A) A centralized database for storing hash values. B) A decentralized system for key-value storage and retrieval. C) A type of encryption technique. D) A networking protocol for routing packets.
A) By randomly assigning keys to nodes. B) By assigning keys to a central server for lookup. C) By using a distributed algorithm to map keys to nodes in the network. D) By storing all keys in a single database.
A) A server hosting the DHT service. B) A unique identifier for data that is used to look up and store values in the DHT. C) A secret cryptographic key used for encryption. D) A keyword that describes the data content.
A) Linked list. B) Binary tree. C) Queue. D) Hash table.
A) HTTP. B) SMTP. C) FTP. D) Kademlia.
A) The process of mapping data to a specific key in the DHT. B) The process of compressing data for efficient storage. C) The process of storing multiple copies of data on different nodes for fault tolerance. D) The process of encrypting data for secure transmission.
A) By blocking access to the failed node. B) By increasing the replication factor of the data. C) By redistributing data and keys to other nodes in the network. D) By permanently deleting the data associated with the failed node.
A) Random hashing. B) Asymmetric hashing. C) Consistent hashing. D) Symmetric hashing. |