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War of 1812
Contributed by: Blake
  • 1. When did the War of 1812 begin?
A) July 14, 1789
B) September 11, 2001
C) June 18, 1812
D) July 4, 1776
  • 2. Which country did the United States fight against in the War of 1812?
A) France
B) Germany
C) Great Britain
D) Russia
  • 3. Who was the President of the United States during the War of 1812?
A) James Madison
B) John Adams
C) Thomas Jefferson
D) Andrew Jackson
  • 4. What was the main cause of the War of 1812?
A) Impressment of American sailors
B) Expansion of slavery
C) Border disputes
D) Taxation without representation
  • 5. Which city was burned by the British during the War of 1812?
A) Boston
B) Philadelphia
C) New York City
D) Washington, D.C.
  • 6. Who composed the poem that later became the lyrics for the U.S. national anthem during the War of 1812?
A) Langston Hughes
B) Francis Scott Key
C) Walt Whitman
D) Emily Dickinson
  • 7. Which Native American leader played a key role in the War of 1812, siding with the British?
A) Crazy Horse
B) Sitting Bull
C) Geronimo
D) Tecumseh
  • 8. Which treaty officially ended the War of 1812?
A) Treaty of Versailles
B) Treaty of Paris
C) Treaty of Vienna
D) Treaty of Ghent
  • 9. Who famously said, 'We have met the enemy and they are ours' during the War of 1812?
A) Andrew Jackson
B) Oliver Hazard Perry
C) Francis Scott Key
D) James Lawrence
  • 10. Which American city was attacked by the British in 1814, leading to the writing of the national anthem?
A) Boston
B) Philadelphia
C) Baltimore
D) New York City
  • 11. Which Native American tribe allied with the British during the War of 1812 and was defeated at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?
A) Creek
B) Sioux
C) Apache
D) Cherokee
  • 12. Who was the British general who was killed at the Battle of New Orleans?
A) Edward Pakenham
B) Thomas Cochrane
C) Robert Ross
D) Horatio Nelson
  • 13. Which American naval officer famously said, 'I have not yet begun to fight' during the War of 1812?
A) Matthew Perry
B) David Farragut
C) John Paul Jones
D) Stephen Decatur
  • 14. Which U.S. Navy frigate became famous for its victories over British ships during the War of 1812?
A) USS Constitution
B) USS Niagara
C) USS Merrimack
D) USS Monitor
  • 15. What was the last major battle of the War of 1812, fought after the peace treaty had been signed?
A) Battle of New Orleans
B) Battle of Baltimore
C) Battle of Plattsburgh
D) Battle of Lake Erie
  • 16. What was the name of the British fort that was burned by American forces during the War of 1812, inspiring the U.S. national anthem?
A) Fort Ticonderoga
B) Fort York
C) Fort Sumter
D) Fort McHenry
  • 17. The Battle of New Orleans, a major American victory, occurred after the war had officially ended due to delays in communication. Who led the American forces in this battle?
A) George Washington
B) Thomas Jefferson
C) James Monroe
D) Andrew Jackson
  • 18. What British warship famously surrendered to the USS Constitution during the War of 1812, earning the American ship its nickname 'Old Ironsides'?
A) HMS Dreadnought
B) HMS Victory
C) HMS Bounty
D) HMS Guerriere
  • 19. Which future U.S. President served as a young officer in the War of 1812, notably commanding the American troops at the Battle of Thames in which Tecumseh was killed?
A) Andrew Johnson
B) Zachary Taylor
C) William Henry Harrison
D) Ulysses S. Grant
  • 20. The burning of which important government building in Washington, D.C. symbolized a major British victory during the War of 1812?
A) Supreme Court Building
B) US Capitol
C) Pentagon
D) White House
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