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Year 6 Islamic Morals Mid Term Assignment
Contributed by: Elementary
  • 1. On what date is ‘Eid-ul-Fitri celebrated?
A) 10th Dhul Hijjah
B) 27th Ramadhaan
C) 1st Shawwaal
D) 15th Sha’baan
  • 2. What is the name of the special additional prayer performed after the Isha salaat during the month of Ramadhan?
A) Istisqaa
B) Janaazah
C) Fard
D) Taraaweeh
  • 3. What is the name of the prophet who built the ark?
A) Nuuh
B) Huud
C) Yuunus
D) Yuusuf
  • 4. What is the name of the Prophet who crossed the Red Sea with his followers?
A) Isa
B) Ibrahim
C) Musa
D) Adam
  • 5. Allah swears by 7 things in Surah Ash-Shams. These include all the following except ________
A) Day
B) Moon
C) Death
D) Soul
  • 6. From what are jinns created?
A) Plant
B) Clay
C) Smokeless fire
D) Light
  • 7. What is the standing position in solaat called?
A) Qiyaam
B) Sujuud
C) Juluus
D) Rukuu’u
  • 8. What is the name of the seventh month of the Hijrah calendar?
A) Rajab
B) Ramadhaan
C) Sha’baan
  • 9. On what date is ‘Eid-ul-Adhaa celebrated?
A) 10th Dhul Hijjah
B) 7th Dhul -Hijjah
C) 8th Dhul Hijjah
D) 9th Dhul Hijjah
  • 10. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to say a prayer at the end of a gathering. That prayer is called __________
A) Husnul Khulq
B) Tahiyyatu Masjid
C) Kaffaaratul Majlis
D) Sujuud Sahwi
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