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  • 1. What are the reglementary periods required to be followed to avoid violation of Article 125 of the RPC or Delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper judicial authorities?
A) 12, 20, and 36 hours
B) 12, 18, and 36 hours
C) 8, 12, and 18 hours
D) 6, 10, 16 hours
  • 2. What is the felony committed if the public officer or employee who has legally procured a search warrant but exceeds the authority reposed or uses unnecessary severity in executing the same?
A) Expulsion
B) Search warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those legally obtained
C) Searching domicile without witnesses
D) None of the above
  • 3. What is the felony committed if the offender is a public officer who procures a search warrant without just cause?
A) Offending the religious feelings
B) Prohibition, interruption and dissolution of peaceful meetings
C) Searching domicile without witnesses
D) Search warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those legally obtained
  • 4. This is one of the legal grounds for the detention of any person.
A) If the person is not a fugitive from justice
B) Violent insanity
C) If the person to be arrested did not commitany crime
D) Person with reddish eyes
  • 5. What is the felony committed if the public officer while the religious ceremony is going on prevents or disturbs the same?
A) Interruption of religious worship
B) None of the above
C) Expulsion
D) Offending the religious feelings
  • 6. What is the felony committed if the acts are performed in a place devoted to religious worship and the same are notoriously offensive
    to the feelings of the faithful?
A) Offending the religious feelings
B) Expulsion
C) Interruption of religious worship
D) Prohibition, interruption and dissolution of peaceful meetings
  • 7. By entering any dwelling against the will of the Owner committed by a public officer or employee without being authorized by judicial order is one of the punishable acts of what
    crime or felony?
A) Violation of domicile
B) Interruption of religious worship
C) Searching domicile without witnesses
D) Search warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those legally obtained
  • 8. What is the felony committed if the public officer or employee was armed with a search warrant legally procured and searched the domicile but the owner or any member of his family or two witnesses residing in the same locality were not present?
A) Searching domicile without witnesses
B) Arbitrary detention
C) Interruption of religious worship
D) Delaying release
  • 9. The offender has knowledge of any conspiracy to commit treason against the Government and conceals or does not disclose and make known the same as soon as possible to the proper authority.
A) Treason
B) Proposal to commit treason
C) Conspiracy to commit treason
D) Misprision of treason
  • 10. Who are persons liable in treason?
A) Foreigner
B) All of the above
C) Filipino citizen and resident alien
D) Filipino citizen and foreigner
  • 11. Two or more persons come to an agreement to levy war against the government or to adhere to the enemies and to give them aid or comfort.
A) None of the above.
B) This is one of the elements of conspiracy to Commit treason.
C) This is one of the elements of proposal to Commit treason
D) This is one of the elements of misprision of treason.
  • 12. Which crime that requires the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act.
A) Flight to enemy country
B) Espionage
C) Correspondence with hostile country
D) Treason
  • 13. China and the Philippines are at war. X is a Filipino citizen. X has knowledge that A, B, and C who are also Filipino citizens, have agreed and decided to adhere to the Chinese and give them aid or comfort. The meeting was done in X' s house and so he heard all the details of the conspiracy. He concealed such knowledge and did not report the conspiracy to commit treason to the authorities. What is the crime committed by X?
A) Treason
B) Qualified piracy
C) Misprison of treason
D) Espionage
  • 14. It is a betrayal of alegiance to one' s country in time of war.
A) Treason
B) Murder
C) Rebellion
D) Piracy
  • 15. Who can be an offender in misprision of treason?
A) Resident alien
B) Citizen of the Philippines only
C) All of the above can be an offender.
D) Foreigner
  • 16. By adhering to the enemies, giving them aid or comfort is one of the elements of what crime?
A) Correspondence with hostile country
B) None of the above
C) Treason
D) Flight to enemy country
  • 17. This is one of the modes of committing treason.
A) By spying
B) By levying war
C) None of the above
D) By killing
  • 18. The Philippines is involved in a war and the offender owes allegiance to the Philippines but he attempts to flee to the enemy country which is prohibited by the government.
