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UAS B.ING-8 Sem 2 2024
Contributed by: Afni
  • 1. Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!” he ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to the office. The other children had gone to school.

    Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to him. But he ran to the neighbour’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother. The neighbor soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.

    When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his son, “When you are a man, you will be just like your father,”she said.


    Who took Mrs. Damiri to the clinic?
A) Her husband
B) Her children
C) Her neighbour
D) Her son
  • 2. Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!” he ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to the office. The other children had gone to school.

    Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to him. But he ran to the neighbour’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother. The neighbor soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.

    When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his son, “When you are a man, you will be just like your father,”she said.

    How did the neighbour help Mrs. Damiri?
A) He called the fireman and put out the fire
B) He called the fireman and advised Mrs. Damiri to stay calm
C) He put out the fire and took Mrs. Damiri ot the clinic
D) He called Mrs. Damiri’s husband and ran to the kitchen
  • 3. Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened. SHe was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!” he ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to the office. The other children had gone to school.

    Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to him. But he ran to the neighbour’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother. The neighbor soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.

    When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his son, “When you are a man, you will be just like your father,”she said.


    Identify the orientation of this text, and write it!
A) Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!”
B) Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened.
C) Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident.
D) He was playing with his new toy car.
  • 4. Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened. SHe was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!” he ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to the office. The other children had gone to school.

    Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to him. But he ran to the neighbour’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother. The neighbor soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.

    When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his son, “When you are a man, you will be just like your father,”she said.


    Identify the event 3 of this text, and write it!
A) Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident.
B) He was playing with his new toy car.
C) Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened.
D) Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!”
  • 5. Last week, Mr Damiri’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home when it happened. SHe was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother calling, “Help! Help!” he ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damiri had gone to the office. The other children had gone to school.

    Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to him. But he ran to the neighbour’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother. The neighbor soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.

    When Mr. Damiri came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his son, “When you are a man, you will be just like your father,”she said.


    Identify the event 6 of this text, and write it!
A) His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil.
B) he ran to the kitchen.
C) She was crying with pain
D) He was playing with his new toy car.
  • 6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    How many days they have holiday?
A) a week
B) two days
C) two hours
D) a day
  • 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    When did they go to home?
A) At night
B) In the afternoon
C) In the morning
D) In the evening
  • 8. On Wednesday, my students and I went to YogyakartA. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated. On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed. In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.
    When did they go home?
A) On Thursday evening
B) On Friday afternoon
C) On Friday evening
D) On Saturday morning
  • 9. On Wednesday, my students and I went to YogyakartA. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated. On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed. In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.
    Where did they stay for their holiday in Yogyakarta?
A) at Dirgahayu Hotel
B) Yogya Kraton
C) Prambanan
D) Malioboro
  • 10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    What did they do after swam?
A) Rest in rest area
B) Go back to the beach
C) Sleep at the hotel
D) Have a lunch
  • 11. Complete the sentence based on the picture!
    Bally bag is . . . . than Michael Kors bag.
A) as expensive as
B) the most expensive
C) expensive
D) more expensive
  • 12. Complete the sentence based on the picture!
    Bally bag is . . . . than Kate Spade bag.
A) more expensive
B) the cheapest
C) the most expensive
D) cheaper
  • 13. Make a sentence in COMPARATIVE FORM based on these pictures.
A) Micheal Kors bag is more expensive than Bally bag
B) Bally bag is the cheapest bag from all
C) Kate Spade bag is the most expensive bag from all
D) Michael Kors bag is cheaper than Bally bag
  • 14. Make a sentence in SUPERLATIVE FORM based on these pictures.
A) Micheal Kors bag is more expensive than Bally bag
B) Bally bag is the cheapest bag from all
C) Kate Spade bag is the most expensive bag from all
D) Micheal Kors bag is more expensive than Bally bag
  • 15. Make a sentence in SUPERLATIVE FORM based on these pictures.
A) Rinjani Mount is the nearest mount from all
B) Kerinci Mount is the lowest mount from all
C) Rinjani Mount is the highest mount from all
D) Carstensz Pyramid mount is the highest mount from all
  • 16. Complete the sentence based on the picture!
    Kerinci Mount is . . . . than Rinjani Mount.
A) nearest
B) higher
C) lower
D) nearer
  • 17. My father ...... coffee every morning.
A) drinks
B) is drinking
C) drink
D) are drinking
  • 18. Birds... high in the sky.
A) flew
B) flies
C) is flying
D) fly
  • 19. … Lizzie eat fish?
A) Do
B) Is
C) Does
D) Did
  • 20. Change this sentence into NEGATIVE FORM in Simple Present Tense (Rubah kalimat ini kedalam bentuk negatif)
    I have two cars.
A) I don't have two cars
B) I have two cars no
C) I doesn't have two cars
D) I didn't have two cars
  • 21. What …. he catch?
A) did
B) do
C) be
D) does
  • 22. We … to the school together
A) Goes
B) Going
C) Went
D) Go
  • 23. The artist … beautiful painting
A) Created
B) Create
C) Creating
D) Creates
  • 24. She … Spain to foreign students
A) Teach
B) Teaching
C) Teaches
D) Teacher
  • 25. Translate this sentence into English (Terjemahkan kalimat ini ke dalam Bahasa Inggris)
    Rani tidak pernah menembak beruang
A) Rani doesn't shot the deer
B) Rani seldom shot the sheep
C) Rani never shots the bear
D) Rani rarely shot the duck
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