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Neuropsych Final Practice Exam #1- Chapters 20 & 24
Contributed by: W
  • 1. Kluver Bucy Syndrome results from bilateral temporal lobe damage or a temporal lobe lobectomy, with specific damage to the
A) insula and the superior olivary nucleus
B) amygdala and the inferior temporal cortex
C) fornix and the anterior nucleus of the dorsal thalamus
D) basal forebrain and the cingulate gyrus
E) hippocampus and the superior temporal gyrus
  • 2. All of the following are typical symptoms of Kluver Bucy syndrome EXCEPT
A) hypersexuality
B) speech apraxia
C) visual agnosia
D) hypermetamorphosis
E) indiscriminant dietary behavior
  • 3. The 3 main subdivisions of the amygdala:
A) orbitofrontal, dorsolateral, and medial areas
B) corticomedial, basolateral, & central areas
C) anterior, posterior, and dorsolateral areas
D) mammillary bodies, prefrontal cortex, and anterior areas
E) none of the above
  • 4. The circuit for emotional behavior:
A) hippocampus, amygdala & prefrontal cortex --> hypothalamus -->mammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus --> anterior thalamus --> cingulate cortex --> hippocampus, amygdala, & prefrontal cortex
B) hippocampus, amygdala & prefrontal cortex --> hypothalamus -->mammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus --> cingulate cortex--> anterior thalamus --> hippocampus, amygdala, & prefrontal cortex
C) hippocampus, amygdala & prefrontal cortex --> hypothalamus --> cingulate cortex --> anterior thalamus --> mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus --> hippocampus, amygdala, & prefrontal cortex
D) none of the above
E) hippocampus, amygdala & prefrontal cortex --> cingulate cortex -->hypothalamus --> mammillary nucleus of the hypothalamus --> anterior thalamus --> hippocampus, amygdala, & prefrontal cortex
  • 5. which of the following is NOT true about the amygdala?
A) cells require complex stimulation
B) it shares little similarity with the prefrontal cortex
C) many cells are multimodal
D) creates a complex image of the world and its stimuli
E) it receives input from all the different sensory systems
  • 6. the ________________ are key to understanding emotional experience
A) none of the above
B) cingulate gyrus and perforant pathway
C) hippocampus and parietal cortex
D) mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus
E) amygdala and prefrontal cortex
  • 7. Which of the following are NOT structures within the limbic lobe?
A) cingulate gyrus
B) anterior thalamus
C) mammillothalamic tract
D) hippocampal formation and amygdala
E) superior olivary nucleus
  • 8. The effects of brain damage on _________________ are more consistent than the effects on ________________.
A) emotion and memory; language
B) None of the above. The effects are the same.
C) emotion and language; memory
D) language and emotion; memory
E) language and memory; emotion
  • 9. The density of _________ receptors in the orbitofrontal cortex of monkeys relates to monkeys' social status.
A) acetylcholine
C) dopamine
D) norepinephrine
E) serotonin
  • 10. The finding that <b>there must be some difference in the details of brain organization in response to social experience</b> is related to the finding that ______________ in _____________ receptors alter social behavior and ______________ social status.
A) increases; serotonin; decrease
B) none of the above
C) increases; serotonin; increase
D) increases; dopamine; increase
E) decreases; dopamine; increase
  • 11. Lesions to the Right hemisphere can produce ____________ and ____________. Lesions to the Left hemisphere can produce ______________ and _____________.
A) catastrophic reactions; aphasia
B) none of the above
C) indifference; contralateral neglect
D) indifference; aphasia
E) catastrophic reactions; contralateral neglect
  • 12. The ________ hemisphere is involved in the _____________ components of emotion. The __________ hemisphere is involved in the ____________ components of emotion. Thus, both sides of the brain play a complimentary role in emotional behavior.
A) LEFT: fear; RIGHT; anger
B) LEFT; indifference; RIGHT; anger
C) RIGHT: interpretive; LEFT; automatic
D) RIGHT; automatic; LEFT; interpretive
E) none of the above
  • 13. Using split brain patients, if you flashed a picture of logs and then a picture of matches to the _________ hemisphere, the patients _________ make the inference that a match struck and held to a piece of wood could create a bonfire.
A) right or left; can't
B) right; can't
C) right or left; can
D) none of the above
E) left; can't
  • 14. motor aprosodia can result from damage to
A) Wernicke's area in the right hemisphere
B) Wernicke's are in the left hemisphere
C) Broca's area in the right hemisphere
D) Broca's area in the left hemisphere
  • 15. Brain injury patients who show less reactions to jokes, diminished laughter and smiling, failure to understand punchlines, and perverse humor are likely to have damage in the
A) bilateral frontal areas
B) bilateral temporal areas
C) right frontal areas
D) right temporal areas
E) left frontal areas
  • 16. Left frontal-lobe and right hemisphere lesions significantly impair the ability to match different faces when the expression is
A) anger or sadness.
