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SS 2 Government 1st Term Exam
Contributed by: College
  • 1. 1. Which of the following is not the responsibility of the Electoral Commision in Nigeria ?
A) Delimitation of constituencies
B) Swearing in of the members of the House of Assembly
C) Compilation of electoral register
D) Counting and publication of election results
  • 2. 2. A body of department in the executive arm of government that assist in the planning and implementation of government policies is the ______
A) Pressure groups
B) Public corporation
C) Civil Society
D) Civil Service
  • 3. 3. Public corporations are controlled by all the following except ______
A) Tax payers
B) Ministers
C) Legislators
D) Convicts
  • 4. 4. Citizens who are legally qualified to vote form _____
A) Political parties
B) The electorate
C) A ward
D) Members of House of Assembly
  • 5. 5. The major advantage of the secret ballot is that
A) It is faster than other systems
B) Nobody can be prevented from voting
C) It ensures the anonymity of each voters
D) It extends the franchise to all adults
  • 6. 6. Which of the following is not a public corporation?
A) Nigeria Steel Development Authority
B) Niger National Shipping Line
C) Nigeria Ports Authority
D) Nigeria Teachers Institute
  • 7. 7. Which of the following best describes public opinion?
A) Opinion of the rulling party
B) Opinion of the elites
C) Political views of important groups
D) Important political views of large segment of the population
  • 8. 8. An elected politician represents all the following except _____
A) The electorate
B) His political party
C) His constituency
D) The government
  • 9. 9. The electoral officer charged with the responsibility of announcing election results is the _______
A) Returning officer
B) Presiding Officer
C) Supervisory Presiding Officer
D) Resident Electoral Commisioner
  • 10. 10. Voting at elections is one of the ways to ______
A) Maintain law and order
B) Ensure a representative government
C) Be a good politician
D) Avoid gerrymandering
  • 11. 11. The yes or no vote of the people, especially on issues of national importance is referred to as ____
A) Plebiscite
B) Second ballot
C) Re-run election
D) Nomination
  • 12. 12. Features of public opinion include _____
A) All of the above
B) It involves public issues
C) Specific issues
D) It is the opinion shared
  • 13. 13. A body or department in the executive arm of government with the duty of assisting the executive in the planning and implementation of government policies is _______
A) Ministry
B) Civil Service
C) Political party
D) Public Service
  • 14. 14. Features of civil servants include ______
A) Impartiality
B) All of the above
C) Anonymity
D) Neutrality
  • 15. 15. The functions of the civil service include ____
A) Impeachment of government
B) Enforcement of rules on government institutions
C) Drafting of bill
D) Delimitation of the country
  • 16. 16. The anonymity of a civil servants means ______
A) Civil servant is not expected to reveal or speak to the Press
B) They are not expected to give information to the public
C) They are not expected to form any association
D) A civil servant is not expected to join any group
  • 17. 17. All the following are structures of the civil service except _____
A) The Charismatic class
B) Administrative class
C) The Professional class
D) The Executive class
  • 18. 18. The Administrative head and the accounting officer of a ministry is ____''
A) The Director General
B) Governor General
C) Chief Executive
D) The Commisioner
  • 19. 19. The civil service ensures that the policies made are ______
A) Selected by the parliament
B) Implemented
C) Executed
D) Passed to the executive
  • 20. 20. The bills drafted by civil service are prepared by some experts in the ______
A) Ministry of information
B) Cabinet meeting
C) House of Assembly
D) Ministry of justice
  • 21. 21. Tribalism, nepotism and favouritism can lead to the appointment of _____ into the Civil Service
A) Unskilled leaders
B) Unqualified personnel
C) Partisan leaders
D) Well trained personnel
  • 22. 22. Public corporation is owned by the ______
A) Government
B) Private organization
C) Ministers
D) Individual
  • 23. 23. Features of Public corporation include _____
A) Board of directors
B) All of the above
C) Created by a special Act
D) Independent decisions
  • 24. 24. Public opinion is measured through _______
A) Cabinet members
B) Telephone calls
C) The legislature
D) Primary elections
  • 25. 25. Reasons for setting up Public Corporations include ______
A) Strategic projects
B) All of the above
C) To prevent exploitation
D) Huge capital investment
  • 26. 26. Functions of the civil service include ______
A) All of the above
B) They advice the government
C) Handling correspondence.
D) Preparation of budget
  • 27. 27. The Election that takes place to fill a vacant elective post as a result of disqualification, resignation or death of individual holding that office is _______
A) Bye-election
B) Direct election
C) Re-run election
D) Primary election
  • 28. 28. One of the factors that can hinder the effectiveness of civil service in Nigeria
A) Political instability
B) Bureaucracy
C) All of the above
D) Low incentive
  • 29. 29. Functions of Election include all the following except _____
A) Election of representatives
B) It grants power to the executive
C) Legitimacy
D) It fosters democracy
  • 30. 30. What is the meaning of free and fair elections?
A) The electoral body should select the best candidates
B) The electoral commision should allow all citizens to vote
C) The political parties should nominate best candidates
D) Electorate should not be intimidated during election
  • 31. 31. Moving around and get supervise the conduct of elections is the work of _____
A) Electoral commision
B) Security officers
C) Supervisory officers
D) Polling agents
  • 32. 32. A system where the electorate select the members of parliament who in turn vote on behalf of the people is ______
A) Direct election
B) Public voting
C) Run off election
D) Primary election
  • 33. 33. Functions of Electoral commision include the following
A) Free and fair elections
B) Manipulation of results
C) They represent the candidates or political parties at the polling unit
D) Vote during election
  • 34. 34. Public opinion is formed through all but one
A) Opinion poll
B) Families
C) Bureau of information
D) Mass media
  • 35. 35. Which of the following is the importance of public opinion?
A) Raising literacy level
B) Cabinet reshuffles
C) Press freedom
D) Screening of the government
  • 36. 36. The political head and chief executive of a ministry is either a _____ or _____
A) Head of department or Administrative
B) Minister or Director General
C) Minister or commissioner
D) Minister or Principal
  • 37. 37. Which of the following is a characteristics of public opinion?
A) Expression by Government
B) Expression by private individual
C) Expression by family members
D) Public opinion is static
  • 38. 38. All but one is not a problem of civil service
A) Lukewarm attitude
B) Tenure of office
C) Over duplication of functions
D) Red Tapism
  • 39. 39. A yes or no vote of the people particularly on law in given political system is _______
A) Recall election
B) Run off election
C) Plebiscite
D) Referendum
  • 40. 40. Merits of the Electoral college include _____
A) Short period of voting
B) Electoral malpractice
C) All of the above
D) Less costly
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