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End of First World War (25m killed) - Versailles Conference
Contributed by: Payne
  • 1. Which country lost the most military personnel during the First World War?
A) France
B) Germany
C) Russia
D) Britain
  • 2. What was the name of the organization established by the Treaty of Versailles to maintain peace?
A) United Nations
B) European Union
D) League of Nations
  • 3. Who was the French Premier at the time of the Versailles Conference?
A) Georges Clemenceau
B) Vittorio Orlando
C) David Lloyd George
D) Woodrow Wilson
  • 4. What is the name of the clause in the Treaty of Versailles that placed full blame for the war on Germany?
A) Conflict Burden Clause
B) War Guilt Clause
C) Battle Accountability Covenant
D) Peace Responsibility Article
  • 5. What was the purpose of the League of Nations?
A) Disarm all nations
B) Dominate global politics
C) Promote international cooperation and prevent war
D) Establish colonies in Africa
  • 6. What was the key reason for the United States to become involved in the First World War?
A) German submarine warfare
B) Desire for territorial expansion
C) French alliance
D) Economic interests
  • 7. Which country faced severe economic repercussions as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
A) Britain
B) France
C) Italy
D) Germany
  • 8. Who was the President of the United States during the Versailles Conference?
A) Woodrow Wilson
B) Herbert Hoover
C) Franklin D. Roosevelt
D) Calvin Coolidge
  • 9. Which country did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
A) Germany
B) France
C) United States
D) Britain
  • 10. Which nation emerged as a new independent state following the Treaty of Versailles?
A) Poland
B) Ottoman Empire
C) Austria-Hungary
D) Soviet Union
  • 11. When did the First World War end?
A) 1918
B) 1920
C) 1919
D) 1917
  • 12. What did the Treaty of Versailles require Germany to do?
A) Ignore reparations
B) Receive reparations
C) Demand reparations
D) Pay reparations
  • 13. Which German territory was demilitarized under the Versailles Treaty?
A) Rhineland
B) Prussia
C) Bavaria
D) Saxony
  • 14. What major empire collapsed following the end of World War I?
A) Ottoman Empire
B) Byzantine Empire
C) Roman Empire
D) Russian Empire
  • 15. What was the nickname given to the treaty terms by the German public and politicians?
A) Weltschmerz
B) Gemutlichkeit
C) Freude
D) Diktat
  • 16. Who famously disagreed with the treaty terms as presented at the Versailles Conference?
A) Friedrich Nietzsche
B) Karl Marx
C) John Maynard Keynes
D) Immanuel Kant
  • 17. Who led the British delegation at the Versailles Conference?
A) Margaret Thatcher
B) Neville Chamberlain
C) Winston Churchill
D) David Lloyd George
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