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Vasa Museum in Stockholm
Contributed by: Maguire
  • 1. The Vasa Museum in Stockholm is home to the only almost fully intact 17th century ship that has ever been salvaged. The warship Vasa sank on its maiden voyage in 1628 and was recovered in 1961 after over 300 years under the waters of Stockholm harbor. The museum showcases the impressive and meticulously restored Vasa ship, along with exhibitions that provide insights into the history, construction, and restoration of the vessel. Visitors can marvel at the intricate carvings, learn about life on board the ship, and explore the story of this historic maritime marvel that has captured the imagination of people from around the world.

    When was the Vasa Museum opened to the public?
A) 1990
B) 2000
C) 1980
D) 2010
  • 2. In which century did the Vasa ship sink?
A) 16th
B) 18th
C) 17th
D) 19th
  • 3. Where was the Vasa ship built?
A) Stockholm
B) Helsinki
C) Oslo
D) Copenhagen
  • 4. What is the primary material of the Vasa ship?
A) Birch
B) Maple
C) Oak
D) Pine
  • 5. How many cannons did the Vasa ship have?
A) 50
B) 80
C) 64
D) 100
  • 6. Which museum houses the Vasa ship?
A) Museum of Modern Art
B) Nobel Museum
C) ABBA The Museum
D) Vasa Museum
  • 7. In which year was the Vasa ship salvaged?
A) 1961
B) 1970
C) 1980
D) 1950
  • 8. Which country was considered the greatest naval power when the Vasa ship was built?
A) Sweden
B) France
C) England
D) Spain
  • 9. How many people were aboard the Vasa ship during its doomed voyage?
A) 200+
B) Less than 50
C) 100+
D) 150+
  • 10. How many years did the Vasa ship spend at the bottom of the sea?
A) 100
B) 200
C) 333
D) 400
  • 11. What year did the Vasa ship sail for the first and last time?
A) 1628
B) 1650
C) 1600
D) 1700
  • 12. What was the intended main destination of the Vasa ship during its maiden voyage?
A) Poland
B) Russia
C) Denmark
D) Germany
  • 13. What is the length of the Vasa ship?
A) 69 meters
B) 60 meters
C) 80 meters
D) 50 meters
  • 14. At what depth was the Vasa ship sunk?
A) 50 meters
B) 40 meters
C) 20 meters
D) 32 meters
  • 15. How many sails did the Vasa ship have when it sank?
A) 5
B) 12
C) 10
D) 8
  • 16. What was the name of the Vasa ship's captain on its maiden voyage?
A) Söfring Hansson
B) Gustavus Adolphus
C) Johan Björnsson Printz
D) Klas Fleming
  • 17. In what month did the Vasa ship sink?
A) July
B) August
C) September
D) October
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