B) fear or disgust.
C) surprise or shock.
D) happiness or joy.
E) none of the above
  • 17. Damage to ______________ area in the right hemisphere leads to _______________ aprosodia. Damage to _________________ area in the right hemisphere leads to _______________ aprosodia.
A) Broca's; motor; Wernicke's; sensory
B) Wernicke's; sensory; Broca's; sensory
C) Broca's; motor; Wernicke's; motor
D) Broca's; sensory; Wernicke's; motor
  • 18. _____________________ is decreased by __________ frontal lobe lesions and increased by ___________ frontal lobe lesions.
A) indifference; right; left
B) prosody of speech; right; left
C) facial expression; right; left
D) spontaneous speech; left; right
E) catastrophic reactions; left; right
  • 19. Social withdrawal, inappropriate social interactions, and loss of social dominance in monkeys is associated with lesions to the
A) basolateral prefrontal areas
B) none of the above
C) dorsolateral prefrontal areas
D) orbitofrontal areas
E) broca's area
  • 20. an absence of normal social vocalizations and a lack of social grooming in monkeys is associated with lesions to
A) the perirhinal cortex
B) perforant pathway
C) wernicke's area
D) the anterior cingulate
E) broca's area
  • 21. Which of the following are linked with frontal lobe lesions?
A) issues with social interaction
B) reduction in facial expressions
C) All of the above
D) issues with spontaneous speech
E) recognition of facial expressions
  • 22. phonological reading is related to
A) none of the above
B) graphemic reading
C) nonlexical reading
D) lexical reading
E) all of the above
  • 23. _______ reading uses the image of a word to access its sound. It is used for irregular words and symbols, such as arabic numerals (I, II, III, IV) and road signs.
A) graphemic
B) phonological
C) none of the above
D) phonological and graphemic
  • 24. fluent reading
A) requires only graphemic reading.
B) requires both phonological and graphemic reading, but phonological reading comes after graphemic reading
C) requires only phonological reading.
D) requires both phonological and graphemic reading, but graphemic reading comes after phonological reading.
  • 25. Which of the following are not assumptions of neuropsychological evaluation of learning disabilities?
A) Most children with learning disorders have limited numbers of symptoms in addition to their main impairments
B) a disability may affect only one or few spheres of endeavor
C) the neuropsych test results should suggest a possible strategy for remediation of the learning disorder
D) if one method or strategy of instruction is unsuccessful, another might be more successful
E) a specific skill or lack of skill can be detected through neurological testing
  • 26. Children with dyslexia who are older than age 8 have low scores on the IQ subtests of arithmetic, coding, information, and digit span. Children with dyslexia who are younger than age 8 do not show the same deficits in
A) coding and digit span
B) arithmetic and information
C) information and digit span
D) information and coding
E) arithmetic and digit span
  • 27. Children with dyslexia usually score __________ on IQ tests, with a mean score of _______.
A) five points lower; 95
B) none of the above
C) seven points lower; 100
D) ten points lower; 100
E) eight points lower; 95
  • 28. Which of the following is NOT true about Hyperactive-Child syndrome?
A) a single cause is unlikely responsible for all cases of the syndrome
B) there is a higher incidence of the syndrome in boys
C) 1/3 of children with this syndrome have a comorbid learning disorder
D) the syndrome is related to impaired self-regulation circuits associated with the frontal lobe and basal ganglia
E) it is the least common behavioral disturbance among children
  • 29. Which of the following are suggested causes for hyperactive-child syndrome?
A) various home/school environments
B) brain damage
C) all of the above
D) encephalitis
E) genetics
  • 30. The most common motor symptoms of cerebral palsy are
A) none of the above
B) rigid
C) spastic
D) atheoid
E) ataxic
  • 31. Some say that cerebral palsy is related to abnormalities in all of the following EXCEPT:
A) hippocampus
B) corticospinal tracts
C) brainstem
D) cerebellum
E) basal ganglia
  • 32. The majority of cerebral palsy cases are related to
A) birth or developmental injury
B) unknown causes
C) secondary to convulsions
D) prematurity
E) none of the above
  • 33. Hydrocephalus is an increase in the volume of CSF that can be caused by
A) enlargement of brain tissue due to shrinkage of ventricles and the pressure of CSF flow due to obstruction in the ventricles
B) shrinkage/atrophy of brain tissue due to enlargement of ventricles and the obstruction of CSF flow due to pressure buildup in the ventricles
C) shrinkage/atrophy of brain tissue due to enlargement of ventricles and the enlargement of CSF flow due to pressure atrophy in the ventricles
D) the obstruction of CSF flow due to pressure buildup in the ventricles
E) shrinkage/atrophy of brain tissue due to enlargement of ventricles
  • 34. What is the most common cause for hydrocephalus?
