Health Organization
D) International Labour Organization
  • 7. What is the term that describes the practice of one state surrendering a criminal to another state for prosecution?
A) Repatriation
B) Asylum
C) Deportation
D) Extradition
  • 8. Which court is responsible for prosecuting individuals for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity?
A) World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body
B) International Court of Justice
C) International Criminal Court
D) European Court of Human Rights
  • 9. Which principle requires states to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other states?
A) Principle of sovereignty
B) Principle of self-defense
C) Principle of reciprocity
D) Principle of non-intervention
  • 10. What is the treaty that governs the law of the sea?
A) Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
B) Montevideo Convention
C) Geneva Conventions
D) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
  • 11. Which court is responsible for adjudicating disputes related to trade agreements?
A) International Criminal Court
B) World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body
C) European Court of Justice
D) International Court of Justice
  • 12. What is the legal term for the forcible transfer of populations or individuals across borders?
A) Displacement
B) Deportation
C) Asylum
D) Extradition
  • 13. Which institution promotes international monetary cooperation and stability?
A) World Bank
B) Asian Development Bank
C) World Trade Organization
D) International Monetary Fund
  • 14. What is the body responsible for the prosecution of serious international crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda?
A) European Court of Human Rights
B) International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda
C) International Criminal Court
D) International Court of Justice
  • 15. What is the body that enforces regulations related to international civil aviation?
A) International Civil Aviation Organization
B) World Health Organization
C) International Maritime Organization
D) International Atomic Energy Agency
  • 16. Which court is responsible for adjudicating disputes between European Union Member States?
A) World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body
B) International Criminal Court
C) International Court of Justice
D) European Court of Justice
  • 17. What is the legal term for granting protection and shelter to an individual escaping persecution?
A) Asylum
B) Repatriation
C) Extradition
D) Deportation
  • 18. Which agreement governs diplomatic relations between states?
A) Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
B) 1949 Geneva Convention
C) Montevideo Convention
D) 1951 Refugee Convention
  • 19. What is the body that sets global standards for telecommunications?
A) International Labour Organization
B) World Trade Organization
C) World Health Organization
D) International Telecommunication Union
  • 20. What is the area of international law that deals with armed conflict?
A) International trade law
B) International humanitarian law
C) International environmental law
D) International human rights law
  • 21. Which court is responsible for interpreting and applying the European Convention on Human Rights?
A) International Criminal Court
B) International Court of Justice
C) European Court of Human Rights
D) World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body
  • 22. What is the body that regulates the international trade of endangered species of flora and fauna?
A) Kyoto Protocol
B) Montreal Protocol
C) Basel Convention
D) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
  • 23. Which principle states that states have the right to engage in actions necessary for their self-defense?
A) Principle of self-defense
B) Principle of sovereignty
C) Principle of reciprocity
D) Principle of non-intervention
  • 24. What is the body that regulates the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes?
A) International Labour Organization
B) World Health Organization
C) United Nations
D) International Atomic Energy Agency
  • 25. Which international law concept refers to the ability of states to govern themselves?
A) Territorial integrity
B) Extraterritoriality
C) Non-intervention
D) Sovereignty
  • 26. What is the term for the legal document that states a country's withdrawal from a treaty?
A) Adoption
B) Denunciation
C) Reservation
D) Declaration
  • 27. What is the term for laws that apply universally to all states regardless of customary practice or consent?
A) Jus cogens
B) Bilateralism
C) Soft law
D) Territoriality
  • 28. What is the term for the lawful transfer of territory from one state to another?
A) Occupation
B) Secession
C) Annexation
D) Cession
  • 29. Which treaty serves as the legal framework for the global ozone layer protection regime?
A) Montreal Protocol
B) Vienna Convention
C) Kyoto Protocol
D) Stockholm Convention
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