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Contributed by: Foster
  • 1. What are the Upanishads?
A) Political documents
B) Historical records
C) Poems about nature
D) Texts that discuss the nature of reality
  • 2. How many Upanishads are there?
A) 108
B) 25
C) 50
D) 200
  • 3. Which Veda are the Upanishads associated with?
A) Mahabharata
B) Ramayana
C) Vedas
D) Bhagavad Gita
  • 4. Who is considered the authority on the Upanishads?
A) Adi Shankaracharya
B) Gautama Buddha
C) Confucius
D) Aristotle
  • 5. Which language are most Upanishads written in?
A) Sanskrit
B) Latin
C) Arabic
D) Chinese
  • 6. Which Upanishad contains the famous phrase 'tat tvam asi' (That thou art)?
A) Katha Upanishad
B) Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
C) Mundaka Upanishad
D) Chandogya Upanishad
  • 7. Which sage is considered the primary teacher in the Upanishads?
A) Vishnu
B) Yajnavalkya
C) Shiva
D) Gautama
  • 8. What is the essence of the Upanishadic teachings?
A) Exploring outer space
B) Realizing the unity of the individual soul (Atman) with the universal soul (Brahman)
C) Creating inventions
D) Collecting material wealth
  • 9. Which concept is central to the Upanishads?
A) Karma
B) Maya
C) Brahman
D) Dharma
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