- 1. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design is the process of creating integrated circuits (ICs) with millions of transistors and electronic components on a single silicon chip. VLSI design involves various stages such as design specification, logic design, circuit design, physical design, and testing. Engineers use specialized software tools to design and simulate the ICs before sending them for fabrication. VLSI design plays a crucial role in the development of modern electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and IoT devices, enabling higher performance, lower power consumption, and smaller form factors.
What does VLSI stand for?
A) Very Large Scale Integration B) Volatile Logic System Interface C) Voltage Level Sensor Integration D) Very Low Signal Improvement
- 2. Which technology is commonly used in VLSI design?
- 3. Which stage comes first in the VLSI design flow?
A) Layout B) Specification C) Synthesis D) Verification
- 4. What is STA in VLSI design?
A) Static Timing Analysis B) Standard Test Application C) System Test Automation D) Synthesis Tool Algorithm
- 5. Which technology is used for deep submicron VLSI designs?
A) FinFET B) GaAs FET C) Bipolar Junction Transistor D) JFET
- 6. What does parasitic extraction involve in VLSI design?
A) Ensuring clock distribution B) Generating power reports C) Modeling interconnect effects in the layout D) RTL synthesis optimization
- 7. How is technology scaling beneficial in VLSI design?
A) Improves performance and reduces power consumption B) Increases cost and complexity C) Worsens signal integrity D) Reduces design flexibility
- 8. What does DFT stand for in VLSI design?
A) Design for Testability B) Debugging Functional Tests C) Digital Filter Technique D) Delay Fault Testing