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YR 5 APK 3.1
Contributed by: Watson
  • 1. The following angle is known as:
A) obtuse angle
B) reflex angle
C) acute angle
D) right angle
  • 2. The following angle is known as:
A) revolution angle
B) acute angle
C) right angle
D) obtuse angle
  • 3. The following angle is known as:
A) reflex angle
B) right angle
C) revolution angle
D) acute angle
  • 4. The following angle is known as:
A) right angle
B) obtuse angle
C) reflex angle
D) acute angle
  • 5. What is an irregular quadrilateral?
A) polygon with 5 congruent sides
B) polygon with 4 non-congruent sides
C) polygon with 3 non-congruent sides
D) polygon with 4 congruent sides
  • 6. The angles inside an irregular quadrilateral all add up to equal:
A) 360 degrees
B) 240 degrees
C) 90 degrees
D) 180 degrees
  • 7. The correct co-ordinates for point A are:
A) (-4, 4)
B) (4, 4)
C) (4, -4)
D) (-4, -4)
  • 8. The correct co-ordinates for point D are:
A) (-4, 3)
B) (-3, -4)
C) (-4, -3)
D) (3, 4)
  • 9. The following is a picture of a compass. The direction at point 1. is known as:
A) East
B) North
C) South
D) West
  • 10. The following is a picture of a compass. The direction at point 2. is known as:
A) South
B) North
C) East
D) West
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