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Contributed by: Cloudnine
  • 1. fundamental difference between the human brain and computer
A) computers can experience emotions like human
B) computers rely solely on biological
C) human brain is capable of learning
  • 2. how do multimodal interface contribute to inclusive design?
A) limiting interacting options for users
B) users adapt to the interface
C) by providing alternative interaction modalities
  • 3. what year multimodal visualization developed?
A) 2005
B) 2004
C) 2010
D) 2006
  • 4. real-world application demonstrated the use of multimodal interfaces
A) virtual assistance like siri or alexa
B) online shopping
C) social media
  • 5. unique characteristics of human brain compared to computer
A) computers have finite capacity for processing power
B) human brain operates solely on binary logic
C) human brain can perform parallel processing
  • 6. type of memory retains sensory information for a very brief duration
A) short-term memory
B) long-term memory
C) sensory memory
  • 7. _____ can help hospitals and doctors to determine the medical history of patients
A) unimodal visualization
B) interactive visualization
C) multimodal visualization
  • 8. system which is situated on single route of input limited of using only one mode
A) ubicomp
B) multimodal
C) unimodal
  • 9. _____ to technology is also a side effect where technology dependency can be defined as repetitive and excessive technical activity
A) memory
B) addiction
C) impatience
  • 10. bio stamp is an electronic device worn on the skin for monitoring health parameters
A) true
B) false
  • 11. HCI is research that uses tools of different sciences and disciplines combined, to find an answer to issues and goal specifically on interaction between humans and computer
A) true
B) false
  • 12. cognitive function may be adversely affected by relying digital devices to share information instead of relying on personal memory
A) decreased memory recall
B) improved cognitive flexibility
C) enhanced memory consolidation
  • 13. sensitive screen which reacts to fingers
A) touchpad
B) touchscreen
C) mouse
  • 14. designers must use words that are also common to users and avoid those confusing ones or those that apart from what the users know
A) true
B) false
  • 15. in empathy, the story becomes an instant classic if it does portray itself as something that is above the society but rather w/in it, becoming something that is relatable and is at home to a normal person's daily routine
A) true
B) false- it does not
  • 16. the company that is credited for the storyboard popularization is marvel studio
A) true
B) false- walt disney
  • 17. electronic gadgets that copy the manner in which the human pancreas works by conveying little dosage of short acting insulin persistently
A) bio-stamp
B) insulin pump
C) insulin stamp
  • 18. form of design evaluation that assesses the process followed by a designer or specialist in the evaluation
A) expert analysis
B) user participation
C) cognitive walkthrough
  • 19. computer hardware that reads data and sends signals information to the computer
A) input device
B) output device
  • 20. intrapersonal is the process of creating products with a specific, non- generic user
A) false- scenario
B) true
C) false- persona
  • 21. interaction can happen through pressing and clicking buttons commonly known as wimp
A) false
B) true
  • 22. on _____ multimodal visualization can help the user's experience a new dimension environment while being in a safe place at home
A) game
B) research
C) healthcare
  • 23. a visual treat is described as picture paints a thousand words, and as such be the cornerstone of great storyboard
A) false- leaves a mark
B) true
  • 24. who invented the very 1st computer mouse
A) douglas engelbart
B) charles babbage
C) ada lovelave
  • 25. ____ transfer images which transfer signals into a digital image
A) scanner
B) monitor
C) printer
  • 26. type of memory that is responisible for storing info about events or experiences
A) procedural memory
B) episodic memory
C) semantic memory
  • 27. transmit audio/ video interface to a source device, replacing analog video standard
B) USB port
  • 28. Sans serif fonts are easier to read graphically than those of serif fonts
A) false
B) true
  • 29. focus group are inductive to opinion sharing because of suggestive thoughts, an efficient way of testing ideas as it tackles it on a single go and is valuable because of its multi-member discussion
A) true
B) false
  • 30. also known as active memory
A) short-term
B) long-term
  • 31. refers to the memories that can store large number of information for a period of time longer that second
A) short-term
B) long-term
  • 32. participation is an act that involves the users on the process of coming up with the system
A) false
B) true
  • 33. example of explicit memory
A) remembering an event that happen last year
B) all of these
C) remembering items needed to be bought
  • 34. it is more exceptionally viable when it comes to improving knowledge and also for recalling vocabulary words
A) flexibility
B) affiliation
C) learnability
  • 35. memories that are sensible and motor skills
A) implicit
B) explicit
  • 36. allows user to learn first on how to use this software and then how to make the most of it
A) flexibility
B) learnability
C) robustness
  • 37. enables to recall facts and general knowledge
