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Marine biology
Contributed by: Barron
  • 1. Marine biology is the scientific study of marine organisms and their behaviors, habitats, interactions, and ecosystems. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including marine ecology, oceanography, zoology, botany, and conservation biology. Marine biologists explore the diverse and dynamic marine environment to better understand the incredible diversity of life in the oceans and seas. Their research helps to inform conservation efforts, manage marine resources sustainably, and address pressing issues such as climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Through their work, marine biologists contribute to our understanding of the interconnectedness of life on Earth and the importance of protecting and preserving marine ecosystems.

    What is the largest mammal in the ocean?
A) Dolphin
B) Blue whale
C) Orca
D) Humpback whale
  • 2. Which of the following is the largest coral reef system in the world?
A) Red Sea Coral Reef
B) Hawaii Coral Reef
C) Great Barrier Reef
D) Belize Barrier Reef
  • 3. What is the process by which marine plants and algae convert sunlight into energy?
A) Respiration
B) Fermentation
C) Decomposition
D) Photosynthesis
  • 4. What is the study of marine organisms called?
A) Oceanography
B) Marine geology
C) Aquaculture
D) Marine biology
  • 5. Which marine creature is known for its ability to change color for camouflage?
A) Clownfish
B) Seahorse
C) Octopus
D) Starfish
  • 6. What type of shark is known for its distinctive hammer-shaped head?
A) Hammerhead shark
B) Great white shark
C) Tiger shark
D) Bull shark
  • 7. What type of marine animal is a sea anemone?
A) Crustacean
B) Echinoderm
C) Mollusk
D) Cnidarian
  • 8. Which marine reptile is known for its long lifespan and slow metabolism?
A) Saltwater crocodile
B) Sea snake
C) Sea turtle
D) Marine iguana
  • 9. What is the process by which marine animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide?
A) Respiration
B) Digestion
C) Photosynthesis
D) Excretion
  • 10. Which marine invertebrate is known for its radial symmetry and stinging tentacles?
A) Jellyfish
B) Sponge
C) Sea urchin
D) Corals
  • 11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of bony fish?
A) Scales
B) Operculum
C) Cartilaginous skeleton
D) Swim bladder
  • 12. What is the term for the marine communication method using sound waves?
A) Echolocation
B) Satellite tracking
C) Radar
D) Sonar
  • 13. What is the name of the symbiotic relationship between a clownfish and a sea anemone?
A) Predation
B) Mutualism
C) Commensalism
D) Parasitism
  • 14. Which marine mammal is known for its long migrations between breeding and feeding grounds?
A) Humpback whale
B) Manatee
C) Walrus
D) Seal
  • 15. What is the term for the area where a river meets the sea?
A) Atoll
B) Mangrove swamp
C) Lagoon
D) Estuary
  • 16. Which marine fish is known for its electric shock abilities?
A) Angelfish
B) Clownfish
C) Electric eel
D) Seahorse
  • 17. What is the process by which marine animals reproduce asexually by splitting into two?
A) Spawning
B) Fission
C) Budding
D) Fertilization
  • 18. What is the term for the shifting of ocean water masses based on temperature and salinity differences?
A) Thermohaline circulation
B) Ocean upwelling
C) Tidal forces
D) Coral bleaching
  • 19. What is the name for microscopic marine organisms that form the base of the ocean food chain?
A) Sea cucumbers
B) Phytoplankton
C) Zooplankton
D) Kelp
  • 20. What is the name for the tides with the greatest difference in high and low tide heights?
A) Spring tides
B) Tidal bores
C) Neap tides
D) King tides
  • 21. Which marine organism is known for its ability to regenerate lost body parts?
A) Jellyfish
B) Sea cucumber
C) Starfish
D) Seahorse
  • 22. What is the term for the area where the ocean meets the land?
A) Abyssal zone
B) Pelagic zone
C) Intertidal zone
D) Hadal zone
  • 23. What is the term for the process by which marine organisms break down dead organic matter?
A) Respiration
B) Decomposition
C) Photosynthesis
D) Fermentation
  • 24. What is the name for the phenomenon of sudden and large release of energy in the Earth's crust that can generate tsunamis?
A) Hurricane
B) Earthquake
C) Volcano eruption
D) Landslide
  • 25. What is the term for the process by which marine ecosystems are harmed by excessive nutrients leading to algal blooms and oxygen depletion?
A) Climate change
B) Ocean acidification
C) Marine pollution
D) Eutrophication
  • 26. Which marine organism is known for producing pearls?
A) Oyster
B) Jellyfish
C) Dolphin
D) Sea urchin
  • 27. What is the term for the climatic event characterized by warming of ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean?
A) La Niña
B) North Atlantic Oscillation
C) Indian Ocean Dipole
D) El Niño
  • 28. What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans?
A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 71%
D) 90%
  • 29. Which marine mammal is known for its long tusks?
A) Walrus
B) Dolphin
C) Sea lion
D) Manatee
  • 30. What is the deepest part of the ocean called?
A) Mid-Atlantic Ridge
B) Galapagos Rift
C) Mariana Trench
D) Great Barrier Reef
  • 31. What is the name for the reproductive cells produced by most marine organisms?
A) Zygotes
B) Gametes
C) Larvae
D) Embryos
  • 32. What is the process by which marine organisms rid their bodies of excess salt called?
A) Hydration
B) Salination
C) Osmoregulation
D) Desalination
  • 33. What is the process of photosynthesis in marine plants called?
A) Respiration
B) Pollination
C) Primary production
D) Germination
  • 34. What are the tiny marine crustaceans that are important food sources for many marine species?
A) Krill
B) Oysters
C) Mussels
D) Clams
  • 35. What is the study of the physical and chemical properties of seawater called?
A) Geology
B) Oceanography
C) Ecology
D) Meteorology
  • 36. Which marine mammal is known for its playful behavior and acrobatic leaps out of the water?
A) Dolphin
B) Manatee
C) Whale
D) Seal
  • 37. What are the underwater ecosystems with high biodiversity and productivity called?
A) Mangroves
B) Estuaries
C) Coral reefs
D) Seagrass beds
  • 38. Which fish species migrates upstream from the ocean to spawn in freshwater rivers?
A) Barracuda
B) Mackerel
C) Salmon
D) Tuna
  • 39. What is the reproductive strategy where marine organisms release eggs and sperm into the water column called?
A) Internal fertilization
B) Viviparity
C) Broadcast spawning
D) Ovoviviparity
  • 40. Which marine mammal is known as the 'unicorns of the sea' due to their long tusk?
A) Narwhal
B) Seal
C) Beluga whale
D) Orca
  • 41. What is the study of microscopic marine organisms like bacteria and phytoplankton called?
A) Marine parasitology
B) Aquatic microbiology
C) Microbial oceanography
D) Biogeochemistry
  • 42. What are the ocean creatures that drift with the ocean currents called?
A) Plankton
B) Benthos
C) Nekton
D) Neuston
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