- 1. Don Juan by Lord Byron is a satirical narrative poem that reinterprets the legendary figure of Don Juan, often portrayed as a womanizer, transforming him into an innocent and naive character who is irresistibly attractive to women. Lord Byron's work, published in multiple cantos between 1819 and 1824, presents a witty commentary on society, love, and politics during the early 19th century. The poem employs a charming and conversational style, blending humor with deep philosophical reflections, capturing the complexities of human relationships and the follies of both men and women. Byron's Don Juan travels across Europe, encountering a diverse cast of characters and engaging in a series of adventures that expose the hypocrisy and moral contradictions of the world around him. The poem is notable for its innovative structure, rich imagery, and diverse themes, ranging from the critique of romantic ideals to explorations of social injustices, making it a significant contribution to English literature and a precursor to modernist themes.
Who is the author of 'Don Juan'?
A) John Keats B) Percy Bysshe Shelley C) William Wordsworth D) Lord Byron
- 2. In which form is 'Don Juan' written?
A) Haiku B) Ottava rima C) Free verse D) Sonnet
- 3. Which city does Don Juan primarily start his adventures in?
A) Paris B) Seville C) Venice D) London
- 4. Who is the first woman Don Juan encounters?
A) Donna Elvira B) Donna Julia C) Lady Adeline D) Zuleika
- 5. What literary technique is prominently featured in 'Don Juan'?
A) Symbolism B) Metaphor C) Satire D) Allegory
- 6. Which of the following characters represents the hypocritical society in 'Don Juan'?
A) Montenero B) Lady Adeline C) Donna Julia D) Don Alfonso
- 7. What is Lord Byron's full name?
A) George Gordon Byron B) Edward Byron C) John Byron D) William Byron
- 8. How does Don Juan's character challenge traditional gender roles?
A) He is portrayed as passive in relationships. B) He is a goal-oriented warrior. C) He is aggressive and dominant. D) He only loves women.
- 9. What does Don Juan symbolize in the poem?
A) Honor and chivalry B) Heroism and valor C) Greed and ambition D) The complexity of love and desire
- 10. In which country does Don Juan end up after his adventures in Seville?
A) Italy B) Egypt C) France D) Turkey
- 11. What is the tone of 'Don Juan' predominantly?
A) Joyful and carefree B) Serious and somber C) Dark and tragic D) Witty and ironic
- 12. What city does Don Juan visit that is known for its romantic atmosphere?
A) London B) Madrid C) Venice D) Paris
- 13. What literary device is employed throughout 'Don Juan' frequently?
A) Imagery B) Alliteration C) Irony D) Metaphor
- 14. 'Don Juan' critiques which institution?
A) Education B) Monarchy C) Religion D) Marriage
- 15. Who is the primary antagonist in 'Don Juan'?
A) Society itself B) Dona Inez C) Lord Henry D) Don Octavio
- 16. How does Byron's 'Don Juan' reflect the ideals of the Romantic era?
A) By focusing on classical themes B) Through its emphasis on individual experience C) By promoting industrial progress D) By adhering to strict forms