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Largest freshwater lake in the world - Lake Baikal
Contributed by: Mistry
  • 1. Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume, containing roughly 20% of the unfrozen surface fresh water on the planet. Located in southern Siberia, Russia, it is also the world's deepest and oldest freshwater lake, with a maximum depth of over 5,300 feet and an estimated age of 25 million years. Baikal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, unique and diverse ecosystem, and breathtaking natural beauty. The lake is home to thousands of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. Its stunning blue color, pristine environment, and cultural significance make Lake Baikal a natural wonder and a precious resource that must be protected for future generations.

    Which is the deepest point of Lake Baikal?
A) 900 meters
B) 2,000 meters
C) 1,200 meters
D) 1,642 meters
  • 2. Lake Baikal contains about _____ of the world's unfrozen fresh water supply.
A) 10%
B) 30%
C) 20%
D) 40%
  • 3. Which species of seal is found only in Lake Baikal?
A) Harbor seal
B) Leopard seal
C) Baikal seal
D) Weddell seal
  • 4. What is the primary outflow of Lake Baikal?
A) Lena River
B) Amur River
C) Yenisei River
D) Angara River
  • 5. Lake Baikal is estimated to be around _____ years old.
A) 50 million
B) 10 million
C) 25 million
D) 75 million
  • 6. Which is the largest freshwater lake in terms of volume?
A) Lake Baikal
B) Lake Victoria
C) Lake Michigan
D) Lake Superior
  • 7. Lake Baikal is also known as the 'Galapagos of _____'.
A) Russia
B) Siberia
C) Europe
D) Asia
  • 8. Which mountain range lies to the west of Lake Baikal?
A) Ural Mountains
B) Sayan Mountains
C) Caucasus Mountains
D) Altai Mountains
  • 9. Which type of rock dominates the shores of Lake Baikal?
A) Sandstone
B) Granite
C) Shale
D) Limestone
  • 10. What is the name of the world's deepest and oldest fresh water body above sea level located in Antarctica?
A) Lake Tahoe
B) Great Slave Lake
C) Caspian Sea
D) Lake Vostok
  • 11. Which island in Lake Baikal is considered the largest in the lake?
A) Bolshoy Ushkany Island
B) Ushkany Island
C) Olkhon Island
D) Kharlov Island
  • 12. Which famous Russian writer once compared Lake Baikal to a 'giant mirror'?
A) Leo Tolstoy
B) Fyodor Dostoevsky
C) Anton Chekhov
D) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • 13. What is the name of the largest tributary of Lake Baikal?
A) Angara River
B) Lena River
C) Yenisei River
D) Selenga River
  • 14. In which year was Lake Baikal declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
A) 1980
B) 1972
C) 1996
D) 2005
  • 15. Which continent is Lake Baikal located in?
A) Asia
B) Europe
C) Africa
D) North America
  • 16. What is the approximate length of Lake Baikal?
A) 1,000 kilometers
B) 800 kilometers
C) 400 kilometers
D) 636 kilometers
  • 17. Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world by which measure?
A) Surface area
B) Length
C) Volume
D) Depth
  • 18. What is the main city near Lake Baikal?
A) St. Petersburg
B) Irkutsk
C) Moscow
D) Vladivostok
  • 19. What is the main fish species found in Lake Baikal?
A) Tuna
B) Omul
C) Cod
D) Salmon
  • 20. Lake Baikal is known for hosting the world's deepest underwater freshwater ecosystem, which is called what?
A) Tidal zone
B) Abyssal zone
C) Surface zone
D) Thermocline
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