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Behavioral sociology
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  • 1. Behavioral sociology is a branch of sociology that focuses on human behavior in social contexts. It seeks to understand how individuals and groups behave, interact, and influence each other within different social structures and settings. Behavioral sociologists study various aspects of human behavior, such as social norms, attitudes, beliefs, and relationships, to uncover patterns and trends in society. By examining social interactions and relationships, behavioral sociology aims to provide insights into human behavior and society as a whole.

    What is the focus of behavioral sociology?
A) Understanding how social interactions shape individual behavior
B) Exploring economic factors in behavior
C) Analyzing genetic influences on behavior
D) Studying behavioral disorders exclusively
  • 2. Which theoretical perspective emphasizes that human behavior is influenced by learned behaviors and environmental factors?
A) Social learning theory
B) Biological determinism
C) Structural functionalism
D) Rational choice theory
  • 3. What does the term 'socialization' refer to in behavioral sociology?
A) Exclusively peer influence on behavior
B) The study of self-fulfilling prophecies
C) The process by which individuals learn societal norms and values
D) Biological inheritance of behavioral traits
  • 4. What term describes the expectation that affects a person's actual behavior, thus leading the person to act in ways that confirm the expectation?
A) Halo effect
B) Self-fulfilling prophecy
C) Confirmation bias
D) Cognitive dissonance
  • 5. What do sociologists mean by the term 'collective behavior'?
A) Individual behavior influenced by culture
B) Pre-planned social interactions
C) Behaviors that are inherently genetic
D) Spontaneous and unstructured social behavior of a group of people
  • 6. Which theory suggests that individuals seek to maximize rewards and minimize costs in their interactions with others?
A) Functionalist theory
B) Conflict theory
C) Rational choice theory
D) Social exchange theory
  • 7. What is a primary focus of symbolic interactionism in sociology?
A) The importance of symbols and gestures in shaping social interactions
B) The study of behavioral disorders
C) The role of social institutions in society
D) The influence of economic factors on behavior
  • 8. What term describes the phenomenon where people in a group tend to exert less effort when working collectively than when working alone?
A) Social loafing
B) Groupthink
C) Conformity
D) Altruism
  • 9. What term is used to describe the change in behavior that occurs when people believe they are being watched?
A) Social desirability bias
B) Placebo effect
C) Confirmation bias
D) Hawthorne effect
  • 10. What term refers to the tendency to attribute one's successes to internal factors and failures to external factors?
A) Confirmation bias
B) Fundamental attribution error
C) Self-serving bias
D) Cognitive dissonance
  • 11. What is the term for the tendency to place an undue emphasis on the first information received when making decisions?
A) Availability heuristic
B) Confirmation bias
C) Primacy effect
D) Recency effect
  • 12. The concept that people will oblige or reciprocate when others help them is known as the:
A) Norm of reciprocity
B) Altruism principle
C) Social contract
D) Reciprocity norm
  • 13. Which concept describes the tendency for individuals within a group to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclination of its members?
A) Group polarization
B) Risky shift phenomenon
C) Reciprocity norm
D) Social loafing
  • 14. Which theoretical perspective in sociology focuses on the way individuals act based on their interpretations of symbols and gestures?
A) Rational choice theory
B) Structural functionalism
C) Symbolic interactionism
D) Conflict theory
  • 15. Who is considered the father of sociology and a key figure in behavioral sociology?
A) Auguste Comte
B) Karl Marx
C) Émile Durkheim
D) Max Weber
  • 16. Which concept refers to groups within society that are characterized by distinctive norms, values, and behaviors?
A) Assimilation
B) Socialization
C) Ethnocentrism
D) Subcultures
  • 17. What term describes the process through which individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a culture?
A) Socialization
B) Isolation
C) Acculturation
D) Discrimination
  • 18. What term refers to the tendency to favor certain cultures over others and see them as superior?
A) Xenophobia
B) Ethnocentrism
C) Cultural relativism
D) Multiculturalism
  • 19. Which sociologist introduced the sociological perspective known as symbolic interactionism?
A) George Herbert Mead
B) Talcott Parsons
C) Emile Durkheim
D) Robert Merton
  • 20. Which sociologist is known for his work on the social construction of reality?
A) Max Weber
B) Karl Marx
C) Peter L. Berger
D) Auguste Comte
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