- 1. The Giver, a poignant dystopian novel by Lois Lowry, explores the intricate themes of memory, individuality, and the human experience through the eyes of a young boy named Jonas. Set in a seemingly utopian society devoid of pain, color, and deep emotions, Jonas's life follows strict rules designed to maintain order and sameness. As he approaches the Ceremony of Twelve, where children are assigned their roles in the community, Jonas is selected to be the new Receiver of Memory, a prestigious and solitary position that involves inheriting the collective memories of humanity, both joyous and tragic. As he begins his training with the current Receiver, known as The Giver, Jonas is exposed to the rich tapestry of emotions, colors, and experiences that have been suppressed in his community to ensure conformity and security. Through this enlightening journey, he grapples with the profound sacrifices made for stability and discovers the importance of choice and the complex nature of human emotions. Ultimately, The Giver challenges readers to reflect on the cost of a controlled society and the value of individuality, love, and the full spectrum of life's experiences.
What is the name of the protagonist in 'The Giver'?
A) Gabriel B) Asher C) Fiona D) Jonas
- 2. What role is Jonas assigned during the Ceremony of Twelve?
A) Instructor B) Elder C) Receiver of Memory D) Nurturer
- 3. What does Jonas receive from The Giver?
A) Memories B) Food C) Power D) Gifts
- 4. What is the significance of the color red in the story?
A) It means love B) It represents emotions and choices C) It signifies danger D) It denotes power
- 5. What is the main theme of 'The Giver'?
A) War B) Friendship C) Technology D) The importance of memory
- 6. What does Jonas learn about emotions?
A) They should be suppressed B) They are unimportant C) They are essential to humanity D) They are dangerous
- 7. What do the community members lack due to Sameness?
A) Food and shelter B) Health and security C) Knowledge and wisdom D) Choices and emotions
- 8. What color can Jonas see that others cannot?
A) Green B) Blue C) Red D) Yellow
- 9. What does Jonas feel when he first experiences true emotion?
A) Joy B) Confusion C) Anger D) Sadness
- 10. What does the term 'release' signify in the community?
A) Promotion B) Graduation C) Exile D) Euthanasia
- 11. What is the name of Jonas's best friend?
A) Fiona B) Gabriel C) Benjamin D) Asher
- 12. Who is the current Receiver of Memory before Jonas?
A) The Giver B) Jonas's father C) The Chief Elder D) Asher
- 13. What object did Jonas's community use to control the population?
A) Rituals B) Stirrings C) Assignments D) Releasing
- 14. How does Jonas feel about the concept of 'release' after he learns the truth?
A) Horrified B) Envious C) Proud D) Indifferent
- 15. What form of transportation does Jonas use to escape?
A) Bicycle B) Bus C) Car D) Horse