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Prehistoric archaeology
Contributed by: Burrows
  • 1. Prehistoric archaeology is the study of the human past before recorded history, utilizing archaeological methods to uncover artifacts and remains left behind by ancient civilizations. By analyzing these objects, structures, and sites, prehistoric archaeologists seek to reconstruct the ways of life, social structures, technologies, and beliefs of early human societies. This field of study provides valuable insights into the origins and development of human culture, offering a window into a time when written records did not yet exist, helping us understand the diverse and complex ways in which our ancestors lived and adapted to their environments.

    Which tools are typically used in prehistoric archaeological excavations?
A) Hammers and nails
B) Screwdrivers and pliers
C) Trowels and brushes
D) Chainsaws and drills
  • 2. What is a common method for dating prehistoric artifacts?
A) Magic crystal readings
B) Social media analysis
C) Radiocarbon dating
D) Video game simulation
  • 3. What is a megalith in prehistoric archaeology?
A) A piece of ancient pottery
B) A type of extinct mammal
C) A mythical creature
D) A large stone used in construction
  • 4. What is a common form of prehistoric art found in many sites?
A) Digital animations
B) Cave paintings
C) Graffiti
D) Sculptures
  • 5. What do prehistoric burial sites provide insights into?
A) Fashion trends
B) Modern sports achievements
C) Ancient burial practices and beliefs
D) Climate change predictions
  • 6. In terms of prehistoric archaeology, what is petroglyph?
A) Rock carving
B) Underground cave
C) Fossilized tree
D) Ancient pet
  • 7. What do prehistoric grindstones indicate about ancient societies?
A) Network security measures
B) Fashionable jewelry trends
C) Advanced space technology
D) Domestic food processing activities
  • 8. What is a causewayed enclosure in prehistoric archaeology?
A) A medieval fortress
B) An ancient sports arena
C) A type of Neolithic ceremonial site
D) A modern amusement park
  • 9. What is a quern in prehistoric archaeology?
A) A type of ancient computer
B) A stone tool for grinding grains
C) A ceremonial headdress
D) A prehistoric musical instrument
  • 10. What is the term for the earliest stone tools made by hominids?
A) Acheulean
B) Levallois
C) Mousterian
D) Oldowan
  • 11. Where is Göbekli Tepe, one of the oldest known religious structures, located?
A) Egypt
B) Turkey
C) Jordan
D) Greece
  • 12. What is the name of the ancient city buried by a volcanic eruption on the coast of modern-day Italy?
A) Pompeii
B) Ephesus
C) Troy
D) Athens
  • 13. In which continent are the oldest known stone tools found?
A) Asia
B) Australia
C) Europe
D) Africa
  • 14. What is the name of the famous prehistoric monument in England that aligns with the sunrise on the summer solstice?
A) Stonehenge
B) Avebury
C) Newgrange
D) Carnac Stones
  • 15. Where is the Lascaux Cave located, famous for its Paleolithic cave paintings?
A) Spain
B) Germany
C) Italy
D) France
  • 16. Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings?
A) Flinders Petrie
B) Howard Carter
C) Augustus Pitt-Rivers
D) Heinrich Schliemann
  • 17. What is the term for the study of human fossils and their evolutionary history?
A) Bioarchaeology
B) Ethnoarchaeology
C) Paleoanthropology
D) Zooarchaeology
  • 18. What is the term for an ancient plant or animal preserved in rock?
A) Cairn
B) Artifact
C) Fossil
D) Ziggurat
  • 19. Which era is known for the use of copper alongside stone tools?
A) Bronze Age
B) Chalcolithic
C) Iron Age
D) Neolithic
  • 20. What is the name of the famous prehistoric cave complex in Spain with stunning Paleolithic art?
A) Alta Mira
B) Altamira
C) Lascaux
D) Chauvet
  • 21. Where is the ancient site of Skara Brae located, known for its well-preserved Neolithic village?
A) Scotland
B) Ireland
C) Norway
D) Denmark
  • 22. When did the Paleolithic period begin?
A) 10,000 years ago
B) 1 million years ago
C) 500,000 years ago
D) 2.6 million years ago
  • 23. Which prehistoric site in France is famous for its cave paintings?
A) Chauvet Cave
B) Lascaux
C) Stonehenge
D) Catalhoyuk
  • 24. What is the term for the movement of people from one region to another over time?
A) Displacement
B) Nomadism
C) Settlement
D) Migration
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