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AIC JS 2 Science 3rd C.A for 2nd Term
Contributed by: College
  • 1. ___________ is any of several devices with few or no moving parts that are used to modify motion in order to perform work.
A) Force
B) Work done
C) Friction
D) Simple machine
  • 2. One of these is not a type of simple machine.
A) Pestle
B) Lever
C) Screw
D) The pulley
  • 3. _______________ is a wheel that carries a flexible rope, cord, cable, chain or belt on its rim.
A) Screw
B) Lever
C) Pulley
D) Wedge
  • 4. Which of these is not a type of maintenance of machine?
A) Preventive maintenance
B) Productive maintenance
C) Reactive maintenance
D) Predictive maintenance
  • 5. When you throw a ball up into the air, it returns to you because of the Earth's ____________
A) Weight
B) Mass
C) Force
D) Gravity
  • 6. The rate of change of velocity of a body falling freely toward the earth is called__________
A) Mechanical energy
B) Kinetic energy
C) Potential energy
D) Acceleration due to gravity
  • 7. ______________ is a form of energy generated by vibrating system
A) Sound
B) Drum
C) Hearing
D) Tone
  • 8. Which of these is not a property of wave?
A) Wavelength
B) Velocity
C) Cycle
D) Frequency
  • 9. A circuit is said to be ___________________ if the source of the electricity is not connected to any external conductor.
A) Series
B) Open
C) Short
D) Close
  • 10. Which of these is not a type of electric circuit
A) Open circuit
B) Long circuit
C) Closed circuit
D) Short circuit
  • 11. One egg is released every month and travel down a very narrow tube called --------
A) Cervix
B) Womb
C) Oviduct
D) Uterus
  • 12. The sperm cells are suspended in a liquid called
A) Fallopian tube
B) Vas deference
C) Scrotum
D) Seminal fluid
  • 13. The union of a sperm with an ovum is called ----------
A) Gametes
B) Zygote
C) Gestation period
D) Fertilisation
  • 14. Vertebrates have skeletons inside their body called -------
A) Cartilage
B) Tendons
C) Bones
D) Endoskeletons
  • 15. Immovable joints of the skull are called --------
A) Suture
B) Ligaments
C) False ribs
D) Craniale
  • 16. The knee cap is called --------
A) Tarsals
B) Fibula
C) Condyles
D) Patella
  • 17. ---------- joints allows movement in one plane or direction only .
A) Pivot joint
B) Gliding joint
C) Ball and socket
D) Hinge joint
  • 18. One of the following is not a type of movable joint.
A) Coccyx joint
B) Ball and socket joint
C) Hinge
D) Pivot
  • 19. The longest bone in the body is known as -------------
A) Femur
B) Tibia/fibula
C) Ulna/radius
D) Humerus
  • 20. There are -------- bones in human body.
A) 300
B) 307
C) 206
D) 150
  • 21. One of the following is not a radioactive element.
A) Coral-66
B) Sulphur -35
C) Cobalt-60
D) Uranium -325
  • 22. The following are electromagnetic radiations except ---------
A) Omega
B) Gamma
C) Alpha
D) Beta
  • 23. One of the following electromagnetic radiations causes cancer and genetic mutation is-------
A) Beta
B) Alpha
C) Gamma
D) Omega
  • 24. The radioactive element used is agriculture is -----
A) Cobalt 60
B) Carbon 14
C) Calcium 45
D) Uranium 325
  • 25. Oxygen is produced in the laboratory by thermal decomposition of one of the following.
A) Calcium tetraoxochlorate (v)
B) Potassium tetraoxochlorate (v)
C) Calcium trioxochlorate (v)
D) Potassium trioxochlorate (v)
  • 26. Oxygen is the first element in ----------
A) Group IV
B) Group VI
C) Group VII
D) Group V
  • 27. Oxygen in a free state constitutes about ------------ by volume of the atmospheric air.
A) 55%
B) 21%
C) 78%
D) 1%
  • 28. Oxygen in a free state constitutes about ------------ by mass of earth's crust, the oceans and the air.
A) 0.03%
B) 78%
C) 21%
D) 55%
  • 29. One of the following is not a use of oxygen.
A) Liquefies at 183°c
B) Slightly soluble in water
C) Neutral to litmus
D) Density is about same as that of air
  • 30. One of the following is not a reason for skill acquisition
A) Self employment and fulfilment
B) Job opportunities
C) For training and practices
D) To remain afloat in a competitive economy
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