A) Shrinkage of brain tissue
B) CSF leaking
C) CSF flow obstruction
D) atrophy of brain tissue
E) none of the above
  • 35. Which of the following is NOT true about autism spectrum disorders?
A) they occur in children without an obvious focal cerebral disease
B) children have impaired social interactions and language abnormalities
C) they develop between ages 1 and 3
D) they are more common in girls
E) they are linked with genetic influences
  • 36. Persons with autism spectrum disorders can have impairments in implicit memories related to _____________ and impairments in explicit memories related to ___________.
A) prefrontal lobe abnormalities; cerebellar abnormalities
B) cerebellar abnormalities; temporal-lobe abnormalities
C) cerebellar abnormalities; frontal lobe abnormalities
D) none of the above
E) frontal lobe abnormalities; cerebellar abnormalities
  • 37. Persons with autism spectrum disorders can have
A) previous histories of viruses such as rubella
B) all of the above
C) abnormal social development due to abnormal development of von Economo neurons in the frontal cortex
D) large head/brain size due to abnormal cell loss and synaptic pruning
E) expression of genetic factors in facial nucleus, superior olive, and trapezoid body of the brainstem in the small caudal part of the pons
  • 38. which of the following is not a characteristic symptom of savant syndrome?
A) retardation
B) musical genius
C) blindness
D) aphasia
  • 39. Which of the following is not more common in boys?
A) all of the above are more common in boys
B) autism spectrum disorder
C) savant syndrome
D) cerebral palsy
E) hyperactive child syndrome
  • 40. hyperlexia, the precocious development of reading abilities, is often reflected in children with
A) savant syndrome
B) cerebral palsy
C) asperger's syndrome
D) hyperactive child syndrome
E) hydrocephalus
  • 41. In persons with savant syndrome, the narrow range of special abilities and skills
A) can appear and disappear rapidly.
B) can appear rapidly and disappear slowly.
C) can appear slowly and disappear rapidly.
D) can appear and disappear slowly.
  • 42. Which of the following is incorrect in regard to Asperger's syndrome:
A) There is a lack of narrow range of interests that exists in autism.
B) Language is not as affected as it is in Autism.
C) It is less severe than Autism.
D) The child may have special abilities, similar to persons with Savant syndrome.
E) Intelligence is not as affected as it is in Autism.
  • 43. Sudden obstruction of CSF flow is related to
A) all of the above
B) hydrocephalus
C) coma
D) rapid intracranial pressure
E) ventricular dilation
  • 44. All of the following are obstacles to demonstrating a genetic basis of learning disabilities EXCEPT
A) Environmental influences are too easily separated from genetic effects in research.
B) Kids with LDs and their parents have average IQ scores and people with average IQ generally find school difficult even when they don't have an LD.
C) It is difficult to easily separate the heritability of reading skill from underlying causal LD factors.
D) Learning disabilities take many forms & there is no good categorical criteria to base research on.
E) The incidence of LDs is related to quality of schooling and it is difficult to compare abilities of children to their parents.
  • 45. Genes on chromosomes _______________ may be related to reading disorders.
A) 1, 2, 3, & 9
B) 1, 2, 6, & 15
C) 1, 3, 5, & 6
D) 1, 3, 5, & 9
E) 1, 6, 9, & 15
  • 46. Some think that genetic abnormalities are associated with certain learning disorders, such as
A) Hyperactive Child Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorders
B) Autism Spectrum Disorders and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
C) Autism Spectrum Disorders and Cerebral Palsy
D) Hyperactive Child Syndrome and Hydrocephalus
E) None of the above
  • 47. Patients with damage to the Right Parietal Lobe have __________ facial expressions than patients with damage to the Left Temporal Lobe and ________ facial expressions than patients with either Right or Left damage to the Frontal Lobe.
A) more; less
B) more; more
C) less; less
D) less; more
  • 48. Which area of the brain is associated with regret and disappointment?
A) medial temporal cortex
B) none of the above
C) lateral orbitofrontal cortex
D) basolateral area of amygdala
E) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
  • 49. The left ear & eye relates to _______________ but the right ear & eye relates to ________________.
A) this is an easy one :)
B) content; emotional tone
C) come on baby; do the twist
D) none of the above
E) emotional tone; content
  • 50. neuroticism is correlated with changes in the ______________ in response to emotional conflict.
A) none of the above
B) anterior cingulate
C) orbitofrontal area
D) fornix
E) superior temporal gyrus
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