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Canadian history
Contributed by: Burrows
  • 1. Canadian history is rich and diverse, spanning thousands of years and including the stories of Indigenous peoples who have lived on the land for generations. From the arrival of European explorers and settlers to the colonial period and eventual Confederation in 1867, Canada's history is marked by both triumphs and challenges. Key events such as the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, participation in both World Wars, and the adoption of multiculturalism as an official policy have shaped the country we know today. Canadian history also includes important milestones in civil rights, women's rights, and Indigenous rights, highlighting the ongoing journey towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

    When did Canada officially become a country?
A) 1901
B) 1953
C) 1920
D) 1867
  • 2. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
A) William Lyon Mackenzie King
B) John A. Macdonald
C) Pierre Trudeau
D) Wilfrid Laurier
  • 3. Which province is known as the 'Birthplace of Confederation'?
A) Prince Edward Island
B) Alberta
C) Saskatchewan
D) Manitoba
  • 4. Which war was a major influence on the shaping of Canada's identity as a nation?
A) War of 1812
B) Korean War
C) World War I
D) Vietnam War
  • 5. What is the national animal of Canada?
A) Moose
B) Beaver
C) Polar Bear
D) Bison
  • 6. When did women receive the right to vote in federal elections in Canada?
A) 1945
B) 1925
C) 1918
D) 1930
  • 7. Which Canadian province became the first to provide universal healthcare in Canada?
A) Saskatchewan
B) Ontario
C) British Columbia
D) Alberta
  • 8. What is the highest mountain in Canada?
A) Mount Robson
B) Mount Columbia
C) Mount Waddington
D) Mount Logan
  • 9. Who was the first European explorer to reach Canada's east coast?
A) Jacques Cartier
B) Henry Hudson
C) Samuel de Champlain
D) John Cabot
  • 10. What was the name of the agreement that established free trade between Canada, the United States, and Mexico?
  • 11. Which Canadian city experienced a devastating fire in 1917 that destroyed much of the city and caused a large loss of life?
A) Vancouver
B) Halifax
C) Toronto
D) Winnipeg
  • 12. Who was the leader of the Métis during the Red River Resistance of 1869-1870?
A) Louis Riel
B) Gabriel Dumont
C) Poundmaker
D) Big Bear
  • 13. What is Canada's national winter sport?
A) Figure Skating
B) Skiing
C) Curling
D) Ice Hockey
  • 14. Which treaty signed in 1763 saw France cede almost all of its possessions in North America to the British Empire?
A) Treaty of Versailles
B) Treaty of Utrecht
C) Treaty of Paris
D) Treaty of Ghent
  • 15. Who was the Canadian artist known for painting the iconic 'The Jack Pine'?
A) Alex Colville
B) Tom Thomson
C) Emily Carr
D) Lawren Harris
  • 16. Which Prime Minister introduced the Official Languages Act, making English and French the official languages of Canada?
A) Brian Mulroney
B) Jean Chrétien
C) Stephen Harper
D) Pierre Trudeau
  • 17. What year did Canada gain full independence from the United Kingdom?
A) 1995
B) 2001
C) 1982
D) 1967
  • 18. Which treaty laid the groundwork for the formation of Canada as a Dominion in 1867?
A) Confederation Act
B) British North America Act
C) Dominion Act
D) Canada Act
  • 19. Who was the first female Prime Minister of Canada?
A) Michelle Rempel
B) Lisa Raitt
C) Kim Campbell
D) Rona Ambrose
  • 20. What is the national capital of Canada?
A) Ottawa
B) Toronto
C) Vancouver
D) Montreal
  • 21. Which Canadian province is known as 'The Rock'?
A) Newfoundland and Labrador
B) Québec
C) Ontario
D) British Columbia
  • 22. Who was the first European explorer to travel the St. Lawrence River?
A) Jacques Cartier
B) Samuel de Champlain
C) Henry Hudson
D) John Cabot
  • 23. When was the Canadian Pacific Railway completed?
A) 1929
B) 1885
C) 1901
D) 1867
  • 24. Which Canadian city hosted the Summer Olympics in 1976?
A) Montreal
B) Vancouver
C) Calgary
D) Toronto
  • 25. Which infamous ship sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912 on its maiden voyage?
A) Andrea Doria
B) Lusitania
C) Titanic
D) Empress of Ireland
  • 26. Who was the first Canadian astronaut in space?
A) Julie Payette
B) Marc Garneau
C) Roberta Bondar
D) Chris Hadfield
  • 27. Which Canadian province is known for its vast oil sands reserves?
A) Ontario
B) Manitoba
C) Saskatchewan
D) Alberta
  • 28. Who composed the music for the Canadian national anthem, 'O Canada'?
A) John Beckwith
B) Howard Shore
C) Calixa Lavallée
D) Robert Farnon
  • 29. Which Indigenous language is an official language of Nunavut?
A) Inuktitut
B) Cree
C) Mohawk
D) Ojibwe
  • 30. What is the significance of the date July 1st in Canada?
A) Remembrance Day
B) Canada Day
C) Victoria Day
D) Thanksgiving
  • 31. Which event marked the beginning of the Great Depression in Canada?
A) World War I
B) Roaring Twenties
C) Stock Market Crash of 1929
D) Black Tuesday
  • 32. What year was the Statute of Westminster enacted, giving Canada full legislative independence from the United Kingdom?
A) 1982
B) 1945
C) 1867
D) 1931
  • 33. Which region of Canada is known for its strong French Canadian heritage?
A) New Brunswick
B) Quebec
C) Alberta
D) Saskatchewan
  • 34. Which Indigenous group influenced the formation of Nunavut in 1999?
A) Inuit
B) Cree
C) Dene
D) Metis
  • 35. Which indigenous group signed the Numbered Treaties with the Canadian government?
A) Inuit
B) First Nations
C) Cree
D) Métis
  • 36. Who was the founder of Quebec City?
A) Louis Riel
B) John Cabot
C) Jacques Cartier
D) Samuel de Champlain
  • 37. What event led to the establishment of Manitoba as a province?
A) Riel Rebellion
B) Halifax Explosion
C) Battle of Vimy Ridge
D) Red River Rebellion
  • 38. During the War of 1812, which country was Canada fighting against?
A) France
B) United States
C) Spain
D) Britain
  • 39. Which Canadian city is known as the oil capital of Canada?
A) Edmonton
B) Vancouver
C) Toronto
D) Calgary
  • 40. Who was the first black person elected to the House of Commons of Canada?
A) Michaëlle Jean
B) Viola Desmond
C) Jean Augustine
D) Lincoln Alexander
  • 41. Which Canadian city was the capital of Upper Canada and the Province of Canada before Ottawa?
A) Kingston
B) Quebec City
C) Toronto
D) Montreal
  • 42. Which group was responsible for the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway?
A) Indigenous peoples
B) Chinese immigrants
C) Irish immigrants
D) French settlers
  • 43. Who was the first female astronaut to fly in space?
A) Marc Garneau
B) Julie Payette
C) Roberta Bondar
D) Chris Hadfield
  • 44. Which Canadian province has the only officially bilingual city in Canada?
A) Quebec
B) New Brunswick
C) Alberta
D) Ontario
  • 45. Which body of water separates Prince Edward Island from the mainland?
A) Georgian Bay
B) Gulf of St. Lawrence
C) Northumberland Strait
D) Hudson Bay
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