A) Flight to enemy country
B) Misprision of treason
C) Piracy
D) Violation of Neutrality
  • 19. What is the felony committed if a public officer or employee, without legal grounds, detains a person.
A) Violation of Domicile
B) Qualified Piracy
C) Kidnapping
D) Arbitrary Detention
  • 20. In this felony, the offender is a public officer or employee who expels any person from the, Philippines or compels a person to change his residence without being authorized by law to do so.
A) Expulsion
B) Arbitrary detention
C) Delaying release
D) Violation of domicile
  • 21. In llegal association, is it necessary that there be an actual meeting?
A) No
B) Probably
C) Maybe
D) Yes
  • 22. If the public officer who during rebellion accepted a position or office under the rebels is liable for what felony?
A) Proposal to commit coup d' eta
B) Conspiracy to commit rebellion
C) Disloyalty of public officers or employees
D) Inciting to sedition
  • 23. In llegal assembly, is it necessary that there is an actual meeting or assembly?
A) Maybe
B) Probably
C) Yes
D) No
  • 24. If the offender without taking arms or being in open hostility against the government, incites others to the execution of any of the acts of rebellion by means of speeches is liable for what felony?
A) Inciting a rebellion or insurrection
B) Sedition
C) llegal association
D) Coupd' etat
  • 25. One of the elements of this felony is that there must be a public uprising and taking arms against the government to deprive the Congress, wholly or partially, of any of their powers or prerogatives.
A) Coup d' etat
B) Rebellion or insurrection
C) Inciting a rebellion
D) Sedition
  • 26. This is the felony where the offenders rise publicly and tumultuously employing force, intimidation, or other means outside of legal methods to prevent the promulgation or execution of any law or the holding of any popular election.
A) Sedition
B) Rebellion
C) Illegal association
D) llegal assembly
  • 27. What is the felony if there is a meeting
    attended by armed persons for the purpose of committing any of the crimes punishable by the Revised Penal Code?
A) llegal associations
B) Violation of parliamentary immunity
C) Illegal assemblies
D) Sedition
  • 28. If the policeman arrested a member of
    Congress while in a regular session when the crime he committed is not more than prision correccional, the policeman is liable for what felony?
A) Violation of parliamentary immunity
B) Coup d' etat
C) Sedition
D) Inciting to sedition
  • 29. Who are persons liable in llegal association?
A) Councilors
B) Strangers
C) Founders
D) By standers
  • 30. The offender belongs to a military or police or holding any public office or employment who made a swift attack accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat, strategy, or stealth for the purpose of diminishing state power.
A) llegal Assembly
B) Rebellion
C) Coup d' etat
D) Sedition
  • 31. Which statement is true?
A) Indirect assault can be committed only when a direct assault is also committed.
B) There can be no direct assault if there is no indirect assault.
C) A lawyer is considered an agent of a person in authority.
D) A police is considered a person in authority.
  • 32. X was convicted of Theft. The judgment became final. Before he could start serving sentence, X committed Attempted Homicide. Is X a quasi-recidivist?
A) X is a recidivist.
B) Yes
C) No
D) X is a habitual delinquent.
  • 33. A court employee imitated the signature of the judge in order to release a detention prisoner who posted a bond for his provisional liberty. The document is genuine. Is the court employee guilty of falsification?
A) Maybe
B) The court employee is guilty of delivering prisoners from jail.
C) No. There is no falsification because the document is genuine.
D) Yes. The crime of falsification is committed by imitating the genuine signature of the judge.
  • 34. Mayor X was conducting a meeting with barangay officials regarding the dissemination and implementation of the law that prohibits the selling of liquor to minors. Y, a store owner, punched Mayor X. Is Y guilty of direct assault?
A) No. Y is not guilty of direct assault because the Mayor is not performing his duty at the time he was assaulted.
B) Yes. Y is guilty of direct assault because he punched the Mayor while he was engaged in the performance of his duties.
C) Y is guilty of serious physical injuries.
D) Y is not guilty of any crime.
