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The Importance of Tzedakah
Contributed by: Foster
  • 1. Tzedakah is a fundamental component of which faith?
A) Buddhism
B) Christianity
C) Islam
D) Judaism
  • 2. In Judaism, there is a concept of 'Ma'aser,' which involves giving what percentage of one's income to Tzedakah?
A) 5%
B) 20%
C) 10%
D) 15%
  • 3. Which term is often associated with the act of giving Tzedakah?
A) Disgrace
B) Sin
C) Mitzvah
D) Curse
  • 4. Which biblical figure is often cited as a model of generosity and Tzedakah?
A) David
B) Moses
C) Solomon
D) Abraham
  • 5. Tzedakah is meant to create a sense of:
A) Isolation
B) Segregation
C) Conflict
D) Community
  • 6. What is the significance of giving Tzedakah anonymously?
A) To protect the dignity of the recipient
B) To avoid sharing resources
C) To manipulate others
D) To seek praise and recognition
  • 7. What does the act of Tzedakah aim to cultivate in individuals?
A) Selfishness and greed
B) Indifference and apathy
C) Empathy and humility
D) Arrogance and pride
  • 8. What is the ultimate purpose of Tzedakah in society?
A) To reinforce social disparities
B) To create a more just and caring world
C) To accumulate personal wealth
D) To exert control over others
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