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Space technology
Contributed by: Wilkins
  • 1. Space technology refers to the applications and innovations developed for use in space exploration and utilization. It encompasses a wide range of technologies, such as spacecraft design, propulsion systems, communications equipment, remote sensing instruments, and life support systems. Space technology plays a crucial role in enabling humans to explore and study the universe beyond Earth, providing valuable data and insights into the mysteries of outer space. Advancements in space technology have paved the way for missions to other planets, satellites for communication and observation, and the development of new materials and technologies with applications on Earth as well. Overall, space technology continues to push the boundaries of human knowledge and capabilities, opening up new possibilities for the future of space exploration and discovery.

    Which organization launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space?
A) The Soviet Union
B) China
C) United States
D) European Space Agency
  • 2. What does NASA stand for?
A) North American Space Agency
B) Nuclear Astronautics and Space Association
C) National Aerospace and Space Association
D) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • 3. Which planet is known as the 'Red Planet'?
A) Jupiter
B) Venus
C) Mercury
D) Mars
  • 4. What was the name of the first manned mission to land on the moon?
A) Voyager 1
B) Apollo 11
C) Mercury 7
D) Gemini 6
  • 5. What does ISS stand for in the context of space exploration?
A) International Space Station
B) Interstellar Space Station
C) Isolated Space Shuttle
D) Intracellular Space Station
  • 6. Which space telescope is famous for its stunning images of deep space objects?
A) Kepler Space Telescope
B) Chandra X-ray Observatory
C) James Webb Space Telescope
D) Hubble Space Telescope
  • 7. What is the name of the manned spaceflight program developed by SpaceX?
A) Falcon Heavy
B) Crew Dragon
C) Dragon V2
D) Starliner
  • 8. Which spacecraft was the first to successfully land on Mars?
A) Spirit
B) Viking 1
C) Opportunity
D) Curiosity
  • 9. Which planet is known for its prominent rings?
A) Neptune
B) Jupiter
C) Uranus
D) Saturn
  • 10. What is the name of the powerful rocket that took humans to the moon during the Apollo missions?
A) Delta IV
B) Saturn V
C) Falcon Heavy
D) Atlas V
  • 11. What is the name of the first space station launched into orbit by the United States?
A) Skylab
B) Mir
C) Salyut 1
D) Tiangong
  • 12. Which space telescope is known for its detection of exoplanets?
A) Chandra X-ray Observatory
B) Spitzer Space Telescope
C) Kepler Space Telescope
D) Hubble Space Telescope
  • 13. What is the name of the space probe launched by NASA that visited Pluto?
A) New Horizons
B) Galileo
C) Voyager 1
D) Cassini-Huygens
  • 14. Which planet is the largest in our solar system?
A) Jupiter
B) Mars
C) Saturn
D) Neptune
  • 15. What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space by the United States?
A) Vanguard 1
B) Syncom 3
C) Explorer 1
D) Telstar 1
  • 16. Which spacecraft holds the record for the farthest distance traveled from Earth by a man-made object?
A) Cassini-Huygens
B) Pioneer 10
C) Voyager 1
D) New Horizons
  • 17. Which space agency launched the Mars rovers Opportunity and Curiosity?
B) European Space Agency
D) Roscosmos
  • 18. What is the name of the first space shuttle to fly into space?
A) Challenger
B) Columbia
C) Atlantis
D) Discovery
  • 19. Which country's space agency is known by the acronym ESA?
A) Indian Space Research Organisation
B) Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency
C) European Space Agency
D) Russian Space Agency
  • 20. What is the name of the first woman to travel to space?
A) Yuri Gagarin
B) Sally Ride
C) Valentina Tereshkova
D) Kalpana Chawla
  • 21. What is the name of the space telescope launched by ESA that detects radiation in the X-ray portion of the electromagnetic spectrum?
A) XMM-Newton
B) James Webb Space Telescope
C) Spitzer Space Telescope
D) Hubble Space Telescope
  • 22. What is the name of the NASA program that sent humans to the moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s?
A) Mercury
B) Gemini
C) Apollo
D) Voyager
  • 23. What does GPS stand for in the context of space technology?
