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Celtic studies
Contributed by: Burrows
  • 1. Celtic studies is an interdisciplinary field focusing on the languages, literatures, history, and culture of the Celtic-speaking peoples of Western Europe. It encompasses the study of the six modern Celtic languages - Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Manx, Welsh, Cornish, and Breton - as well as the ancient Celtic languages such as Old Irish, Old Welsh, and Gaulish. Scholars in Celtic studies explore a wide range of topics, including mythology, folklore, art, archaeology, and the impact of Celtic societies on the broader cultural landscape of Europe. The field is characterized by a deep appreciation for the rich heritage of the Celtic peoples and a commitment to preserving and understanding their traditions in a modern context.

    Which language family do Celtic languages belong to?
A) Uralic
B) Indo-European
C) Dravidian
D) Afro-Asiatic
  • 2. What is the capital city of Ireland?
A) Cork
B) Belfast
C) Galway
D) Dublin
  • 3. What is the traditional musical instrument of Wales?
A) Fiddle
B) Bagpipes
C) Harp
D) Accordion
  • 4. Who wrote the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table?
A) Leo Tolstoy
B) Geoffrey of Monmouth
C) Jane Austen
D) William Shakespeare
  • 5. Which festival is celebrated in Ireland on March 17th?
A) Halloween
B) Easter
C) St. Patrick's Day
D) Christmas
  • 6. What is the traditional Celtic symbol representing the unity of all things?
A) Triskele
B) Crescent Moon
C) Cross
D) Star of David
  • 7. Which mythical creature is often associated with Celtic folklore?
A) Dragon
B) Phoenix
C) Leprechaun
D) Mermaid
  • 8. Who is considered the primary deity in Celtic mythology?
A) Ra
B) Odin
C) Lugh
D) Zeus
  • 9. Which ancient Celtic celebration marks the halfway point between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice?
A) Lughnasadh
B) Beltane
C) Imbolc
D) Samhain
  • 10. What is the name of the famous illuminated manuscript created by Celtic monks around 800 AD in Ireland?
A) Magnus Liber
B) Codex Gigas
C) Dead Sea Scrolls
D) Book of Kells
  • 11. Which Celtic god is associated with the wilderness and hunting?
A) Thor
B) Cernunnos
C) Apollo
D) Anubis
  • 12. What type of prehistoric monument is Newgrange in Ireland?
A) Henge
B) Mound
C) Passage tomb
D) Stone circle
  • 13. Which famous Irish author wrote the novel 'Dracula'?
A) Bram Stoker
B) George Bernard Shaw
C) James Joyce
D) Oscar Wilde
  • 14. Which Celtic festival celebrates the arrival of spring and the fertility of the land?
A) Lammas
B) Midsummer
C) Yule
D) Beltane
  • 15. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
A) Rose
B) Shamrock
C) Thistle
D) Daffodil
  • 16. Which Celtic festival marks the beginning of the harvest season and is associated with games and competitions?
A) Mabon
B) Yule
C) Samhain
D) Lughnasadh
  • 17. Which famous Scottish bard wrote 'Auld Lang Syne'?
A) Walter Scott
B) Robert Louis Stevenson
C) Robert Burns
D) J.K. Rowling
  • 18. Where did the Celts originate from?
A) Scandinavia
B) Middle East
C) Central Europe
D) Asia
  • 19. Which ancient Celtic tribe famously sacked Rome in 390 BC?
A) Senones
B) Gauls
C) Iceni
D) Celtiberians
  • 20. What is the name of the ancient Celtic language still spoken in parts of Scotland?
A) Cornish
B) Gaelic
C) Welsh
D) Breton
  • 21. Which Roman author wrote about the Celtic druids in his works?
A) Julius Caesar
B) Tacitus
C) Pliny the Elder
D) Ovid
  • 22. In Celtic mythology, who is the god of the sea and storms?
A) Mannanan mac Lir
B) Brigid
C) Lir
D) Dagda
  • 23. Which famous archaeological site in England features a collection of standing stones arranged in a circle?
A) Avebury
B) Callanish
C) Newgrange
D) Stonehenge
  • 24. What is the name of the famous Celtic epic concerning the hero Cu Chulainn?
A) The Mabinogion
B) Táin Bó Cúailnge
C) Fenian Cycle
D) Lebor Gabála Érenn
  • 25. Which Celtic festival marks the beginning of spring and is associated with Brigid?
A) Samhain
B) Beltane
C) Imbolc
D) Lunasa
  • 26. Which Welsh poet is considered one of the greatest figures in Welsh literature?
A) Aneirin
B) Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd
C) Dafydd ap Gwilym
D) Taliesin
  • 27. Who was the legendary king of the Britons and leader against the Saxons?
A) Aedan mac Gabhran
B) Llywelyn the Great
C) Cynan Dindaethwy
D) Arthur
  • 28. In Celtic folklore, what supernatural creature is said to dwell in lakes and is associated with misfortune?
A) Kelpie
B) Redcap
C) Selkie
D) Bean Sidhe
  • 29. What is the national flower of Ireland?
A) Shamrock
B) Rose
C) Tulip
D) Daffodil
  • 30. Which Irish saint is known for converting Ireland to Christianity?
A) Saint Columba
B) Saint Brigid
C) Saint Brendan
D) Saint Patrick
  • 31. In Celtic folklore, what creatures are associated with the Otherworld?
A) Giants
B) Vampires
C) Fairies
D) Dragons
  • 32. Which Celtic goddess is associated with healing, fertility, and sovereignty?
A) Rhiannon
B) Morrigan
C) Brigid
D) Danu
  • 33. What is the name of the Welsh national epic about King Arthur and his knights?
A) Lebor Gabála Érenn
B) The Táin
C) Mabinogion
D) Deirdre of the Sorrows
  • 34. What is the traditional Celtic alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey?
A) Mead
B) Gin
C) Rum
D) Whiskey
  • 35. What is the primary language of instruction in traditional Irish bardic schools?
A) English
B) Modern Irish
C) Middle Irish
D) Old Irish
  • 36. Which legendary forest is associated with Celtic mythology?
A) Black Forest
B) Trollheim
C) Sherwood
D) Brocéliande
  • 37. What is the term for a type of ancient round house used by the Celts?
A) Cairn
B) Broch
C) Rath
D) Crannog
  • 38. Who is the father of the Celtic sun god Lugh?
A) Dagda
B) Brigid
C) Morrigan
D) Cian
  • 39. What is the traditional woven cloth used in Celtic art and clothing?
A) Batik
B) Ikat
C) Tartan
D) Shibori
  • 40. Which legendary creature is said to inhabit the Scottish Highlands?
A) Bigfoot
B) Chimera
C) Loch Ness Monster
D) Phoenix
  • 41. What is the name of the Irish warrior queen who fought against the Romans in the 1st century AD?
A) Maeve
B) Boudicca
C) Boadicea
D) Gwenhwyfar
  • 42. What is the name for the traditional Scottish musical instrument with bags of air?
A) Fiddle
B) Bodhrán
C) Harp
D) Bagpipes
  • 43. Who were the ancient people known for their connection to Celtic culture?
A) The Vikings
B) The Romans
C) The Greeks
D) The Celts
  • 44. Where is the Celtic heritage most prominently preserved today?
A) Ireland
B) Italy
C) China
D) Brazil
  • 45. Which spiritual belief system is often associated with Celtic traditions?
A) Hinduism
B) Shinto
C) Druidism
D) Judaism
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