  • 35. Who is deemed an agent of a person in authority?
A) Any person who comes to the aid of a person in authority.
B) Mayor
C) Teacher
D) Judge
  • 36. If the firearm is fired in public and is not directed to any person, what is the crime committed?
A) Tumults and other disturbances of public order
B) Alarms and Scandals
C) Attempted Homicide
D) Illegal Discharge of Firearm
  • 37. X was convicted of Theft. While serving sentence, X committed violation of R.A. 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002), a special law. Is X a quasi- recidivist?
A) X is a recidivist..
B) Yes, X is a quasi-recidivist.
C) X is a habitual delinquent.
D) No, X is not a quasi-recidivist.
  • 38. X was convicted of violation of R.A. 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002), a special law. Before serving sentence, he committed murder. Is X a quasi- recidivist?
A) No, X Is not a quasi-recidivist because he committed a new felony.
B) X is a habitual delinquent.
C) Yes, X is a quasi-recidivist. Before serving sentence, he committed murder, a felony.
D) X is a recidivist.
  • 39. Any person who shall remove from any jail or penal establishment any person confined therein or shall help the escape of such person is guilty of what crime?
A) Delivering prisoners from jail
B) Other cases of evasion of service of sentence
C) Evasion of service of sentence
D) Evasion of service of sentence on the occasion of disorder, conflagrations, earthquakes, or other calamities.
  • 40. This is one of the elements of direct assault.
A) The offender is a person in authority.
B) The offender knows that the one he is assaulting is a person in authority or his agent in the exercise of his duties.
C) The person assaulted is not a person in authority or his/her agent.
D) There is public uprising.
  • 41. Brenda has a habit of swimming in her pool fully naked. Every time she does, men from nearby high rise buildings enjoy her lovely sight.
A) Obscene publications or exhibitions
B) Indecent show
C) Prostitution
D) Grave scandal
  • 42. Maria, a dancer in a club danced naked in front of her customers. What is the crime committed by Maria, if any?
A) Use of Falsified Document
B) Prostitution
C) Indecent Show
D) Grave scandal
  • 43. Women who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be what?
A) Traffickers
B) Prostitutes
C) Exhibitionist
D) Indecent Show
  • 44. Any person who shall offend against decency or good customs by any highly scandalous conduct not expressly falling within any other article of this Code is guilty of what crime?
A) Grave scandal
B) Indecent show
C) Obscene publications or exhibitions
D) Prostitution
  • 45. Any person who shall publicly use a fictitious name for the purpose of concealing a crime, evading the execution of a judgment or causing damage.
A) Grave Scandal
B) Concealing True Name
C) Using Fictitious Name
D) Perjury
  • 46. X executed an affidavit subscribed and sworn to before a prosecutor. In the said affidavit, he stated that Y carnapped his vehicle. Y submitted his counter affidavit and produced a Deed of Sale executed by X in favor of Y wherein X stated among others that he is turning over his car to Y. The statement of X is therefore a deliberate falsehood. What crime did X commit?
A) Perjury
B) False testimony in a criminal case
C) Falsification
D) False testimony in civil cases
  • 47. Russell executed an affidavit before the prosecutor’s office wherein he stated that he was present when the crime of Murder was committed by the accused Juarez. He stated in the affidavit that he saw the actual shooting of the victim. During cross examination, he admitted that he did not actually see the accused commit the crime and that he was only told that the accused did it. He admitted that what he said in his affidavit was false. What crime did Russell commit, if any?
A) Usurpation of Official Functions
B) Use of Falsified Document
C) Falsification
D) Perjury
  • 48. Juan and Maria are lovers. They drove to Balayong Park at 3PM. They parked underneath a shaded area. They had sex inside the car. The security guard noticed the silhouette of a woman on top of a man and that the car was shaking. What crime did Juan and Maria commit, if any?
A) Grave scandal
B) Obscene publications or exhibitions
C) Indecent show
D) Prostitution
  • 49. This is one of the two ways of committing perjury.