A) Ground Positioning Satellite
B) Global Positioning System
C) Galactic Planetary System
D) Geosynchronous Planetary Satellite
  • 24. Who was the first human to travel into space?
A) John Glenn
B) Neil Armstrong
C) Alan Shepard
D) Yuri Gagarin
  • 25. Which Mars probe successfully landed on the Red Planet and sent back images in 2021?
A) Perseverance
B) Curiosity
C) Opportunity
D) InSight
  • 26. What is the name of the Mars rover that has been active on the Red Planet since 2012?
A) Perseverance
B) Spirit
C) Curiosity
D) Opportunity
  • 27. What is the International Space Station (ISS) primarily used for?
A) Scientific research
B) Resource mining
C) Military operations
D) Space tourism
  • 28. What type of propulsion system is used by the Dawn spacecraft for its missions to asteroids?
A) Ion propulsion
B) Chemical propulsion
C) Solar sail propulsion
D) Nuclear propulsion
  • 29. What is the process of protecting astronauts from harmful effects of prolonged exposure to space called?
A) Radiation shielding
B) Cosmic resistance
C) Temporal preservation
D) Gravity adaptation
  • 30. Which famous astronomer proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system?
A) Johannes Kepler
B) Nicolaus Copernicus
C) Galileo Galilei
D) Tycho Brahe
  • 31. Which spacecraft was the first to successfully land on a comet in 2014?
A) New Horizons
B) Rosetta
C) Dawn
D) Voyager
  • 32. What is the term for the point in orbit where a satellite travels closest to Earth?
A) Perigee
B) Nadir
C) Apoapsis
D) Zenith
  • 33. Which space mission successfully placed an orbiter around Mercury in 2011, completing its mission in 2015?
A) Cassini
B) Viking
D) Pioneer 10
  • 34. Which rover, launched in 2003, explored the surface of Mars and exceeded its 90-day mission duration by over 14 years?
A) Opportunity
B) Curiosity
C) Sojourner
D) Spirit
  • 35. Which spacecraft successfully made the first soft landing on Venus in 1970 as part of the Soviet Venera program?
A) Mariner 10
B) Venera 7
C) Galileo
D) Magellan
  • 36. What is the name of the largest moon of Saturn, known for its fascinating geological features and potential for life?
A) Io
B) Europa
C) Enceladus
D) Titan
  • 37. In space technology, what does LEO stand for?
A) Low Earth Orbit
B) Lunar Eclipse Observation
C) Long-range Exploration and Observation
D) Lightweight Earth Observation
  • 38. What is the term for the region of space around a planet where magnetic fields trap particles from the solar wind?
A) Corona
B) Van Allen belts
C) Bow shock
D) Magnetosphere
  • 39. Which space mission successfully landed a rover named 'Zhurong' on Mars in May 2021?
A) Chang'e 4
B) Mars 2020 Perseverance
C) ExoMars
D) Tianwen-1
  • 40. Which space telescope, launched by NASA in 2018, is specifically designed to search for and characterize exoplanets?
A) Kepler
B) TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)
C) Hubble
D) Spitzer
  • 41. What year did humans first walk on the moon?
A) 1972
B) 1969
C) 1999
D) 1984
  • 42. Who founded SpaceX in 2002?
A) Sergey Brin
B) Elon Musk
C) Jeff Bezos
D) Richard Branson
  • 43. What protective layer surrounds a spacecraft during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere?
A) Plasma cocoon
B) Ablative shield
C) Energy barrier
D) Heat shield
  • 44. Who was the second man to step foot on the Moon?
A) Pete Conrad
B) Buzz Aldrin
C) Alan Shepard
D) Neil Armstrong
  • 45. What gas is most abundant in Earth's atmosphere?
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Carbon Dioxide
D) Argon
  • 46. What is the term for the boundary where the Sun's solar wind meets interstellar space?
A) Kuiper belt
B) Heliopause
C) Oort cloud
D) Asteroid belt
  • 47. Which astronaut set the record for the longest single spaceflight by an American astronaut?
A) Peggy Whitson
B) Chris Hadfield
C) John Glenn
D) Scott Kelly
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