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Ss2 Islamic Studies (Assignment 1st Term)
Contributed by: College
  • 1. 1. In which Surah does Allah mention the Day of Judgment as "the striking calamity"?
A) Suratul Qariah
B) Suratul Takathur
C) Suratul Hajj
D) Suratul Jumu'ah
  • 2. 2. Which Surah warns against excessive worldly competition and accumulation of wealth?
A) Suratul Humaza
B) Suratul Takathur
C) Suratul Qariah
D) Suratul Quraish
  • 3. 3. The political administration of Abubakar was disturbed by because the people?
A) Abandoned a Pillar of Islam
B) Want to return to Makkah
C) Broke the oath
D) Never agreed to his leadership
  • 4. 4. Which of the following statements is true about Hadith 11?
A) It encourages believers to be kind and compassionate towards animals
B) It highlights the significance of maintaining family ties.
C) It emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge
D) It emphasizes the importance of sincerity in one's actions.
  • 5. 5. According to Hadith 12, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." This Hadith emphasizes on
A) Oneness
B) Generosity
C) Brotherhood
D) Honesty
  • 6. 6. What is the Arabic term for moral teachings in Islam?
A) Iman
B) Sunnah
C) Akhirah
D) Akhlaq
  • 7. 7. Which of the following is NOT one of the obligatory acts of Hajj?
A) Arafah
B) Fasting
C) Sa'i
D) Tawaf
  • 8. 8. Which of the following is a feature of the Islamic economic system?
A) Prohibition of usury
B) Wealth accumulation without limits
C) Income inequality
D) Interest-based transactions
  • 9. 9. In Suratul Qariah, what will the scale (of deeds) on the Day of Judgment determine?
A) Heaven and Hell
B) Good and bad deeds
C) Truth and falsehood
D) Believers and disbelievers
  • 10. 10. Suratul Takathur warns against being preoccupied with:
A) The pursuit of knowledge
B) Acts of worship and devotion
C) The accumulation of wealth and worldly increase
D) Social interactions and relationships
  • 11. 11. Who was the second caliph of Islam?
A) Ali ibn abi Talib
B) Uthman ibn Affan
C) Shaiba ibn Hashim
D) Umar ibn al-Khattab
  • 12. 12. According to Islamic teachings, what is the purpose of Sawm (fasting)?
A) To attain physical fitness
B) To abstain from food and drink
C) To develop self-discipline and self-control
D) To attain physical fitness
E) To demonstrate one's devotion to Allah
  • 13. 13. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the political administration of Umar ibn al-Khattab?
A) Establishment of a centralized government
B) Expansion of the Islamic empire
C) Introduction of hereditary
D) Implementation of a fair and just legal system
  • 14. 14. According to Islamic teachings, what is the significance of maintaining family ties?
A) It is a means of gaining wealth and prosperity
B) It is a religious obligation that leads to Paradise.
C) It is a way to gain social status and recognition.
D) It is a source of emotional support and companionship
  • 15. 15. What is the second pillar of Islam?
A) Hajj (Pilgrimage)
B) Sawm (Fasting)
C) Zakat (Charity)
D) Salah (Prayer)
  • 16. 16. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Islamic economic system?
    a) b) c)
A) Emphasis on social welfare and justice
B) Encouragement of trade and entrepreneurship
C) Prohibition of interest (riba)
D) Equal distribution of wealth among all individuals
  • 17. 17. In Suratul Qariah, what will happen to the scale (of deeds) of those whose scale is light?
A) It will be weighed down with bad deeds.
B) It will be balanced with equal good and bad deeds
C) It will be filled with good deeds
D) It will have no effect on their judgment.
  • 18. 18. Which of the following acts is NOT obligatory during the month of Ramadan?
A) Fasting from dawn until sunset
B) Offering Taraweeh prayers
C) Performing Umrah
D) Giving Zakat al-Fitr
  • 19. 19. Who succeeded Abu Bakr as the third caliph of Islam?
A) Umar ibn al-Khattab
B) Abu Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa
C) Uthman ibn Affan
  • 20. 20. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the political administration of Uthman ibn Affan?
A) Expansion of the Islamic empire
B) Compilation of the Quran
C) Construction of mosques and infrastructu
D) Introduction of a democratic system
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