A) semantic
B) episodic
C) procedural
  • 38. memory of information and events
A) explicit
B) implicit
  • 39. it's simpler to keep in mind a picture instead of details from a book or any lecture
A) visualization
B) learnability
C) affiliation
  • 40. act of accessing little so big chunks of info kept in a storage medium
A) retrieval
B) forgetting
  • 41. the company that is credited for the storyboard popularization is walt disney
A) true
B) false
  • 42. also known as working memory
A) short term
B) long term
  • 43. example of implicit
A) recalling names
B) tying up a shoelace
C) remembering first love
  • 44. throw-away prototyping is kind of prototype design that prototypes a small portion of the whole product and specifically develops
A) true
B) false
  • 45. user requirements are usually documented in a user requirements document (URD)in a narrative form
A) false- narrative text
B) true
  • 46. _____ allows us to encode, store, reserve and latterly recall information of past experiences
A) short term
B) long term
C) human memory
  • 47. human brain is capable of learning and adopting
A) true
B) false
  • 48. stories that beg for the viewers' attention are a flop, especially when it provides the entertainment that caters to the audience need
A) false- hit
B) true
  • 49. permits the consumer to determine the system's internal state using its perspective device image
A) recoverability
B) responsibility
C) observability
  • 50. old information preventing new information retrieval
A) proactive
B) retroactive
  • 51. new information
A) retroactive
B) proactive
  • 52. simplest way to visualize set of action is to use
A) graphical program
B) menus
C) command line
  • 53. guides that can help designers towards improving their designs, systems etc
A) design principles
B) design guidelines
C) design rule
  • 54. structured interviews are meticulously planned and are scripted and is comparable to questionnaire
A) true
B) false
  • 55. _____ to access design and test systems to ensure that they do what we expect and satisfy user requirement. Evaluation is the process that reviews a program critically
A) design evaluation
B) evaluation in HCI
  • 56. is a rich theme that includes ideas, methods and resources
A) design evaluation
B) evaluation in HCI
  • 57. the assessment process followed requires a designer and specialist in the evaluation. The main advantage remains that the assessment process introduced is not costly, as it does not require monitoring
A) expert analysis
B) user participation
  • 58. originally Polson and colleagues made an attempt to introduce psychological theory into informal and subjective walkthrough techniques.
A) heuristic evaluation
B) cognitive walkthrough
C) model bases evaluation
  • 59. The procedural memories that are sensible and motor skills
A) implicit
B) semantic
C) explicit
  • 60. (declarative memory) information that we consciously recollected. It is the memory of information and events. ‘Knowing what’
A) semantic
B) implicit
C) explicit
  • 61. what is the variety of analytical techniques experiment techniques, quantitative techniques, physiological research survey techniques?
A) expert analysis
B) user participation
  • 62. it is a user remarked performing activity; users are also asked to identify why they are conducting it and what is the purpose of it
A) cooperative evaluation
B) think aloud
C) design evaluation
  • 63. what is the computer hardware that receives instruction from computer
A) input
B) input/output
C) output
  • 64. it is the preeminent approach of HCI in the order of removing a desktop and embedding or fixing of the computer in a specified environment where in it will become unseen to humans while circling them in any location
A) unimodal
B) ubicomp
C) multimodal
  • 65. suited on single route of input limited of using only one mode (Physical or visual, Cognitive or auditory, Affective or sensory)
A) multimodal
B) unimodal
C) ubicomp
  • 66. _____ uses tools of different sciences and disciplines combined, to find an answer to issue and goals specifically on interaction between humans and computer
A) design evaluation
  • 67. _____ is affected on being too reliant on computers on tasks, since we rely on technology to do simple things like remembering passwords, birthdays, certain event are very easy that we don’t use our mental resources to remember those task
A) skills
B) addiction
C) memory
  • 68. _______ may also gradually reduce our ability to access that expertise
  • 69. it can’t function themselves w/out computer, and have no built-in memory card slot
A) monitor
B) web cam
C) printer
  • 70. it is a rule that can be used to guide a decision on design or criticize a decision that has already been made
A) Model-based evaluation
B) Cognitive walkthrough-
C) Heuristic-evaluation
  • 71. ENGAGING stories that beg for the viewers’ attention is an automatic hit, especially when it provides the entertainment
A) true
B) false
  • 72. ______ are inductive to opinion sharing because of suggestive thought, an efficient way of testing as it tackles on a single go and is valuable because of its multi-member discussion
A) focus group
B) hit
C) emphatic
  • 73. _____ is the stories that begs for the viewer attention, especially when it provides the entertainment that caters to the audience need
A) focus group
B) emphatic
C) hit
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