A) By dancing naked in public
B) By testifying in court
C) By making a false affidavit
D) By using a falsified document
  • 50. Laarni, a waitress in Tiki Bar, uses the uniform of Hotel and Restaurant Management students of FullBright to entice customers. Is Laarni liable for Illegal Use of Uniform?
A) Laarni may be held liable.
B) No, Laarni is not liable. She is not wearing a uniform which pertains to a public officer which symbolizes authority.
C) Laarni is liable for Concealing True Name.
D) Yes, Laarni is liable. She is wearing a uniform publicly and improperly.
  • 51. What is the crime committed if a person is knowingly and falsely representing himself or herself to be an officer, agent, or representative of the Philippine government or of any foreign government?
A) Usurpation of Official Functions
B) Usurpation of Authority
C) Falsification
D) Use of Falsified Document
  • 52. It is a document issued by a public official in the exercise of his official functions.
A) Private document
B) Commercial document
C) Public document
D) Official document
  • 53. C was on his way home from his work. While he was walking along Rizal Avenue, A and B accosted him and introduced themselves as NBI agents. A and B are taxi drivers. What is the crime committed by A and B?
A) Falsification
B) Usurpation of Official Functions
C) Usurpation of Authority
D) Use of Falsified Document
  • 54. What is the crime committed if a person is performing any act pertaining to any person in authority or public officer of the Philippine government or any foreign government?
A) Falsification
B) Use of Falsified Document
C) Usurpation of Official Functions
D) Usurpation of Authority
  • 55. Mr. X and Mr. Y had a drinking spree inside Tiki Bar. They were seen by their common friends. At 10:00PM, they left the bar together. On their way home, they had a heated argument. In the course thereof, Mr. X killed Mr. Y. Mr. X hid the body of Mr. Y. To conceal the crime, Mr. X went to Cagayancillo on the following day and publicly assumed a new name Mr. Bogart Dimacatarungan. What is the crime committed by Mr. X?
A) Mr. X is liable for Using a Fictitious Name for publicly using a fictitious name for the purpose of concealing a crime.
B) Mr. X is liable for Usurpation of Official Functions.
C) Mr. X is liable for Usurpation of Authority.
D) Mr. X is liable for Falsification
  • 56. It is a document executed by private persons without the intervention of a notary public or any other authorized persons
A) Public Document
B) Official document
C) Private document
D) Commercial document
  • 57. Mr. X procured a false medical certificate from a physician friend. He used the false medical certificate to justify his absence from work. If the medical certificate is found to be false, what is the criminal liability of Mr. X?
A) Mr. X is liable for Falsification.
B) Mr. X is liable for Usurpation of Authority.
C) Mr. X is liable for Use of False Medical Certificate.
D) Mr. X is liable for Usurpation of Official Function.
  • 58. X is an employee of ABC company. X got sick in the course of his employment. He applied for the award of disability benefits. X went to Dr. Y, his good friend, and convinced the latter to issue a medical certificate that his illness is work connected and permanent. Dr. Y issued the said medical certificate. The truth of the matter is that X's illness is not work related and was caused by his chronic smoking habits. What is the crime committed by Dr. Y?
A) Dr. Y committed the crime of False Medical Certificate by a Physician.
B) Dr. Y committed the crime of Usurpation of Official Function
C) Dr. Y committed the crime of Using Fictitious Name.
D) Dr. Y committed the crime of Use of False Medical Certificate.
  • 59. X and Y are lovers. They both graduated criminology. X had long passed the criminology licensure exam but Y failed three times. X suggested to Y that he better take the examination for Y. Y agreed. X took the examination in the name of Y. When the result was released, Y passed. It was discovered that it was not Y but X who took the examination in the name of Y. What is the crime committed by X?
A) X committed the crime of Usurpation of Authority.
B) X committed the crime of Falsification.
C) X committed the crime of Usurpation of Official Function.
D) X committed the crime of Use of Falsified Document.
  • 60. It is a document executed with the participation of a person in authority or a notary public.
A) Commercial document
B) Official document
C) Public Document
D) Private document
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