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March Ancient History
Contributed by: Suttell
  • 1. How did rivers contribute to the survival of the early civilizations?
A) Formed barriers around civilizations
B) Provided a power source
C) Provided a route to get to other civilizations
D) Provided a supply of water and rich soil for growing food.
  • 2. What geographical features provided fertile land that gave rise to Mesopotamian city-states?
A) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
B) Zagros Mountains and Caspian Sea
C) Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
D) Persian Gulf and Arabian Desert
  • 3. What is an important feature that was necessary for early civilizations?
A) Flat areas for building
B) Access to metals such as iron
C) Warm climate
D) Water Sources
  • 4. Which is the most likely reason that hunter-gatherers began farming
A) Scarcity, or food was difficult to find
B) a decline in population
C) wars among groups
D) a loss of technology
  • 5. What job would study the natural features of the earth such as water, landforms and climate?
A) Geographers
B) Teachers
C) Archeologists
D) Historians
  • 6. What river did the Ancient Egyptian civilization build up around?
A) Tigris
B) Euphrates
C) Nile
D) Arabian
  • 7. Paleolithic is a term meaning:
A) New Stone Age
B) Technology Age
C) Ice Age
D) Old Stone Age
  • 8. Neolithic is a term meaning:
A) New Stone Age
B) Old Stone Age
C) ice Age
D) Technology Age
  • 9. Groups of people who move from place to place are called:
A) Astronomers
B) Anthropologists
C) Historians
D) Nomads
  • 10. Mesopotamian farmers developed a system of _________ to control the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
A) Cuneiform
B) Writing
C) Flooding
D) Irrigation
  • 11. Around 2340 B.C.E. Sargon conquered all of Mesopotamia and other areas to create the worlds first:
A) Empire
B) Capital City
C) City-State
D) Farming Village
  • 12. What characteristic best helped hominids to survive?
A) Being able to practice religion
B) Being Biped
C) Being able to Talk
D) Being able to Write
  • 13. Being an upright walker allowed early hominids to:
A) Hunt food and gather plants and berries
B) Practice religion
C) Kill other animals
D) Climb trees
  • 14. Egyptians developed a system of writing called:
A) Scribes
B) Geometry
C) Papyrus
D) Hieroglyphics
  • 15. Egyptian government was ruled by
A) Scribes
B) Priests
C) Kings
D) Pharaohs
  • 16. The Great Pyramid was built by;
A) Khufu
B) Ahmose
C) King Tut
D) Ramses
  • 17. The ____________ lasted from 2000 to 1800 B.C.E. it was marked by the reunification of Egypt and by the Arts flourishing
A) New Kingdom
B) Palace Kingdom
C) Old Kingdom
D) Middle Kingdom
  • 18. The _____________, lasted from 2700 to 2200 B.C.E. This period was marked by the rise of the Pharaos and by the building of Pyramids
A) Middle Kingdom
B) Nile Kingdom
C) Old Kingdom
D) New Kingdom
  • 19. Domestication of animals was important because
A) it helped people to meet their agricultural needs and create a stable food supply
B) it helped to bring animals into the city-states
C) it helped to fight wars
D) it help to expand empires
  • 20. As people begin to farm and create stable food supply they then:
A) build permanent shelters
B) fight one another
C) create fire
D) decrease in population
  • 21. New irrigation techniques are seen in all the early civilizations, what is irrigation?
A) building permanent shelters
B) creating laws for all people
C) domesticating plants and animals
D) controlling and bringing water from one location to another
  • 22. Why was the Fertile Crescent the site of many early civilizations
A) The soil was good for crops
B) The caves provided shelter for the people
C) The forest was full of animals
D) The hills were rich with gold
  • 23. Trade brings new resources to an area, what is an additional positive effect of trade on a civilization?
A) Populations decrease
B) Old products are not used anymore
C) Wars are fought over new land
D) New ideas are spread and culture grows
  • 24. Why did writing start?
A) to communicate with new people from different areas
B) to tell stories
C) to record infomation
D) to teach people to farm
  • 25. Many early civilizations believed in many gods, what is this called?
A) Monotheism
B) Islam
C) Theology
D) Polytheism
  • 26. In early civilizations, what belief about the leader (Kings or Pharaohs) helped him to rule and have supreme power?
A) That he was a god or was chosen by god
B) That he knew how to write
C) That he had already started to buil a religious temple
D) That he was the biggest and strongest person in the city
  • 27. Describe 3 of the 7 parts or characteristics of a civilization. For each characteristic, give a specific example of how it was shown in any of the ancient civilizations.
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