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Modern philosophy
Contributed by: Leigh
  • 1. Modern philosophy is a rich and complex intellectual tradition that emerged in the 17th century and continues to influence our understanding of the world today. It is characterized by a focus on reason, skepticism, and the search for truth through logic and critical thinking. Modern philosophers have explored a wide range of topics, including metaphysics, ethics, politics, epistemology, and aesthetics. Some of the key figures in modern philosophy include Descartes, Hume, Kant, and Nietzsche, each of whom made significant contributions to the field. Overall, modern philosophy challenges us to question our assumptions, think deeply about the nature of reality, and strive for a more coherent and meaningful understanding of the universe.

    Which philosopher is known for the concept of the 'categorical imperative'?
A) Nietzsche
B) Plato
C) Locke
D) Kant
  • 2. Who wrote 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'?
A) Hobbes
B) Nietzsche
C) Wittgenstein
D) Sartre
  • 3. Who is known for the theory of 'tabula rasa'?
A) Locke
B) Marx
C) Descartes
D) Leibniz
  • 4. Which philosopher is known for his concept of the 'noble savage'?
A) Locke
B) Bentham
C) Kant
D) Rousseau
  • 5. Which philosopher is associated with the concept of 'existentialism'?
A) Rawls
B) Locke
C) Sartre
D) Hume
  • 6. Which philosopher believed in the concept of the 'ideal state'?
A) Plato
B) Hobbes
C) Marx
D) Rousseau
  • 7. Which philosopher is associated with the concept of 'materialism'?
A) Wittgenstein
B) Kant
C) Hume
D) Marx
  • 8. Who proposed the idea of 'invisible hand' in economics?
A) Smith
B) Keynes
C) Foucault
D) Marx
  • 9. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'philosophical investigations'?
A) Wittgenstein
B) Descartes
C) Sartre
D) Kant
  • 10. Which philosopher is associated with the idea of 'panopticism'?
A) Nietzsche
B) Hegel
C) Rawls
D) Foucault
  • 11. Who is known for the concept of 'phenomenology'?
A) Rousseau
B) Descartes
C) Locke
D) Husserl
  • 12. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'deconstruction'?
A) Sartre
B) Hegel
C) Derrida
D) Kant
  • 13. Who proposed 'the principle of sufficient reason'?
A) Descartes
B) Plato
C) Leibniz
D) Kant
  • 14. Who is associated with the idea of 'dasein' in existentialism?
A) Wittgenstein
B) Heidegger
C) Sartre
D) Hume
  • 15. Which philosophical work by Descartes begins with the famous phrase 'I think, therefore I am'?
A) Critique of Pure Reason
B) Discourse on the Method
C) Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
D) Meditations on First Philosophy
  • 16. Who wrote 'Simulacra and Simulation', exploring the nature of reality and hyperreality?
A) Jean Baudrillard
B) Michel Foucault
C) Jacques Derrida
D) Gilles Deleuze
  • 17. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'death of the author'?
A) Roland Barthes
B) Julia Kristeva
C) Jacques Lacan
D) Maurice Merleau-Ponty
  • 18. Which philosopher is known for the concept of 'existential dread'?
A) Gustav Fechner
B) Jürgen Habermas
C) Ludwig Wittgenstein
D) Søren Kierkegaard
  • 19. Who introduced the idea of 'fluid self' and 'unbounded self' in psychology?
A) William James
B) Carl Jung
C) Sigmund Freud
D) Ivan Pavlov
  • 20. Who is associated with the idea of a 'philosophy of dialogue'?
A) Paul Ricoeur
B) Hannah Arendt
C) Emmanuel Lévinas
D) Martin Buber
  • 21. Which philosopher is known for asserting 'Homo homini lupus' (Man is a wolf to man)?
A) Friedrich Nietzsche
B) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
C) Arthur Schopenhauer
D) Thomas Hobbes
  • 22. Which philosophical movement focused on the power of reason and rational thought?
A) Rationalism
B) Pragmatism
C) Empiricism
D) Existentialism
  • 23. Who was a key figure in the development of utilitarianism?
A) Søren Kierkegaard
B) Michel Foucault
C) Jeremy Bentham
D) Karl Marx
  • 24. Which philosophical movement emphasizes the importance of human experience and the role of culture in shaping it?
A) Deconstruction
B) Structuralism
C) Absurdism
D) Phenomenology
  • 25. What term is used to describe the belief that only experiences that can be observed and measured are valid sources of knowledge?
A) Skepticism
B) Solipsism
C) Idealism
D) Empiricism
  • 26. What concept in modern philosophy posits that reality is ultimately mental or constructed by the mind?
A) Existentialism
B) Skepticism
C) Materialism
D) Idealism
  • 27. What is the name of the philosophical principle that states among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected?
A) Kant's categorical imperative
B) Occam's razor
C) Plato's allegory of the cave
D) Pascal's wager
  • 28. What term is used to describe the belief that ultimate reality lies beyond the realm of human perception?
A) Transcendentalism
B) Solipsism
C) Empiricism
D) Nihilism
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