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Contributed by: Baker
  • 1. Teuthology is a comprehensive and sophisticated testing framework specifically designed for the Ceph distributed storage system. It offers an automated testing environment that facilitates continuous integration and ensures the reliability and performance of Ceph clusters. With Teuthology, developers can run a wide range of tests, including functional, integration, and regression tests, thereby identifying and addressing issues in the software. By leveraging Teuthology's capabilities, organizations can streamline their testing processes, accelerate software development cycles, and deliver high-quality and robust Ceph deployments to their users.

    What is teuthology primarily the study of?
A) Corals
B) Cephalopods
C) Mollusks
D) Crustaceans
  • 2. What is the correct term for the 'siphon' used by cephalopods for jet propulsion?
A) Chromatophore
B) Viscera
C) Tentacle
D) Hyponome
  • 3. Cephalopods have how many hearts?
A) Four
B) Two
C) Three
D) One
  • 4. What family does the giant squid belong to?
A) Carcharhinidae
B) Octopodidae
C) Loliginidae
D) Architeuthidae
  • 5. Which cephalopod species is known to have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom?
A) Cuttlefish
B) Nautilus
C) Octopus
D) Giant squid
  • 6. Which cephalopod is known for its ability to squeeze through narrow openings due to its soft body?
A) Nautilus
B) Cuttlefish
C) Squid
D) Octopus
  • 7. Which cephalopod has an internal shell known as the 'pen'?
A) Octopus
B) Squid
C) Cuttlefish
D) Nautilus
  • 8. What is the term used to describe the ability of cephalopods to regrow lost limbs?
A) Autotomy
B) Oviparity
C) Phototaxis
D) Cephalization
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