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Contributed by: Skelton
  • 1. Histopathology is a branch of pathology that involves the examination of tissues and cells under a microscope to study the changes or abnormalities in their structure. It plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, infections, and inflammatory conditions. By analyzing tissue samples, pathologists can provide valuable insights into the nature and extent of diseases, which helps in determining the appropriate treatment strategies. Histopathology also serves an essential role in research, contributing to our understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies.

    Which of the following stains is commonly used to visualize collagen fibers in histopathology?
A) Giemsa
B) Masson's trichrome
C) Papanicolaou
D) Hematoxylin
  • 2. Which of the following stains is commonly used to identify amyloid deposits in tissues?
A) Congo red
B) Toluidine blue
C) Periodic acid-Schiff
D) Wright's stain
  • 3. Which type of tissue stain would be most appropriate to visualize muscle fibers?
A) Silver stain
B) Papanicolaou stain
C) Wright's stain
D) Trichrome stain
  • 4. What is the term for the death of cells or tissues while they are still part of the living organism?
A) Necrosis
B) Inflammation
C) Apoptosis
D) Metastasis
  • 5. Which of the following stains is commonly used to visualize reticular fibers in histopathology?
A) Silver stain
B) Alcian blue
C) Wright's stain
D) Giemsa stain
  • 6. What type of biopsy involves the removal of a small piece of tissue for examination?
A) Excisional biopsy
B) Punch biopsy
C) Incisional biopsy
D) Needle biopsy
  • 7. What is the term for an abnormal mass of tissue that grows more rapidly than the surrounding normal tissue?
A) Neoplasm
B) Metaplasia
C) Hyperplasia
D) Hypertrophy
  • 8. Which of the following stains is commonly used to highlight lipids in tissue sections?
A) Oil Red O
B) Papanicolaou
C) Alcian blue
D) Wright's stain
  • 9. Which type of tissue stain would be most appropriate for highlighting acid-fast bacteria?
A) Hematoxylin and eosin stain
B) Congo red stain
C) Ziehl-Neelsen stain
D) Periodic acid-Schiff stain
  • 10. What is the term for the programmed cell death that occurs as part of normal growth and development?
A) Infiltration
B) Metaplasia
C) Apoptosis
D) Necrosis
  • 11. What is histopathology?
A) The study of viruses
B) The study of bacteria
C) The study of diseases in tissues
D) The study of DNA mutations
  • 12. Which staining technique is commonly used in histopathology to distinguish between different structures in tissues?
A) Toluidine blue staining
B) Wright staining
C) Hematoxylin and eosin staining
D) Giemsa staining
  • 13. What is a biopsy?
A) An X-ray scan
B) A urine sample
C) A sample of tissue taken for examination
D) A blood test
  • 14. What is the purpose of frozen section histopathology?
A) To provide rapid intraoperative diagnosis
B) To analyze DNA mutations
C) To prepare samples for electron microscopy
D) To study tissues over long periods
  • 15. Which type of microscope is commonly used in histopathology?
A) Light microscope
B) Fluorescence microscope
C) Electron microscope
D) Confocal microscope
  • 16. What is a histological section?
A) A section of the cytoplasm
B) A thin slice of tissue for microscopic examination
C) A section of the cell membrane
D) A section of the cell nucleus
  • 17. Which type of tissue sample is obtained using a punch biopsy?
A) Kidney
B) Liver
C) Skin
D) Lung
  • 18. What is the purpose of an autopsy in histopathology?
A) To perform surgery
B) To determine the cause of death
C) To diagnose allergies
D) To study live tissue
  • 19. Which organelle is stained blue with hematoxylin stain in histopathology?
A) Endoplasmic reticulum
B) Mitochondria
C) Golgi apparatus
D) Nucleus
  • 20. Which of the following is NOT a common component of a routine histopathology examination?
A) Electron microscopy
B) Sectioning
C) Embedding
D) Fixation
  • 21. What is the function of a microtome in histopathology?
A) To study DNA mutations
B) To cut thin sections of tissue for examination
C) To fix tissue samples
D) To stain tissues
  • 22. Which stain is used to visualize mast cells in tissues?
A) Wright stain
B) Hematoxylin and eosin stain
C) Toluidine blue
D) Gram stain
  • 23. Which of the following is a common pitfall in interpreting histopathology slides?
A) Overinterpretation
B) Underinterpretation
C) Proper interpretation
D) Clear interpretation
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