- 1. Cetology is the branch of marine mammalogy that focuses on the study of cetaceans, which are marine mammals including whales, dolphins, and porpoises. This interdisciplinary field combines elements of biology, ecology, behavior, physiology, and conservation to better understand these fascinating creatures and their unique adaptations to life in the ocean. Cetologists study various aspects of cetacean biology, such as their anatomy, evolution, communication, social structure, feeding habits, migration patterns, and interactions with their environments. By investigating these topics, cetologists contribute valuable knowledge that helps us conserve and protect these magnificent animals and the marine ecosystems they rely on.
What is a group of whales called?
A) A school B) A flock C) A pod D) A herd
- 2. Which of these whales is the largest mammal?
A) Beluga Whale B) Orca C) Blue Whale D) Sperm Whale
- 3. What is the study of whale songs called?
A) Ornithology B) Bioacoustics C) Herpetology D) Entomology
- 4. What is the technique used by some whales to trap and feed on small fish?
A) Bubble net feeding B) Sonic boom hunting C) Breaching D) Tail slapping
- 5. What is the purpose of a whale's 'baleen'?
A) To filter food from the water B) To protect against predators C) To communicate with other whales D) To attract mates
- 6. Which species of whale is known for its intricate songs?
A) Gray Whale B) Fin Whale C) Humpback Whale D) Minke Whale
- 7. What species of whale is also known as a 'killer whale'?
A) Orca B) Blue Whale C) Beluga Whale D) Humpback Whale
- 8. Which substance found in sperm whales was historically used in perfumes?
A) Ambergris B) Baleen C) Blubber D) Melon