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Roaming with the Romans
Contributed by: Handley
  • 1. Join the Romans on their adventurous travels as they conquer new lands and navigate through unknown territories. Roaming with the Romans takes you on a journey through ancient civilizations and showcases the bravery and strategic brilliance of one of the greatest empires in history. Experience the triumphs and challenges faced by Roman soldiers, discover the rich culture of the empire, and witness the impact of their conquests on the world. Immerse yourself in the world of the Romans and explore their legacy that still resonates today.

    Which city was the capital of the Roman Empire?
A) Alexandria
B) Carthage
C) Rome
D) Athens
  • 2. Who was the first Roman emperor?
A) Nero
B) Trajan
C) Julius Caesar
D) Augustus
  • 3. What is the name of the famous Roman road system?
A) Route 66
B) Trans-Siberian Highway
C) Silk Road
D) Via Appia
  • 4. Which volcanic eruption buried the city of Pompeii?
A) Mount Fuji
B) Mount Vesuvius
C) Krakatoa
D) Mount Etna
  • 5. Who was the founder of Rome according to legend?
A) Hercules
B) Caesar
C) Remus
D) Romulus
  • 6. What language did the Romans speak?
A) Spanish
B) Greek
C) Latin
D) French
  • 7. Which Roman ruler famously declared 'I came, I saw, I conquered'?
A) Caligula
B) Augustus
C) Julius Caesar
D) Nero
  • 8. What was the name of the elite Roman military unit known as the Emperor's bodyguard?
A) Gladiators
B) Legionnaires
C) Centurions
D) Praetorian Guard
  • 9. Which Roman general is famous for his crossing of the Alps with elephants?
A) Hannibal
B) Scipio Africanus
C) Julius Caesar
D) Vercingetorix
  • 10. Which Roman emperor made Christianity the official religion of the empire?
A) Caligula
B) Constantine
C) Augustus
D) Nero
  • 11. How many hills was Rome built on?
A) Seven
B) Nine
C) Three
D) Five
  • 12. What structure in Rome was built to honor the gods and for gladiatorial contests?
A) Pantheon
B) Circus Maximus
C) Colosseum
D) Roman Forum
  • 13. Who were the famous twins in Roman mythology raised by a she-wolf?
A) Hercules and Iphicles
B) Romulus and Remus
C) Damon and Pythias
D) Castor and Pollux
  • 14. Which Roman poet wrote the epic poem 'The Aeneid'?
A) Horace
B) Catullus
C) Virgil
D) Ovid
  • 15. What was the name of the Roman bathhouses?
A) Basilica
B) Thermae
C) Odeon
D) Agora
  • 16. Which famous Roman leader was defeated by Julius Caesar in the civil war?
A) Mark Antony
B) Crassus
C) Pompey
D) Brutus
  • 17. What Roman military formation consisted of tightly packed soldiers with shields forming a wall?
A) Tortoise
B) Testudo
C) Phalanx
D) Tribute
  • 18. What famous Roman statesman was known for his speeches against Catiline's conspiracy?
A) Sallust
B) Plutarch
C) Tacitus
D) Cicero
  • 19. Who was the Roman god of war?
A) Apollo
B) Mercury
C) Mars
D) Neptune
  • 20. What Roman engineering marvel supplied water to the city of Rome?
A) Aqueducts
B) Canals
C) Pipes
D) Dams
  • 21. What was the Roman name for the goddess of the harvest?
A) Demeter
B) Diana
C) Ceres
D) Persephone
  • 22. Which emperor built a wall in Britain to defend against invaders?
A) Hadrian
B) Trajan
C) Julius Caesar
D) Nero
  • 23. What was the name of the Roman poet known for his love poems?
A) Horace
B) Catullus
C) Virgil
D) Ovid
  • 24. Who was the Roman emperor when Jesus Christ was crucified?
A) Tiberius
B) Claudius
C) Augustus
D) Nero
  • 25. In what year is traditionally considered the founding of Rome?
A) 27 BC
B) 1492 AD
C) 476 AD
D) 753 BC
  • 26. Where is the city of Pompeii located?
A) Italy
B) Spain
C) Greece
D) Turkey
  • 27. What type of gladiators fought with a net and trident?
A) Retiarius
B) Thraex
C) Dimachaerus
D) Secutor
  • 28. Which Roman emperor famously declared himself a god?
A) Diocletian
B) Hadrian
C) Trajan
D) Caligula
  • 29. In what year did the Roman Empire fall?
A) 395 AD
B) 476 AD
C) 800 AD
D) 632 AD
  • 30. What was the staple food of the Roman diet?
A) Grain (wheat)
B) Fish
C) Olives
D) Grapes
  • 31. What was the name of the Roman public square, often the center of political activity?
A) Forum
B) Basilica
C) Acropolis
D) Colosseum
  • 32. What was the name of the professional, standing army of ancient Rome?
A) Triumvirate
B) Cohort
C) Legion
D) Auxilia
  • 33. Who was the Roman goddess of wisdom and warfare?
A) Juno
B) Minerva
C) Venus
D) Diana
  • 34. What building material were the Romans famous for using in their construction?
A) Marble
B) Wood
C) Brick
D) Concrete
  • 35. What was the name of the Roman gladiator who led a slave revolt in 73 BC?
A) Crixus
B) Maximus
C) Spartacus
D) Commodus
  • 36. Which Roman god was the king of the gods?
A) Neptune
B) Mars
C) Mercury
D) Jupiter
  • 37. Which city was famously destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD?
A) Pompeii
B) Troy
C) Carthage
D) Alexandria
  • 38. What social class made up the majority of the Roman population?
A) Senators
B) Equestrians
C) Patricians
D) Plebeians
  • 39. Who was the last Roman emperor to rule over a unified Roman Empire before its division?
A) Theodosius I
B) Romulus Augustulus
C) Julian the Apostate
D) Constantine the Great
  • 40. Who was the famous Roman philosopher and statesman who wrote 'Meditations'?
A) Cicero
B) Seneca
C) Marcus Aurelius
D) Epictetus
  • 41. Which famous Roman structure was used for chariot races and other public events?
A) Roman Forum
B) Colosseum
C) Pantheon
D) The Circus Maximus
  • 42. What was the name of the underground burial sites in ancient Rome?
A) Ossuaries
B) Mausoleums
C) Catacombs
D) Crypts
  • 43. Who was the Roman god of trade, profit, and commerce?
A) Mercury
B) Vulcan
C) Ceres
D) Pluto
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