Fractions to decimals to percents
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the top number by the bottom - top number in the dog house.
To convert a decimal to a fraction put it over its place value and simplify.
From a decimal to a percent, move the decimal two places to the right. Reverse to move back to a decimal. Simplify all fractions. Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 50% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 33⅓% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 16⅔% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 87½% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 70% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 83⅓% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 60% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 66⅔% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 37½% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 90% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 30% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 40% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 75% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 10% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 12½% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 62½% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 25% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 20% Fill in the missing equivalent. = 0 = 80% Fill in the missing equivalent. 1 2 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 1 3 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 1 6 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 7 8 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 10 7 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 5 6 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 3 5 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 2 3 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 3 8 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 10 9 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 10 3 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 2 5 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 3 4 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 10 1 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 1 8 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 5 8 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 1 4 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 1 2 = 0 = % Fill in the missing equivalent. 4 5 = 0 = % |